Give me a good reason why I should donate to this site?


Well-Known Member
man stop talking, please. there r so many other things which r more useless to spent your money your comment was the dumbest one of all.
Hurts said:
thats a dumb comment coming from sum 1 who likes to waiste money on a tupacboard VIP membership...
Why? :confused:

Just because you can't afford one with your burger-flipping job at McD's doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.
man stop talking, please. there r so many other things which r more useless to spent your money your comment was the dumbest one of all.
yeah thats true...but man ya know i was rite lmao^


Just because you can't afford one with your burger-flipping job at McD's doesn't mean you have to take it out on me.
and uhh no btw that was a lame considerin to write a book fulla comebacks...cuz this is not even funny ne more...I expected sum lame joke like that to come from you sad thing is u made it truth...:(...

BUt uhh also u know im rite get da fuck off its so easy to follow ass...
Hurts said:
and uhh no btw that was a lame considerin to write a book fulla comebacks...cuz this is not even funny ne more...I expected sum lame joke like that to come from you sad thing is u made it truth...:(...

BUt uhh also u know im rite get da fuck off its so easy to follow ass...
I get the feeling you're a previously banned member. You sure as hell got the same fucking attitude.

But enlighten me, why is buying VIP a waste of money?
DutchMakaveli said:
I get the feeling you're a previously banned member. You sure as hell got the same fucking attitude.

But enlighten me, why is buying VIP a waste of money?
Previously banned member lol try to figure it all the money u can spend on trash u might as well have bought a decent brain rite?...

Why its a waste of money..simple...its a BOARD remember..?Yeah the internet remember?..why the fuck pay for a simple board?...why pay the word VIP next to ya name? When the Admins if they wanted to could change it for ya 4 free..^^.....

DOnt tell me u one of them dudes who goes to yahoo to get a chick..cuz i would feel really sad 4 u if u did yo...Cuz if u can pay for a membership like this u can also go 2 yahoo to get sum luv lol...its fuckin sad....

Its ridiculious to pay money for sumthin like this...But hey dont get me wrong its ur money..n u asked for an explanation

''Picture me working McDonald's
I'd rather pull a mac on you
Sorry Ms. Jackson but I'm packin''
Hurts said:
Previously banned member lol try to figure it all the money u can spend on trash u might as well have bought a decent brain rite?...
Correction, you're even more arrogant than the one I had in my mind. So forgive my slip-up.

Why its a waste of money..simple...its a BOARD remember..?Yeah the internet remember?..why the fuck pay for a simple board?...why pay the word VIP next to ya name? When the Admins if they wanted to could change it for ya 4 free..^^.....
I'm not paying for the VIP next to my name, but for the fact that I'd like to support the site/forum, since I think it's a great resource of knowledge. (Although people like you sometimes make me regret my decision.)

But then again, I actually have some legal software :eek: Even though I could've gotten it for free at the Internet.

DOnt tell me u one of them dudes who goes to yahoo to get a chick..cuz i would feel really sad 4 u if u did yo...Cuz if u can pay for a membership like this u can also go 2 yahoo to get sum luv lol...its fuckin sad....
Well, no, I have a girl. BTW, does Yahoo have a paid dating service or something? I haven't visited that site since their search-engine fell off.

Its ridiculious to pay money for sumthin like this...But hey dont get me wrong its ur money..n u asked for an explanation
If it's my money, why did you make that first comment? Should've let me be then.

''Picture me working McDonald's
I'd rather pull a mac on you
Sorry Ms. Jackson but I'm packin''
I wonder if u actually read my posts...but ok ill try it one more time...

''If it's my money, why did you make that first comment? Should've let me be then.''

I made the comment cuz u mentioned money...which gave me enough to play with...since ur so slow ill copy n paste it 4 u....

''Just because you can't afford one with your burger-flipping job at McD's doesn't mean you have to take it out on me''

With the leftover money, they might buy you a brain <<<<thats u yea ur words awww...

''Well, no, I have a girl. BTW, does Yahoo have a paid dating service or something? I haven't visited that site since their search-engine fell off'.''

I dunno man...i was in yahoo chat today and when u started talking lol u reminded me of the same fucks that come in with shit like...


