Is Rap/Hip Hop feeling old to you now.

I used to get excited when a new album came out - now everything about this genre bores me. Same shit you hear everyday "Kill You Nigga, bitch i've got lots of money, etc" fuck its so fake its not even funny. They are all artists nothing else, they should shut the fuck up. I feel rap is fucked especially since its taking over. We're giving money to people who are fake, con artists and if anything criminals. Its teh same as smoking. If you smoke your giving money to companies that are fucking not just you - but society.

Also when did killing someone gain respect.... To me it is ignorant and dumb. If we didn't have this sort of rap in the world it would be a better place. Im glad napstar eventuated. It gave rise to taking money away from these faggets.

See it from a clearer picture, probally the way your parents see it. From now on im only supporting those that talk about real issues and have knowledge. It gives growth to a better future not just for you but others.

What does everyone think? Is hip hop these days fucking society?



now everything about this genre bores me.
So stop listening if it bores you so much. Stop complaining about HIPHOP, at the website 2PACboard, in the forum STREETHOP. Hip hop doesn't need nor want you.

Same shit you hear everyday "Kill You Nigga, bitch i've got lots of money, etc
I actually can't think of any current songs which have either of these topics as their general message. Please list me 5 recent tracks where the rapper is claiming that he'll "kill you nigga".

fuck its so fake its not even funny.
If a mainstream rapper does mention or talk about money in their songs, how is it fake if they really do live that lifestyle? You want mainstream rappers to talk about space? Rainforests? Politics? Wouldn't it be fake if someone like Nelly, who obviously lives a materialistic lifestyle, started rapping about those kinds of topics, which he obviously doesn't care about or believe in?

I could waste my time dissecting the rest of your post, but it's honestly not worth it. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I will never understand why people say things like this. Then again, I don't run into people that love hip hop like I do, so I can't say I expect people to feel the same way I do. I have enough material to love the rest of my life without listening to any new shit for real. Honestly, I could do it. If the shit is so bad, don't listen to it. Listen to what you like, it's that simple.
Shit, I agree. To many people talking about money and rims and shit. What ever happend to rap and hip hop being the music of the people? It was suppose to be raw and real. now its just hey im rich yea nigga i got 24 inches on a gay as h2! 2pac would shit on this crap. And as for the dude that said he cant think of one mainstream song that talks about killin u nigga, well I guess you never heard of a dude called 50cent. or even tony yayo, or jarule, or Ti. or 8ball , or n of these people. But hey things change , thats the way it is...


Well-Known Member
nah i dont agree. hip hop will always have something fresh, whether it be mixtapes or albums or just verses. im always gonna be amazed by someones vibe in a verse, someones flow, lyrical content, the beat, sampling, delivery. dont be narrow minded.
ill-matic said:
nah i dont agree. hip hop will always have something fresh, whether it be mixtapes or albums or just verses. im always gonna be amazed by someones vibe in a verse, someones flow, lyrical content, the beat, sampling, delivery. dont be narrow minded.

i agree on that front. specially the mix tapes. The thing tho is. Unless you buy that stuff or download it you wont hear it. The stuff you see and hear on tv/radio is all the garbage that i spoke of before. And its gay cuz thats the shit that represents rap.


New Member
Who are you exactly talking about? I can't think of any rapper that matches your description.
It is pretty simple, if you don't like Hip Hop then don't listen to it. Bad post.
*Co-signs with aloivas*
i think what he means is theres nothing 'fresh' comin out now its all this bling bling bullshit, well at least i hope thats what he means


Well-Known Member
bling has always existed;

Slick Rick - Legend
Pac - Legend
Eric and Rakim - Legends
LL Cool J - Legend

bling has nothing to do with how crap music is.
ill-matic said:
bling has always existed;

Slick Rick - Legend
Pac - Legend
Eric and Rakim - Legends
LL Cool J - Legend

bling has nothing to do with how crap music is.

IM not talking about the occasional use of the word or even in one song every so and so. but now is all bling bling. But its mostly about rims. and cars and money. and dre even said once that he talked about that shit in cronic 2001 but now its so over done even he hates it. And thats from the mouth of one of the industries finest.

