Is It A Classic?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
sniper said:
theyre not considered classic because ....... read the bold u answered it yourself.

every classic album has spawned imitation.... and ppl tryna emulate the vibe of it, the wordplay, the flow, the imagery, the concepts, ..... mmlp and sslp both failed in this aspect. i think it may have to do more with the fact that black rappers(no hate) will stick with their family ie mum/wife/child whereas em doesnt get on with his family apart from hailey, thats what separates him from the rest. Unless another set of rappers comes out heavily influenced by em's first 2 albums ..... it cant be considered a classic i guess.

ps imo mmlp is a classic, and thats what i ride on, fuck what someone else thinks, i judge for myself.

Nah I agree with what you've said. And that's why it's not considered classic (The part of the quote you put in bold).

I was saying it isn't classic.

But to me they are. Because when they came out I was really feeling them and I was in a lot of the same places as Eminem. So it got me on a level the same way Pac affected me.

However just because I really feel them doesn't mean they are classic. So I'd say no they're not classic in terms of measurement, but to me they are. If you understand what I'm trying to say.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
I'd say SSLP is more of a classic

same amount of shock value, but no lame disses to pop groups. eminem really turned me off with the pointless britney bashing, considering Em was just as big as them at the time
^ It wasn't a debut, but it does have the record for most records sold in a week.

I don't believe that it's a classic album although it is his best yet. Had he continued to build off of that he would have created a timeless classic, but sadly he's running out of things to say
DeeezNuuuts83 said:
No. It's historic though, doesn't it hold the record for the biggest selling rap debut? (1.76 million copies)
No, that accolade would go to Snoop Dogg & Doggystyle I think. Perhaps 50 bettered it with his first major release, but I'm not suew.

And SSLP sold more than 1.76 million.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
No, that accolade would go to Snoop Dogg & Doggystyle I think. Perhaps 50 bettered it with his first major release, but I'm not suew.

And SSLP sold more than 1.76 million.
Get rich or Die Tryin' has the record for the highest major label debut in a short week in the history of rap or any type of music(876,000). The massacre holds the record for the most records sold in a short week(1.15M) and MMLP holds the record for the fastest selling rap Cd ever(1.76M in the first week)


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
PuffnScruff said:
i never understood why people call this album a classic. i love sslp myself. thats my favorite em album.

I prefer SSLP. But Eminem touched more people with MMLP, while still releasing a hip-hop album. After that he gave up the dark humour and became more commercial.


Well-Known Member
One big reason why it isn't a classic album is that you can only feel it if your a certain person, cliche, but white with family problems, as in something like The Chronic which is a classic album and felt and heard by all.
That is the main problem with Eminem, besides the little groupie movement he has goin for him the only people who feel him are white people, hate it as much as you want but its true. That is a big portion of hip-hop, the message you convey to your audience, how much of it could be realted to and felt.
If you ask this question in a room full of minorities the answer your gonna get is No.
In a room full of white people, your going to hear Yes a lot more.
I mean that album wasn't pushing any lines with the lyrics or beats, it was solid but no classic status.


Well-Known Member
Aristotle said:
One big reason why it isn't a classic album is that you can only feel it if your a certain person,
That's bullshit, whether you feel it or not is your opinion which is the case with every album.

Aristotle said:
cliche, but white with family problems,
I'm white, I have no family problems and I feel the album, I also have Asian and Black friends who also feel it, and i'm sure they're not the only ones.

Aristotle said:
as in something like The Chronic which is a classic album and felt and heard by all..
I'm sure you'll find some hip-hop fans don't feel that album.. there may not be many but they will exist.

Aristotle said:
That is the main problem with Eminem, besides the little groupie movement he has goin for him the only people who feel him are white people, hate it as much as you want but its true.
Not only is that total bull, it's ignorant.
Hell yeh its a classic LP - ok not in the top 10 classic LP's of all time but definitly worthy of a mention when you talk of great albums. Lyrically its hilarious, musically its dark. Its a combination which is hard to pull off, and Em has done it nicely with this LP.

The only reason I respect his talent is through this LP - He is a genious when it comes to wordplay. Like people have been saying, hate me for it all you like but there's no denying this mans talent. He bought hip-hop and rap to a new genre and crowd, so he's legendary for that aspect alone amongst other things.

BUT what the fuck did he do to LTTG i will not know and i think its a mystery that will go unsolved. But i will be unbiased in my opinion and still give him props for dropping some classic gems on the streets - and by earning the respect from the mainstream industry which is dominated by black artists.
hell yeah this song is a classic. man every song on it is fire from track 1-18, i think many of u forget one of his biggest and greatest songs are on that album STAN
Not a classic. Just a good album.

It has some of his best songs, but its not an album that was groundbreaking like Chronic, Illmatic, All Eyez on Me, 36 Chambers, etc etc were.

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