How to make the Street Hop forum better?

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Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
All current changes are on a trial basis, Ill remove them if they dont work out or dont get used.

And im still open to other suggestions.
My suggestion would be to make Street Hop a larger forum in itself, for instance creating an Album review forum (as in the IC) and leaving the general Hip-Hop discussions to Street Hop.
This forum needs:

1. a reviews section

It doesn't need:

1. the beef section
2. east/west seperation
3. a news section
4. a world wide section (try merging this with the underground forum, done a similar thing and it worked. Create a forum in which less popular artists can be discussed without disappearing after an hour on the front page
Bill G said:
This forum needs:

1. a reviews section

It doesn't need:

1. the beef section
2. east/west seperation
3. a news section
4. a world wide section (try merging this with the underground forum, done a similar thing and it worked. Create a forum in which less popular artists can be discussed without disappearing after an hour on the front page
My opinion in one :thumb:


Well-Known Member
I also think the beef section should be scrapped, it gives the idea of a seperation of the board, and quite frankly theres not always beefs happening.

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Lol we had a review section? Mustve missed it.

It depends on who is doing the reviews, and who is unbiased, not many posters in are streethop like that.


Well-Known Member
* Make it just one forum? All this breaking up stuff isn't effective. It's been tried before. I don't see it working.
* Make StreetHop the main attraction, not HitEmUp. Otherwise, this remains an anachronism. People wanting to talk about hip-hop should think or something, not Otherwise you're trying to do two completely different (let's be honest) things in one.
* Improve the site. I'll take the time right now to apologize to you, Rukas. When you invited me to participate, I thought I could participate, and that I would be able to do so regularly. But I work full-time, go to school full-time, have girlfriend(s) (*gives myself dap*), drink a lot, and involve myself with more weed, coke, and prescription medicines than even the late great Hunter S Thompson might approve of. If you let me gas myself for a second, I could be to StreetHop what HST was to Rolling Stone or something, but that doesn't fit what StreetHop needs until it's more established and on firmer footing.

But yeah, improve the site (it's getting better and better all the time, the only suggestions I can think of right now are to have someone edit the news postings for grammar and not to fuck around with potpourri bags of pills and bottles of mysterious liquids unless you have at least 72 hours of open time), and the boards should get better, too.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
The only section differences I really want is the Beef forum, I want to get rid of the constant blah vs blah threads in StreetHop and focus on more positive aspect of the music and culture. If u want to talk about beef, go to the Beef forum. Keep it to one, Blah Vs Meh thread per beef. That I really want to try, I think it will benefit streethop and keep the bickering between loyal fans out to some extent as well.

As we get to a more standard level of discussion in here, Ill merge it with the underground forum, as I dont want to discriminate in here. If World Wide works, Ill keep that as well. As for the StreetHop News forum, I think that works well, it joins the forum and the site together nicely.

Roaches I agree with everything you are saying, and I am trying to improve everything at once. This will become a more hiphop forum, as u can see ive already move StreetHop up, and a new banner will be coming soon. Id like a more general domain name as well, so if u have any ideas PM me, im stuck on ideas :D.

Roaches, bless us with some articles, at least once a month :D


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Rukas said:
The only section differences I really want is the Beef forum, I want to get rid of the constant blah vs blah threads in StreetHop and focus on more positive aspect of the music and culture. If u want to talk about beef, go to the Beef forum. Keep it to one, Blah Vs Meh thread per beef. That I really want to try, I think it will benefit streethop and keep the bickering between loyal fans out to some extent as well.

As we get to a more standard level of discussion in here, Ill merge it with the underground forum, as I dont want to discriminate in here. If World Wide works, Ill keep that as well. As for the StreetHop News forum, I think that works well, it joins the forum and the site together nicely.

Roaches I agree with everything you are saying, and I am trying to improve everything at once. This will become a more hiphop forum, as u can see ive already move StreetHop up, and a new banner will be coming soon. Id like a more general domain name as well, so if u have any ideas PM me, im stuck on ideas :D.

Roaches, bless us with some articles, at least once a month :D

So this is the end of 2pacboard?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Mase said:
^No, I think Ruk is just making the Forum more general, which needs to be done.

2 domains?

Or 1 new domain?

And I'm not upset if it is the end of tupacboard to be honest. It's the new 2pac fans that lower the tone of the board. The general hip-hop fans make a larger contribution. But saying that I came here for 2pac first and found the hip-hop forum second.
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