Also i think rap isnt as good now. but i dont think that will be the case forever.i just think mainstream rap is in a shitty phase
aloivas said:
So stop listening if it bores you so much. Stop complaining about HIPHOP, at the website 2PACboard, in the forum STREETHOP. Hip hop doesn't need nor want you.
^one of the dumbest replies i have ever read. Ranging from ignorant to just plain stupidity.

aloivas said:
I actually can't think of any current songs which have either of these topics as their general message. Please list me 5 recent tracks where the rapper is claiming that he'll "kill you nigga".
You have to be joking? You have to be fucking kidding me... How much rap do you listen too? Either you have yet to relise RnB dosen't stand for Raps N Beats or you listen listen to eminem. I'll name 5 songs off the top of my head -

1. Fat Joe - My Fofo
2. Styles P - Kill That faggot
3. 50 Cent - Guns Come Out
4. Cormega - killaz Theme
5. X-Zibit - Beware of us

IN the future restain yourself from making uneducated statements

aloivas said:
If a mainstream rapper does mention or talk about money in their songs, how is it fake if they really do live that lifestyle? You want mainstream rappers to talk about space? Rainforests? Politics? Wouldn't it be fake if someone like Nelly, who obviously lives a materialistic lifestyle, started rapping about those kinds of topics, which he obviously doesn't care about or believe in?
Are you fucked? Its almost incomprehendable how someone would formulate a response like this.. The exact purpose of my post was violated with this response

aloivas said:
I could waste my time dissecting the rest of your post, but it's honestly not worth it. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Damn i wish the first reply wasn't from a 14 year old who started listening to rap at 12 through his brothers bedrooom door.

itslinx said:
I will never understand why people say things like this. Then again, I don't run into people that love hip hop like I do, so I can't say I expect people to feel the same way I do. I have enough material to love the rest of my life without listening to any new shit for real. Honestly, I could do it. If the shit is so bad, don't listen to it. Listen to what you like, it's that simple.
Don't get me wrong i love my hip hop but its now been tarnished to the point where its almost unrepairable. I would write a longer reply but i wasted my time on aloivas. What DJ harris said though.
----------LONG-AS-HELL POST WARNING---------- :D

It is now common LAW to have the words "in the (or da, or tha) club" either in the chorus, or in the first two lines of half the rap songs (& "R&B" songs) out today, especially on Mtv & the radio. I'm not hearing too many songs about killing, so much as I'm hearing that every song has to take place IN THE FUCKING CLUB!

Be prepared to definitely feel the wrath of people on this board if you say anything about hip-hop being "old", "over", or "stale", even if it really is. Aside from some REAL gems, still trying their best to bring some new heat, break some new ground, try something different, everybody who actually is worthwhile to listen to, they're pretty much fighting a losing battle, hip-hop (and pretty much music in general) has passed the commerialization point.

It's seeming to be similar to when Motown ruled music (The Beatles were done by 1970, so it was pretty much Motown), and by the start of the seventies every single record, didn't matter by who, fit the same formula, everything sounded the same. Berry Gordy didn't want to change, What's Going On almost didn't happen, and if it hadn't, popular music probably wouldn't have become as economically, well, popular (meaning, we wouldn't be seeing 8x platinum albums).

Hip-hop purists, of course don't want to hear this shit, it's sacrilige (sp?), but 18 years ago, RUN DMC's Raising Hell went 3x platinum, that was huge, that was astronomical for a rap record. Hammer & Vanilla Ice saw that the money was worth it to sell their souls to video & radio, and look what happened, Hammer went diamond, Ice went 7x plat. Those two "artists" (and maybe LL, Walking With a Panther-era) were solely responsible for making image more important than music. If you look the part, you sell records, having skills is just an added bonus, they're not required. Sound familiar?

