I am a Hip Hop fan, but I am not a criminal!

I never feel comfortable with showing my interest in Hip Hop in certain places. I mean, Hip Hop is pretty much the only type of music that's sort of "taboo" in many places.

For example, I put the radio on something like 95.5 (a Hip Hop station), but I kept the volume low at work. You have customers walking by and you don't want them to know you're listening to Hip Hop. If it was anything else like Jazz or Pop or whatever, I could turn the volume up.

Another example is...lets say an employer, out of nowhere, at an interview asked me "What kind of music do you listen to" I would never say Hip Hop. I'd say...all the acceptable stuff.

You know what...I wish Hip Hop could become "appropriate" for pretty much everywhere...not something you have to keep to yourself.

I am not sure if ya'all feel me...but this is how awkward being a Hip Hop can be.
I hate the "Taboo" of Hip Hop, it to me seems Racist.

Like at an old job they would let guys bump some crazy rock shit, but took offense to me playing even an Clean version of Tupac songs.

But, my answer when asked what I listen to "mostly Hip hop, but a little bit of everything except country"


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It's cause people are ignorant when it comes to hiphop. This will never change. You can say you listen to hiphop and they'll right off the bat think "oh well this kid is exposed to sex, violence and bling bling". They don't know enough about hiphop and it's a shame. Fuck them if they judge you.


New Member
when somebody asks me, i dont usually say: "rap" music, cause it sounds weird. No idea why. So i just say: "2pac, thats all i listen to". Then they get into and say: "just 2pac?" Then i go, naw, naw, 2pac, DPG, Kurupt, Daz etc etc...then THEY say: "oh, so just rap music." And THATS when i say: "oh yeah"

I dunno. Its just weird like that.
its linx! said:
It's cause people are ignorant when it comes to hiphop. This will never change. You can say you listen to hiphop and they'll right off the bat think "oh well this kid is exposed to sex, violence and bling bling". They don't know enough about hiphop and it's a shame. Fuck them if they judge you.
, if it seems like 50% or more of a genre is about sex, drug's violence or whateva then thats the scene people associate with it. best thing is to not support the garbage that makes up alot of the genre. face it hip hop is not the greatest genre around town
yea i dont understand the taboo of hip hop either, no one actually takes a chance to listen to all the aspects of the tracks, lyrics, beat, deepness of the songs, my mother was a skeptic for years hating all rap music but now i can put in a tupac cd and she will listen to it wit me enjoyin the music cause of the actuality of what he talks about, n im white im not sayin that everytrack she will enjoy, but the tracks that speak about life and actuality she enjoys and seeing that i feel that it jus takes time and persistance in showing others that the music has more put into it than ne other type of music, i can understand that creating music with instruments in incredible but that is another type of music thats what people need to understand there is no UNIVERSAL type of music everyone enjoys something cause of how it touches them and reaches them, rap music also gets a bad rap cause in the early 90's all that was displayed on television was gangsta rap and reactions from it, they never showed the reason for the actions and the other tracks that are created by these artists, n i feel that eventually hip hop will be generally accepted if the clean versions are available cause what is discussed in the songs are actual events that occur in society each day
, if it seems like 50% or more of a genre is about sex, drug's violence or whateva then thats the scene people associate with it. best thing is to not support the garbage that makes up alot of the genre. face it hip hop is not the greatest genre around town
You really are a clown. The fuck do you mean "hip hop is not the greatest genre around town"? and what is this garbage you speak of which makes up most of the genre? Name me all the garbage artists.
I actually didn’t mean that “makes up most of the genre”.more like what makes up a lot of the genre from the average non hiphop listener’s eyes, or ears. And I didn’t say garbage artists I said don’t support THE garbage in the genre. I didn’t say most I said “a lot”, alot that is,speaking from the non hiphop listener’s exposure to hiphop. I hope someone makes sense of this paragraph
well offcourse people will be offended to hip hop if all they hear is lil jons igbnorant ass n ying yang twins all day on the radio kna i mean tahts whats representing rap/hip hop rite now which is pretty sad thats the type of people that bring hip hop to this
pacnlawzsouljha said:
well offcourse people will be offended to hip hop if all they hear is lil jons igbnorant ass n ying yang twins all day on the radio kna i mean tahts whats representing rap/hip hop rite now which is pretty sad thats the type of people that bring hip hop to this
agree :thumb: but i think that people that dont like rap have always said that rappers aint nuthin but thugs and criminals and that rap is only shooting people, bitches etc. :mad:
H.E. Pennypacker said:
I never feel comfortable with showing my interest in Hip Hop in certain places. I mean, Hip Hop is pretty much the only type of music that's sort of "taboo" in many places.

For example, I put the radio on something like 95.5 (a Hip Hop station), but I kept the volume low at work. You have customers walking by and you don't want them to know you're listening to Hip Hop. If it was anything else like Jazz or Pop or whatever, I could turn the volume up.

Another example is...lets say an employer, out of nowhere, at an interview asked me "What kind of music do you listen to" I would never say Hip Hop. I'd say...all the acceptable stuff.

You know what...I wish Hip Hop could become "appropriate" for pretty much everywhere...not something you have to keep to yourself.

I am not sure if ya'all feel me...but this is how awkward being a Hip Hop can be.
This gets me too. My last job interview they asked me what type of music I listened to and I said Backstreet Boys :D. Despite the fact that I would later go on to go in wearing my Eminem Hoody.

Also, I tell people I like rap music because of the poetry aspect of it and they look at me as if I'm an alien off some distant planet. Most people who don't listen to rap/hip hop can't see how the music is associated with poetry. The reaction I get most of the time is 'its just shouting, ranting, swearing to a beat' which is just down right superficial.

Rap/hip hop is the realest form of music out there, to me, and I feel people don't approve of it because of their own conventional thought patterns delivered through their generation. Giving it a total disregard without a moment of thought of where it is coming from.

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