Game... I don't get it

Man... I'm just amazed at the Game dickryding going on in here. What is it with that dude. Why are so many of y'all in love with him?

I think the guy is utter trash (JUST OPINION)... I've only heard like 2 or 3 songs in his career where his flow is tight, and one of them is We Aint... a song where he ADMITS he "ripped my flow from Eminem". So he didn't even come up with his own flow on that one.

The guy always seems like he's trying to slow down to ride a beat, like he wants to rap faster.. he repeats too many words and says too much shit that, if nothing else... *I* don't get... and his punchlines, USUALLY are mediocre at best. I'll agree that now and then he comes through with a killer punchline...but, you know what? ANYONE can write a killer punchline here and there. Fuck... I'm not even good as a rapper at writing punchlines and here's some of mine that I think are better than Games:

"the only time you spit is when you're on your knees"

"You ain't no dealer, so your lines, I ain't buyin"

"You couldn't be the king if you cloned yourself in a House Of Mirrors" (diss line on ICP)

"I'll hand you the platter on which you'll be served/ and you're only desert/ cuz you don't deserve to be the main course"

I don't know... I just don't get the dude... I don't get why everyone's on his dick. Dude's saying "I brought the West back"... dude... ain't bring SHIT back. Dre's BEEN back on the top since 97/98... Snoop had somewhat of a "re-birth) when Chronic 2001 hit... Cube just dropped a record and HAS BEEN... You ain't bring shit back, dogg.

DPG iz all I C

Well-Known Member
I'd disagree to a slight extent.

I admit the love-in with Game on this forum is somewhat surprising, and he's not the rapper many see him as but to say he is utter trash is just wrong.

The Documentry was a very nice album, it was never going to be a lyrical masterpiece but it was never claimed to be this. It had nice beats with simplistic and easy to listen to rhymes which was why it proved to be so popular.

Since then i'd say he has improved all aspects of his rapping, you just need to look at the mixtapes he's put out to see this.

As i already stated he's never going to be the most lyrically amazing rapper but he knows that but he makes above average music, and thats why the majority of people like him.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Game has talent. You can't deny that. Whether he is a penis or not. Game is running the West at the moment. Although there's a lot more talent yet to be released.

I'm looking forward to the Bishop Lamont's and the Crooked I's getting some much deserved shine.
DPG iz all I C said:
I'd disagree to a slight extent.

I admit the love-in with Game on this forum is somewhat surprising, and he's not the rapper many see him as but to say he is utter trash is just wrong.

The Documentry was a very nice album, it was never going to be a lyrical masterpiece but it was never claimed to be this. It had nice beats with simplistic and easy to listen to rhymes which was why it proved to be so popular.

Since then i'd say he has improved all aspects of his rapping, you just need to look at the mixtapes he's put out to see this.

As i already stated he's never going to be the most lyrically amazing rapper but he knows that but he makes above average music, and thats why the majority of people like him.
See, I hate when people say "it's not a lyrical album, but it wasn't meant to be". That's horseshit, to me. No disrespect to you and your opinion, but that's crap to me. A great emcee should be WELL ROUNDED... meanting great flows, great punchlines, metafors, lyrics... all that shit.

Game may not be utter trash compared to other TRUE utter trash like Master P... but he's damn close. I mean, one thing he learned from 50 was "creating beef sells records". I have no problem with emcees who have average to less than average lyrics. Hell, Obie Trice is a favorite of mine and he's not exactly Shakespeare... BUT.. he makes up for that lack of with great delivery and flow (IMO). Same with Pac... there are some songs where Pac's lyrics are sub-part... BUT... he makes up with it with flow and passion.

All I'm saying is.. like an athelete, when you're lacking in one area, you work harder in another. Dennis Rodman was never a good shooter, so he became the best God damned rebounder in the league for almost 10 years.

As for saying he writes good music.. no, he doesn't. His producers do. He just raps shitty, and.. at best.. sub-par lyrics over those beats. Then, there's the accusations (if you believe them) that Game doesn't even write a lot of his own shit. (I don't know if I believe it or not).

And, if you though Documentary was "nice"... then that just speaks for how much garbage is cluttering the mainstream. 10 years ago Documentary would have been sat on and nobody would have bought it.
Game has talent. You can't deny that.
What talent? No... seriously... explain this to me... what talent? I'm not be sarcastic, rhertorical, vicious... nothing like that, so please don't come at me crooked, serious question here... what talent?

Whether he is a penis or not. Game is running the West at the moment. Although there's a lot more talent yet to be released.
LOL @ "Game is running the West"... see what I mean? How many inches you takin, Pittsey? Game ain't runnin' shit... the guy can hardly find a fuckin' label. He admitted himself he doesn't know what label he's on... so how the fuck are you runnning a damn thing if you don't even know what label you're on?

