Is Fat Joe taking this beef alittle too personal?

Onion Juice said:
Thats the exact kinda shit Im talkin about....but if hearing a rapper threaten to kill somebody's kids makes you happy, then hey...

But whether Joe deserved it or not, regardless, it ain't that damn serious. 50 just poked a lil fun at him and Joe gets all bent over and out of shape. All Joe had to do was "expose" him and thats it. Thats why I like Jada's response better.

I actually agree with that....thats to harsh to come out and say ill kill your kids for 2lines about him.....but can someone post up the fat joe track cause i still havent heard it!

maybe so but hes not the one beefin people for no reason and he isnt the one getting lyrically destroyed by 3 rappers, also Onion Juice, have u forgotten about 50 saying he would kill ja's kids.
beef is beef man and thats how joey crack gets down. If 50 didnt wanna take it there he should have thought about that before dissing him. People handle shit in different ways man and thats just how it is.
Silleone said:
maybe so but hes not the one beefin people for no reason and he isnt the one getting lyrically destroyed by 3 rappers, also Onion Juice, have u forgotten about 50 saying he would kill ja's kids.
When did 50 say anything about killing Jada's kids? :confused:
Onion Juice said:
Am I the only one who thinks that Fat Joe is taking this "beef" a little bit to serious? I mean, if you listen to "Piggybank", 50 just merely spit line a competitive line about "Lean Back" being a dud compared to "In The Club", and nothin more than that. 50 didnt degrade his manhood or question his street cred or anything. And I feel if it was the other way around, people would pointed out that 50 was takin it too serious (since alot of y'all love to hate 50 anyway). But Joe is actin mad as hell (not on the song, but also in that interview w/ KaySlay) and takin about doin something to 50. It really aint that serious. Damn. Smile, Crack...
i guess he just doesnt want to get played like ja rule.
Onion Juice said:
You dont understand what Im sayin at all, brah. None of y'all do to be honest. Listen. I know you gotta back at a nigga for disrespectin you - of course, thats before elementary; why tha fuck do you even think you should even try to school me on that? I already know that shit. Save that lil lesson for some knucklehead.

And yeah, so 50's been talkin shit about Joe & Jada for months regardless whatever the reason, but it aint like 50's been sending muthafuckas to shoot them or beat em up or making threats to do somethin to them.

Now, Jada got at 50 pretty good. But Fat Joe went all out talkin about if 50 responds back to him, then he's gonna acutally do something to him and his kid. And tha thing about that is that he makes himself sound so serious about it (like in the KaySlay interview). And y'all are givin all of these lil ass excuses and makin it sound like talkin about killing somebody's kid is a part of hiphop or something. If thats how y'all feel, yall some sad muthafuckas.
true man. i mean in 2pac's situation,how he talking about killing the muthafuckas,well that's justifyable cuz all the shit that they did to him. but just because someone threw a pussy ass diss at you,you talking about killing them and their family,thats not right. i mean its something to take jabs at each other,but its another thing when u start talking about killing somebody. nobody learned from pac and big>? what other example do they need to fuckin learn. the only example they'll be getting is when their 6 feet deep, and then its too damn late. just do your shit,make the paper and fuck it,no need to make the situation fucked up.

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