Gimme My Admin Powers Back Please

Dante said:
...when abatino and his "crew" start making graphics to diss and discredit you at every turn, and solicit people to telephone your family, then come back and talk to me about fairness. i take it all in stride, and besides, mods only keep order, not any other "power" to speak of.
didnt see this accusation yet
thanks to the homie pointing me to it
*sigh* another crazy accusation from the guy totally lost
take it to disneyland
seriously but your attention seeking methods are hopeless


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Rukas said:
Chron Chron for now we're only having Jon and myself as admins until everything is back to normal.

What mod spots would you like?
YO Ruck, it's nice to have you and Jon as admins, but if you jsut can't do your job cause you're busy (like spendin time in other towns and stuff) you might just think about it one more time. Look at last words, too many complains and noone is here to do something about it. We have beef in the forums and no Mods to close threads. Noone is here to ban people....I just think you can't do it alone so why don't bring SicC and Chronic back at least (if not all the mods?).

Just a thought.


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ken said:
^^ for legal reasons. Chron and SicC cant be mods
I don't know believe it would be a problem to have Chronic and SiC as admins, but well maybe you know more then I do. But can't we at least have a couple of SuperMods? Would help the cause as well.



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Ok, maybe you are right about the admins.....but well, we can have some supermods, can't we. Basically all I wanted to say to Ruk&Jon is that I feel like you can handle the forum alone right now....and if you need help, there are a couple of guys here that are willing to do so. That is the point of my posts. If you need help, just tell us.....Chronic can be super mod, SiCc....if it's wanted I can do it, just like a couple of other guys, ken, Pittsey, Cown, dunno, whoever does a good job, you know. Be willing 2 accept help if you need some.


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