I'm looking forward to the Bishop Lamont's and the Crooked I's getting some much deserved shine.
Only thing out the West I'm looking for right now is Detox... and that ain't ever coming. It's been getting pushed back for liek 2 years now, since Em was talking about it on Encore and that was released in what? 2004?

As for Snoop, dude used to be one of my favorites, but he's doin the Ja thing now, so I can't take him seriously. Once' you've been in a fucking golf commercial with Lee Iacocca... dogg... you ain't "gangsta" anymore...
I like game cos he's real and keeping it real. Although I wont truely judge game till his sophmore realese I feel that he makes good music I can listen too. As said earlier in the thread he is no lyrical genius but his tracks are tight and if you had been following his mixtapes you would see that he is getting better.
All I'm saying is.. like an athelete, when you're lacking in one area, you work harder in another.
as quoted from your post he is getting better so he must be working harder in that area


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Bam_Margera said:
What talent? No... seriously... explain this to me... what talent? I'm not be sarcastic, rhertorical, vicious... nothing like that, so please don't come at me crooked, serious question here... what talent?

LOL @ "Game is running the West"... see what I mean? How many inches you takin, Pittsey? Game ain't runnin' shit... the guy can hardly find a fuckin' label. He admitted himself he doesn't know what label he's on... so how the fuck are you runnning a damn thing if you don't even know what label you're on?

Only thing out the West I'm looking for right now is Detox... and that ain't ever coming. It's been getting pushed back for liek 2 years now, since Em was talking about it on Encore and that was released in what? 2004?

As for Snoop, dude used to be one of my favorites, but he's doin the Ja thing now, so I can't take him seriously. Once' you've been in a fucking golf commercial with Lee Iacocca... dogg... you ain't "gangsta" anymore...

Who is the most popular rapper in the west then? Sales say it's The Game.

And again this year... It'll be ... The Game.

I'm not even a Game fan. But Documentary was in my top 5 last year.

And I know why you don't see that game has talent. You don't even know the difference between hip-hop and rap. No offence.
ganderson said:
as quoted from your post he is getting better so he must be working harder in that area
I've only heard one song from him since Documentary that *I* thought was relatively hot... so... that doesn't count as any kind of improvement to me.
Who is the most popular rapper in the west then? Sales say it's The Game.
That makes him the most popular SALESMAN... not rapper. And I would bet my ass that people out in Cali prefer Snoop, Cube and Dre over Game... whether sales says so or not.

And again this year... It'll be ... The Game.
Pittsey's a prophet, now.

I'm not even a Game fan. But Documentary was in my top 5 last year.
Which shows how pitiful the game (no pun intended) has become.

And I know why you don't see that game has talent. You don't even know the difference between hip-hop and rap. No offence.
*eye roll* Hip hop is what you live, rap is what you do.

And talent is talent... Game has little.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Bam_Margera said:
That makes him the most popular SALESMAN... not rapper. And I would bet my ass that people out in Cali prefer Snoop, Cube and Dre over Game... whether sales says so or not.

Pittsey's a prophet, now.

Which shows how pitiful the game (no pun intended) has become.

*eye roll* Hip hop is what you live, rap is what you do.

And talent is talent... Game has little.

Sorry... Didn't you say this about hip-hop and rap?

jason_g_718 said:
Am I the only one who thinks there's a difference between hip hop and rap? I know, or at least I think that most people just see the two as being synonyms of each other, but I don't see it that way. For example, from my perspective, here's the difference between rap and hip hop:

Hip Hop music is songs such as:
Changes, Country Grammar, In Da Club, Business, Holidae Inn

Rap music is songs such as:
Blasphemy, Soldier, Black Gloves, What's My Name?

To me hip hop is representative of songs that have more of a lighter attitude about them, or songs that have a pop-like sound. For example, Business is a hip hop song, but I don't see it being pop. However, Changes is also a hip hop song to me, but it is DEFINATELY pop.

And obviously by the things I typed above, a rapper can make both hip hop AND rap songs.

Am I the only one that views this from this perspective?

And if sales don't mean you are the most popular what does?

And when Game sells the most copies of any West Coast rapper this year can I say told you so. And can you name another West Coast rapper who will sell in excess of 1 million copies this year?

