How to make the Street Hop forum better?

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Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
As progresses, the Street Hop forum will play a larger part on the site as we push for a slightly more general feel to the board, while still representing for Tupac.

With that in mind, I would like to help improve Street Hop and would like your opinions on this forum.

For example, would you like it to be more split up, say an East & West forum, so that its more regionalized to your tastes, or perhaps split by style? A commercial only forum?

The reason I ask, is a lot of people, myself included, are fed up of the same usual shady aftermath threads over and over again, and so perhaps if we split the board up slightly it will reduce the number of posts in one forum, and also cater to peoples specific tastes more.

Opinions, thoughts, ideas?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I don't know about that whole coast split thing, maybe that's not a bad idea though. It would definitely keep things more organized, but you'd probably have to move shit alot more often. I doubt that would be a big problem, just pointing that out.

I think the best thing might be a seperate forum for new releases. For example. 50's Massacre album and Game's Documentary album. Maybe a forum for file sharing. Maybe even a forum for hot discussions. For example, Game Vs. Jay threads and other shit that gets posted 110 times. Maybe even a beef thread. Shit like that...

tHuG $TyLe

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Not sure about the east west separation, coz people will post in the wrong forums, and threads will have to be moved alot.

Maybe have an Aftermath forum, it worked kinda before with the "corner bodega" it meant street hop could be 50 cent free, as that was the time 50 blew up.

Also will i get my mod postion back?


Well-Known Member
Splitting it up into whatever categories would be a mistake.

Here is what i think should be done.

The same people who post news on should post the same news on here for the people to discuss but the problem is you dont have too many people who post news. We could start posting hip hop articles by random people for people to read and discuss.

Maybe you should make a sub-international rap forum.

Better moderation of the forum would be very good as well. Right now its moderated poorly probbaly because there arent many mod's due to the old board getting hacked etc. but that needs to change.

umm maybe you could set up hip hop trivia contest where ppl can win a fatal t-shirt or somethign i dont know i am sure you could set up something like that.

there is soo much you can do........

hope any of my idea's or comments help because this board is a good source for me to fiind news and info on rappers.



Well-Known Member
LinX` said:
I don't know about that whole coast split thing, maybe that's not a bad idea though. It would definitely keep things more organized, but you'd probably have to move shit alot more often. I doubt that would be a big problem, just pointing that out.

I think the best thing might be a seperate forum for new releases. For example. 50's Massacre album and Game's Documentary album. Maybe a forum for file sharing. Maybe even a forum for hot discussions. For example, Game Vs. Jay threads and other shit that gets posted 110 times. Shit like that...

they cant have a file sharing forum because thats illegal and they can not support illegal activities officially. It's bad enough they look away when stuff gets posted.
i would agree with splitting the forums into an east and west forum and i also think that there should be some kinda forum where just news is posted, no tracks and repeated threads


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Heres just some of your suggestions I wanted to reply to:

Shady Aftermath forum: No.

More mods: Yes.

Latest Releases: I dont really want to do this, who decides whats a new release and whats not? The closest thing Id try to this is perhaps and Old School forum.

Id also consider a beef forum.
i think the forum should be split up into era's...such as real old school (anything before 1990)...hip-hop golden years (1991-1997)...the bling era (1998-2002)...and the dark ages (2003-present)


Will suck off black men for a dime
Old School Forum - hell yeah!

i dont think there should be any forums dedicated to certain labels or artists on here..for that we have Pac and thuglife/outlawz. people can go to other boards for that kind of shit- and we're not part of any things like 50 cent bodega or alkoholicz so no points and need 2 be expandin this like u said

beef forum would be good; and we need a few more mods but i think if it was more divided/organized with seperate forum to talk bout beef it would cut down on the moddin required in different ways on how shit usually happens here it seems :thumb:

i dont think theres enough topics to have seperate forums for west and east and, south and watever else. but it would be good for the purpose of organizin and gettin it more profesional and involved maybe

split by style or goin into 'commercial only' shit would cause all this confusion and beef proly. By general styles could work...commercial only would seem 2 only ask for trouble though in the long run 4 everything

before we had a forum for news in here, didnt go good i dont think?

besides i think its aight how it is now no big problems, and with everythin possibly be splited up i think it would do good for all the news shit..etc

repeated threads are bitches & i just close them or watever

tracks..albums..and all that type of shit involved man nvm there should just be a screenin and one chance and banned shit with 90% of these ppl postin bullshit or postin shit without thinkin or postin shit without bein old enough to try to comment

the problem it seems 2 me with gettin to technical with everythin and specific is not enough interest in shit and the feel of everythin bein forced to fit somethin or forced to straightline shit.. also takin into consideration how ppl are lazy would difficult to get people 2 go by everythin or stay on their job

aight well i dont know if i brought anythin new just was readin up the thread lol
Farzin said:
Splitting it up into whatever categories would be a mistake.

Here is what i think should be done.

The same people who post news on should post the same news on here for the people to discuss but the problem is you dont have too many people who post news. We could start posting hip hop articles by random people for people to read and discuss.

umm maybe you could set up hip hop trivia contest where ppl can win a fatal t-shirt or somethign i dont know i am sure you could set up something like that.

there is soo much you can do........

The contest ideas are good. I think we should do a contest to see who can get the most members(diff IPs n emails) will win a fatal mixtape ,hit em up shirt signed by a outlaw maybe, naps new cd , signed merchindice, anything.

It will expand the board and make people more into events going on.

Plus since the name changed from hitemup to 2pacboard no 1 can search 4 this forum on yahoo anymore or follow the link has .


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Ive made a Old School forum, as well as a StreetHop news forum where only I and other StreetHop staff will be able to post threads in, but everyone else will be able to reply.

EDouble has been made a mod of all forums in the new StreetHop catagory. Dont Stop The Music has been moved to Entertainment.

What about a forum just for mixtapes or something like that?

Gimmie more ideas people.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Ill have to fix that when I get home from work in about an hour.

Does StreetHop News work for you guys? If so can someone please go and try to post a thread in there and let me know if it works, then try to post a reply in one of the threads already there and let me know if that works.



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Yeah I gotta fix that on the FTP I forgot about that, ok Ill have both forums back up in a couple hours, leaving the office in 5 mins but giving my girl a lift to her friends house.

Keep the suggestions and discussion coming!!! Street Hop is the future...
Good idea.
Number 1 - More mods. (If you need someone Im here)
Number 2 - That beef Forum is an excellent idea Ruk, I as a common Street Hop browser, am for one sick of beef topics clogging the first page.
Number 3 - Maybe a section where people with a certain number of posts can create a thread, I know alot of people wouldn't like this, but if a new person is posting well, they can get acess to this section if they are nominated.
Number 4 - Old school Forum is another excellent idea.

Another idea, is the discussion of Hip Hop lyrics section to be bought back experimentally, to see what type of reaction this gets and to see how active it is.
The beef forum is a great idea.

Also all posts regarding a topic should be in one thread (it's done before, i know, but it's gotta be done more often) Before ppl make a new thread they got to search if there is a thread very much like it and not just look if it's on the first page. If they do make a new thread and a mod finds a thread that covers the topic, the new thread should be closed.
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