Immortal Technique Dance With The Devil

...... this song seriously leaves me speechless, just listening to it, its content.... what he is saying, the beat is so perfect for the song, and when he talks about the main character raping his mom... its just like holy shit



Active Member
Belongs in Street Hop :p

Song is tight. The storytelling in this song is amazing... first time I heard it I never would have thought it would end like it did, my reaction was WTF... rewind this motherfucka lol


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Staff member
pietro006 said:
Really Deep And Nice Song, wonder if it's true? the way he tells it seems like it really happenned
I.T. said in an interview something along the lines happened. He was not part of the whole gang rape, but he knows who was involved and who was the woman it happened to.


Well-Known Member
I don't really like this song. His flow is pretty shit and his delivery sucks.
People call the track deep but it's just a generic ass story. Someone who wants money, power and respect and ends up doing bad shit. IT doesn't explore the character's mind, the whole track is pretty superficial.
If he didn't rape his mom at the ending people wouldn't go so crazy over the song. Just the shock effect.

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