In all truthfullness, do you think you have talent?
Anyways, do you try to disregard anything anyone says. Someone said he has a nice flow, which I would also agree with, and you just have that no stop talking type of attitiude. Explain to me why he does not. Explain why you think he has no talent. Give real answers not cus of this in my opinion horseshit that you called someone else' opinion. Cus in all reality I think a lot of people here think your opinion is horseshit. You don't know how to actaully conversate with anyone without insulting them and its annoying. Every thread you make turns into an arguement with at least one person and for what? Cus your narrow view of music solidifies your opinion more than mine? Seriously, readin through this makes you look like a hater, come with something of substance or just quit. Treat this like music, take it for what it is.