Still I expect you not to see truth or sense and come back at me with more bull shit.
I like Game and I dont think hes trash at all imo. I hardly listen to any rap artists from the west except for Pac, Game, and a handful maybe more. Games delivery isnt bad.. yes, his flow doesnt change too much on most of his songs but i dont think thats really a bad thing.. He keeps his tracks interesting with some decent punchlines. Take Jadakiss for example (yea i know some of you dont like Jada).. I think Jada still spits hot shit even though his flow is still pretty the same as it always is, but hes still nice.
Sorry... Didn't you say this about hip-hop and rap?
Yeah, but see, the problem is... just like MOST of the things I write here, what I wrote was misunderstood, COMPLETELY. And... I'm not going to try to explain it now... because there's no use. But, lovely how you have to try to put me on blast for something I said over a year ago. That's all you got?

And if sales don't mean you are the most popular what does?
That you were marketed best.

And when Game sells the most copies of any West Coast rapper this year can I say told you so.
You can say anything you want... doesn't make you right.

And can you name another West Coast rapper who will sell in excess of 1 million copies this year?
LOL.. thanks for showing Pitts why you're one of the people that have caused the game to deteriorate. LIke someone else said recently in another thread "I remember when emcees were popular because they were actually the best rappers, not because they sold the most".

Thanks for showing you're part of what's wrong with hip hop. It's not always about the sales... sometimes it's about respect and talent.

Still I expect you not to see truth or sense and come back at me with more bull shit.
Of course, because you hate me... so, anything I say to you will be "nonsense"... I'm still waiting to know what whether or not Snoop and Warren graduated had anything to do with anything in that other thread.
I like Game and I dont think hes trash at all imo.
That's fine... but, I don't expect anyone in here to think he's not trash if they like him. I just think it's funny so many people ride his dick in here. It just shows what a sad state hip hop has sunk to.

I hardly listen to any rap artists from the west except for Pac, Game, and a handful maybe more.
For me it's Pac, Dre, Cube, Warren and that's it. of course, NWA and 'em... but, I'm talking current rappers. I don't even listen to Snoop anymore.

Games delivery isnt bad.. yes, his flow doesnt change too much on most of his songs but i dont think thats really a bad thing..
I guess I disagree. To me... if you have the same flow on damn near every song... you ain't really that good IMO.

He keeps his tracks interesting with some decent punchlines.
Well, I said he has decent punchlines... but they're nothing spectacular.

Take Jadakiss for example (yea i know some of you dont like Jada).. I think Jada still spits hot shit even though his flow is still pretty the same as it always is, but hes still nice.
Jada is a guy that really disappointed me. I'm a guy that's big on voice... if I don't like the sound of your voice, that will usually kill any chance of me liking you overall. I LOVE Jada's voice... but his flow and lyrics are shit.
ganderson said:
which song you thought was hot from game would you care to name the track *you* think was half decent since the documentory
100 Bars... that's it. And, after almost 2 verses... even that song started making me fall asleep.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Bam_Margera said:
Yeah, but see, the problem is... just like MOST of the things I write here, what I wrote was misunderstood, COMPLETELY. And... I'm not going to try to explain it now... because there's no use. But, lovely how you have to try to put me on blast for something I said over a year ago. That's all you got?

That you were marketed best.

You can say anything you want... doesn't make you right.

LOL.. thanks for showing Pitts why you're one of the people that have caused the game to deteriorate. LIke someone else said recently in another thread "I remember when emcees were popular because they were actually the best rappers, not because they sold the most".

Thanks for showing you're part of what's wrong with hip hop. It's not always about the sales... sometimes it's about respect and talent.

Of course, because you hate me... so, anything I say to you will be "nonsense"... I'm still waiting to know what whether or not Snoop and Warren graduated had anything to do with anything in that other thread.

I don't hate you. I just think you're retarded. It's not your fault. You have an extra chromosone. I blame mother nature.

Can you explain your hip-hop Vs Rap comment? No. Is that because you're completely wrong and it proves you know nothing about hip-hop. Therefore I am now putting you on my ignore list.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
One Blood is killing the streets right now. And I'm not a big Game fan but that record is fire. DJ Semtex met up with Game when I was in LA with him, he went out to Game's studio and heard the tracks he was working on - I was kicking it on Sunset Strip with Candyman, but when Semtex got back, he told us the tracks were absolute fire.
isn't even one of his better mixtape freesyles, you should check out
blackwallstreet journal vol 1. or youknowwhatitis vol3 am sure you would like at least one of those joints or even the funeral .

cant believe man you don't like one blood! but hey thats your opinion and I respect that
Pittsey said:
I don't hate you. I just think you're retarded. It's not your fault. You have an extra chromosone. I blame mother nature.

Can you explain your hip-hop Vs Rap comment? No. Is that because you're completely wrong and it proves you know nothing about hip-hop. Therefore I am now putting you on my ignore list.
Oh no... not your ignore list. :rolleyes:

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