Rap is pretty damn close to death, if it isn't dead already. Look at us, we're on a 2PacBoard, we're living in the past. 'Pac's been dead for almost 9 years, none of us (or at least the ones of us who still snap up everything 'Pac related, news, music, or clothing-wise) really ever took the time to let go, and really realize that TRL slowly was creeping into this culture, and companies like Interscope records suddenly decided to hurry up and bury Death Row when they saw an opening, then take the image that was introduced and exploit it. It's nothing new, really, it's been done in all types of music, the difference over the years, was that there was always a handful of people (sometimes maybe even one artist) who would bring said musical genre back from the brink. Marvin Gaye did that for the ENTIRE INDUSTRY in 1971, Stevie Wonder did it right afterwards for R&B with Talking Book, Prince did it numerous times during the 80's for Pop music, and Guns N' Roses brought Rock & Roll back from the hairspray days in '87 with Appetite For Destruction.

Who do we have for Rap music? Eminem? He's become a clown in his videos and on his songs, as good as he is lyrically, Just Lose It or The Real Slim Shady will ALWAYS be bigger hits than Toy Soldiers or Mosh. As much as he criticized Marky Mark and Vanilla Ice, he's become them, he can't cross back to hardcore now, did anybody hear his collab with Boo Yaa TRIBE? No, they were too busy buying Ass Like That singles (and no, I'm NOT a fan of Em's).

Don't feel bad, Rock has been dead since Axl Rose went off the deep end, R&B was killed off by Teddy Fucking Riley and New Jack Swing suddenly decided to kick real instruments out of the studio. Country (if anyone cares) is as formulaic as Rap is right now. Every song is about being as Redneck as you can be. Did Johnny Cash ever dream that that was where the genre he actually made decent for two seconds would go to? Did 'Pac ever think bullet-proof vests would be publicly worn outside certain rappers clothes today, flaunting their "invincibility"?

'Pac did cater to the media, yes, but he didn't pose for the cameras, he spit at them, he gave them things to write about, yes, but did they ever write anything positive about him while he was alive? No, they villified him, they crucified him, and he was the one person who had the tools to save Rap music. Yes, he flaunted gangster mentality, flashed money around, but he had plans built up in the background, he didn't just donate to charities, he built charities, foundations, started organizations, put his money towards promoting Black culture, and in a sense, sought to help cultivate our youth in general. He was also intelligent, showed his intelligence, and put his work ethic to use, with his vast unreleased catalog, and his movie career on top of all this. But no, 'Pac wasn't going to save hip-hop, he was going to move on from it, remember, he was an actor first, and he was an activist before that, it was in his blood. He knew this beast had hit it's peak, and this genre was too rich with resources to not have it's resources plundered by the music industry.

Rap didn't die with 'Pac, but it was put on life support, and in all actuality it died when Diddy's No Way Out record came out, went 7x platinum, and won the grammy for best Rap record. Shades of Jethro Tull winning Best Heavy Metal record. Who here can call All About the Benjamins a rap song? As much as you could call Mo' Money, Mo' Problems a rap song. At that point, the edge was gone, there were no more "Cop Killer" moments, suburbia opened up it's doors for this regurgitated MC Hammer clone (named Puff Daddy at the time), ready to dance and smile for all the record companies. If Miles Davis were alive at that time, he would have killed Diddy where he stood, no doubt about that.

So who are your heroes, now? Who's Rap's Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Beatles, Prince, Guns N' Roses, Miles Davis? No matter how good Common is, he'll never sell enough to become a major force. No matter how brainless 50 Cent is, he'll always sell 6-7 million. You know Em's Encore is 4x platinum, they're calling it a bust. Run DMC NEVER went 4x platinum, Ice Cube never went 4x platinum, Quik, E-40, Tribe Called Quest never went 4x platinum, Snoop went 4x platinum once, 11 YEARS AGO (and since, he's whored himself out to every inch of media in this country, even moreso than Diddy). Now, anything less than Country Grammar or Marshall Mathers LP numbers are a bust in rap music.

Who's the hero, I'll ask again. Nas? Nas never did better than double platinum. Jay-Z? He went 5x plat once, but sold his soul for an ANNIE sample, got old ladies singin' 'bout, "Big Pimpin....'", and he retired with all his money, just like Vanilla Ice. Cube is a family-friendly actor now, Talib will never sell enough to make a difference, and Kanye West is the "IT Girl" for White celebrities to say they're into.