''Picture me working McDonald's
I'd rather pull a mac on you
Sorry Ms. Jackson but I'm packin''
Get it? yeah i agree lame joke but aight

''I'm not paying for the VIP next to my name, but for the fact that I'd like to support the site/forum, since I think it's a great resource of knowledge. (Although people like you sometimes make me regret my decision.)''

Oh 4 real?...What kind of knowledge do u get here then that u wish to pay for support it...Trust me..theres only a few ppl that actually drop knowledge on this board...and im sure u can find the same knowledge and bullshit on other boards...if not u can always try to re-create it urself....I'd rather spend money on books yo...some book are great resources too...Now again dont get me wrong its ur money u can throw it away on wut u want...and this board is not even that bad...cuz I like comin back...and talk shit and read some funny read some interesting and talk about interesting things....

So question how much do u have to pay for a VIP membership and in wut forums do u post in?

Really Im not dissin the people of hitemup..I dont agree with some of their groupie shit but its nice..yeah its nice...But damn i dont feel like supportin em...


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Hurts -

I have a VIP, which I paid for. However I don't think it's dumb.
I also donated to the server last time, and I will donate to the legal costs when I get paid.
Reason being that I've been able to get hold of a lot of good stuff which without this board would have cost more, or maybe I wouldn't have got it all. So maybe it isn't benefit to you, but it is to me. And I don't need your acceptence, nor am I gonna disclose the amount of girls I shagged to try and defend against being an internet geek. If you don't like it don't pay, it's simple. And as for the loser that started this thread.....

P.S - To Hurts - *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*
I'm not gonna take the time to reply to all the other shit. It's obvious you don't understand what I'm saying.

But this is funny >>

Hurts said:
Oh 4 real?...What kind of knowledge do u get here then that u wish to pay for support it...Trust me..theres only a few ppl that actually drop knowledge on this board...and im sure u can find the same knowledge and bullshit on other boards...if not u can always try to re-create it urself....I'd rather spend money on books yo...some book are great resources too...Now again dont get me wrong its ur money u can throw it away on wut u want...and this board is not even that bad...cuz I like comin back...and talk shit and read some funny read some interesting and talk about interesting things....
I actually met some people here whom I talk to on a daily basis, some I even consider friends. People that got me into collecting Tupac-stuff, people I engaged in trades with.

In short: recreational activity and I'm willing to pay for that; if that means that the place of activity will remain open longer or offer better services.

Books are indeed great resources too, but they don't tell me where I can find that one particular single or promo.
Pittsey said:
Is that the best you got. I think I should write a book on comebacks and help you out. (Now where did I hear that before??)
pittsey :( dumbass that wasnt a comeback :( that was a least i didnt consider ur post as sum diss or so...

I actually met some people here whom I talk to on a daily basis, some I even consider friends. People that got me into collecting Tupac-stuff, people I engaged in trades with.

In short: recreational activity and I'm willing to pay for that; if that means that the place of activity will remain open longer or offer better services.

Books are indeed great resources too, but they don't tell me where I can find that one particular single or promo.
Lol...damn so ur willing to pay for it..i got that from start yo..i knew that already...Ur obviously not too well informed then..if u need to pay for recources like this board...A particular single or promo...wut promo's and singles do the ppl on this board post besides the ones from 50 and his friends? talking bout the streethop forum yo....

And yeah i made a mistake i thought with knowledge u were talking about Words Of Wisdom...or unless u mean tupac -knowledge lol....if u meant that please dont say it..cuz..fuck...ur gonna get me started...

really...collecting tupac-stuff...are we talking about music or posters?^....
Hurts said:
Lol...damn so ur willing to pay for it..i got that from start yo..i knew that already...Ur obviously not too well informed then..if u need to pay for recources like this board...A particular single or promo...wut promo's and singles do the ppl on this board post besides the ones from 50 and his friends? talking bout the streethop forum yo....

And yeah i made a mistake i thought with knowledge u were talking about Words Of Wisdom...or unless u mean tupac -knowledge lol....if u meant that please dont say it..cuz..fuck...ur gonna get me started...

really...collecting tupac-stuff...are we talking about music or posters?^....
Streethop? I hardly visit that. Once in a while to see what's going on, but most of the threads end in beef anyway. I do usually read 7 Syns & Roaches' threads though, they got mad knowledge.

I'm not talking about the downloading of promos; I'm talking about the actual purchase of a promo (or single, for that matter) and since I'm a Tupac collector, I collect his singles, promos and guest appearance's.

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