Gimme My Admin Powers Back Please


Well-Known Member
You have me begging like a lowely peasant, like I'm part of those miscreants!! Oh the horror!

My banning finger is itching so you better hurry!
chronic what happend to all the admins around here..

im aware of the hacking of the site but did the hackers screw up who the admis were too?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
^^ What the fuck? I didnt say anything about Chronic, why are you trying to make it like I was talking behind his back for?

Chron Chron for now we're only having Jon and myself as admins until everything is back to normal.

What mod spots would you like?
nah man i didnt mean it like that, but now that i read it i know what you mean! i just found it funny the way chronic said it, bout how he doesnt want to be a peasant. ill edit my post to remove any misunderstanding


Well-Known Member
Rukas said:
^^ What the fuck? I didnt say anything about Chronic, why are you trying to make it like I was talking behind his back for?

Chron Chron for now we're only having Jon and myself as admins until everything is back to normal.

What mod spots would you like?
Well I guess the forums that need the most modding, Life, Street Hop, Thugz Mansion and WoW. Just so that there's someone modding.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yo Ruk, could u make me , Belo and kat mod in PJ again? People aren't doin the replies and it hurts not to have the power to take care.... :)
As an outsider I dont think you deserve super mod or mod position back, you have jumped to conclusions in a topic in this forum accusing stay strapped as being Abatino, as well as beefing with abatino in the "better dayz clip" thread. You seem to have tension with alot of people, and I have seen it on the board where you have left a thread open where someone was being dissed (crooked I) for your amusement, but as soon as some one says something against you get the last word in the topic and close it, not even just close it, you have to get the last word in.

As I said, think its time for some new mods, someone who is neutral and doesnt have or create beef with people, as an outsider as i said, you seem to be one of those people that cause beef and have beef, you proclaimed to love this site. The carry on doing things for this site i.e. interviews, giving things to kadafis family or whatever and not be mod, for someone that "loves this site" you would obviously see you being a mod or admin would and does cause alot of arguements with people, and you dont do your job correctly, so why dont you hang up your boots on that one, and just carry on loving the site for what it is instead of wanting to cause friction with others.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
thanks for the input, but i did do the job correctly. maybe that might explain why i was one of the top ranked mods last poll. ...when abatino and his "crew" start making graphics to diss and discredit you at every turn, and solicit people to telephone your family, then come back and talk to me about fairness. i take it all in stride, and besides, mods only keep order, not any other "power" to speak of.

anyway, i answered your question honestly. now how about you be honest, johnny tannya, and own up to who you are?

this comment is in reference to a confersation i had with you in 1998. let it go man. yes, i worked in a hospital, and yes some of my duties took place in the morgue. i never saw ghosts as you were blathering on and on about... your tactic is obvious to me now.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
thug_militant said:
As an outsider I dont think you deserve super mod or mod position back, you have jumped to conclusions in a topic in this forum accusing stay strapped as being Abatino, as well as beefing with abatino in the "better dayz clip" thread. You seem to have tension with alot of people, and I have seen it on the board where you have left a thread open where someone was being dissed (crooked I) for your amusement, but as soon as some one says something against you get the last word in the topic and close it, not even just close it, you have to get the last word in.
Dante was one of the most consistant moderators on the board, your saying he can't stand up for himself when he has little 11 year olds following his every move waiting to diss him after each post he makes with "fuck dante" or "dantell is gay"?

chronic should get his powers back too :thumb:
^^ Chrons going to be a super mod of sorts, and Dante? well all i know is that people seem to hate on him alot for stupid reasons. Im sorry but as an 'outsider' it seems there's a lot if e-jealousy against Dante for whatever reason i dont know
I am not he, johnny, and I see dead people, why you fronting on that?

Like I said if you "love" the forum, you would see you being mod effects it.

As for any poll, that means nothing, unless you open your eyes and really see why people would vote for you, maybe they think you will give them that runnin unreleased track you promised them two xmas's ago?

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