Meanwhile, everybody seems to be going "in the club" nowadays.....
ThUgPoUnD_RiDer said:
Don't get me wrong i love my hip hop but its now been tarnished to the point where its almost unrepairable.
Then why do you continue to listen to Hip Hop? If you don't like Hip Hop, then don't fucking listen to it. Crying on this board isn't going to do anything except generate smart posts, completely opposite to yours.
If Hip Hop bores you, don't listen to it.
To ThUgPoUnD_RiDer (lol at the name by the way.. definitely doesn't sound like the name of someone who is so against guntalk and moneytalk in songs...),

2 out of the 3 replies i gave you, you responded by insulting them and saying how dumb they were. You didn't say WHY they were dumb or what about them you were disagreeing with. It is obvious that you know i'm right, and it's obvious you have no real evidence, no backup and no real logic to what you were originally saying. As someone who is almost 10 years my senior, i really was expecting (and hoping) that we could have a proper argument, with proper responses, not petty little personal attacks being used as a substitute for your lack of proper answers. I was wrong.

As for my second reply, which was the only one you responded to properly (even though you still had the petty insult connected to it), i've only heard one of those five songs, but i do know that none of those songs are/were singles, and none have gotten/get radio play, so you don't "hear it everyday" as you said in your original post, you only hear it if you're a hip hop head (how many regular people would've heard the Cormega or Styles P?). I also know that the Fat Joe and StylesP were DISS SONGS - which your idol 2Pac was guilty of making ("MY 4-4 MAKE SURE ALL YOUR KIDS DON'T GROW"). So by your logic, hip hop was old in 1996, too.

So basically there's your whole argument gone. You're 26, but i know kids half your age who are more mature than you.

aloivas - 2
thugpoundrider - 0
To KanDeeMan, props on actually formulating a proper argument and points. I only skimmed through your post, and i still disagree with almost everything you said, but i'm not gonna pick it apart.
I'm up, I have to get up for work in two hours anyway, so I might as well stay up.

I knew you would disagree aloivas, I'm pretty sure we've argued about plenty of shit in the past, I'm almost positive of it, I just can't remember when it was, or what it was about.
aloivas said:
To ThUgPoUnD_RiDer (lol at the name by the way.. definitely doesn't sound like the name of someone who is so against guntalk and moneytalk in songs...),

2 out of the 3 replies i gave you, you responded by insulting them and saying how dumb they were. You didn't say WHY they were dumb or what about them you were disagreeing with. It is obvious that you know i'm right, and it's obvious you have no real evidence, no backup and no real logic to what you were originally saying. As someone who is almost 10 years my senior, i really was expecting (and hoping) that we could have a proper argument, with proper responses, not petty little personal attacks being used as a substitute for your lack of proper answers. I was wrong.

As for my second reply, which was the only one you responded to properly (even though you still had the petty insult connected to it), i've only heard one of those five songs, but i do know that none of those songs are/were singles, and none have gotten/get radio play, so you don't "hear it everyday" as you said in your original post, you only hear it if you're a hip hop head (how many regular people would've heard the Cormega or Styles P?). I also know that the Fat Joe and StylesP were DISS SONGS - which your idol 2Pac was guilty of making ("MY 4-4 MAKE SURE ALL YOUR KIDS DON'T GROW"). So by your logic, hip hop was old in 1996, too.

So basically there's your whole argument gone. You're 26, but i know kids half your age who are more mature than you.

aloivas - 2
thugpoundrider - 0
Actually Thugpound_rider is an old alias that was used almost 4 years ago on other msg boards. Tomorrow when i have time i will bury you deep in your own words. Also when was this about singles and regular peopel? Its about hip-hop so stop jumping off topic.

To mase - i listen to it because its what i used to like. I still enjoy the music i bumped when i was growing up but after years of listening the same shit its almost like i've grown out of it. Its almost like the political days of dead prez, Ice cube shit even 2Pac is over and we have to listen to same old shit that sells, that being gangsta and bling bling rap

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