It's official, Napoleon retires

Hi everybody, :cool: salam aleikoum

It was the time for Napoleon to think, after he converted to Islam , 'bout to quit the rap game...

I think he did the good choice, rap game showbusiness is evil ...

I was a rapper producer (I live in France), I did not make money with my art Thanks To God, and I decided to quit this world of music just at the moment I was going to be famous in this game... all my friends did not understood why i left all this chances I had, it's just coz Islam is better than all that... for your people, for the family, for the soul, for the life , the afterlife ect... Islam is better...

Napoleon did this choice since Ramadan month, he understood what music representin' in Islam now "el hamdulilah" I was waitin' for him to make this choice even I luv his music his flow his rap... he cannot be a good muslim and a good rapper at the same time...had to make THE choice!

May God guid us Amin,
Has he released his double LP entirely produced by Johny J yet?
Napo won't retire,it's bullshit,he just wants some publicity from the media...

I respect him now more than any other time.

Yong G plz tell him not to listen to ppl around him and go on with his decision may Allah make his wish come true in the next life and build for him a big place in Jana (heaven).

Also plz can you ask him what made him to suddenly take this decision coz i am trying to change my self too but it seems to be hard to do that.

Like I told cats Napoleon had generated a lot of interest through his solo recording and I think badd Lucc a member of the U.S. crew summed it up best in a topic at another forum about what happeend with Johnny J, Napoleon, the album the u.s. crew etc I will post the link below.

Also Napoleon did his farewell versce with H Ryda and we will upload that track soon. This ain't no publicity stunt he just got fed up with the politcs of the game. He will speak on it soon. Also wassup to all my people Ubaid sup fam email me when u get a chance homeboy.

Lucc you still down with Napoleon?

He's always gonna be my nigga but we're just doing different things now, ya know. He's retired and is heavy in his faith, ya feel. Im all the way into the grind of this music shit. But he's always gonna be my brother. He's a good dude, 4real. The whole "United Slave" family are good brothers........I wish that it couldve worked out, ya know. But Ima keep it funky wit you and say some shit that I have never said b4 about our(United Slaves) crew. Johnny J is part of the reason why we all kind of fell apart. Dont get me wrong, he didnt pull any cold shit or nothing, its just we didnt know the direction of anything we were doing and when we finally got shit recorded and together, he just stopped calling and we might hear from him like once every 6 months, ya feel. Telling me shit like, "we still gonna make it happen" and "Dont sign with anybody, I got stuff in the works". I'm like man c'mon. I got family to take care of. I cant wait 4 you, you dig................Its a whole "United Slave" mixtape done out there somewhere. And Im not talking about the one on the web floating around. Im talking about the one I did with them like recently. Napoleon whole album been done. Video and all. Johnny J was not telling us something man. Straight up! There is no reason why all of this shit didnt come out. Man I swear on my life I recorded like 15 songs, all original, in like a week and a half. I got a whole damn album over there right now. Ready to be mixed and mastered, ya dig. Its a whole lotta shit man. Yo, I wish i had a video interview. Its a gang of places Ive been and people Ive met and done business with, in one way or the other. Its a lot of shit I wanna say and get off my chest ya feel........ But I'll wait, my time is coming soon enough...........
Official quote from Johnny J from a recent interview with thuglifearmy

Johnny “J” – Well right now man, that was a project that was in the mix. We were trying to make something happen but the thing is you have to remember his religion; he’s a Muslim man. He’s doing his thing and I respect that. He chose to focus on that right now. The thing that matters right now to him is his religion. It’s like no rap music, no entertainment, no recording studio what so ever. So it’s like he moved on – that aside – did what he had to do, and I respect that and give him his love man and said ‘Hey do your thing. Do what you got ta do.’

ThugLifeArmy – I heard it was a double album?

Johnny “J” – It was a double CD at the time. It wasn’t planned to be a double CD. It kinda bounced back and forth, to either make it 10 cuts or 20 cuts. And I said ya know we’ll see what’s going to happen. We kinda juggled the thing around. With him dealing with his religion man, I just let him do his thing; that was the main thing that mattered. It’s like you can’t force anybody to something they don’t want to do. I’m just glad that him and me have nothing but love for each other. Nothing but respect and it’s a beautiful thing. I love him to death and I wish everything for him.

ThugLifeArmy – How close was the album to being done.

Johnny “J” – The album was complete and ready to go; ready to rock and roll. We ended up putting out a tribute concept, a tribute song what ever, to Tupac called ‘Never Forget’. And that song will stick man, till the day we die. That is something that has to stay in the mix regardless because that came from him, that came from me on the musical side, him on the lyrical side and that just had a contribution to where it made a whole lot of sense for Pac.

ThugLifeArmy – Now was that going to be on this album?

Johnny “J” – That was going to be on the album.

ThugLifeArmy – That’s the video that’s out now right?

Johnny “J” – Exactly, exactly the video and all that, that’s the video. No album what so ever is coming out with Napoleon right now. We are going ta like put the brakes on that one and just move on to other things. Develop other artists, fresh new acts that are ready to go and ready to make it happen man and speak their minds.

ThugLifeArmy – So you’re going to put that one in the vault for awhile?

Johnny “J” – Yeah pretty much dude. You gotta put it away man, put it in the vault, let it marinate a little bit. Ya never know what could happen. You never know, you can never predict what the future is going to be so let’s just kinda let it flow and let it all just fall into place man.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if napoleon's devotion to religion and god has got anything to do with feeling guilt because of what happened to yak, and how the situation was handled by napo.
he left really with no reason, with good reasoning i cud maybe say ok but no reason? i bin waiting for his album for time and so have others it might sound selfish but he's let his fans down majorly here... ive lost respect for him now.... Pz

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