Game has a new video

Guess that rumour about them putting a stop 2 Game's promotional stuff wasn't true....remember that they were gonna stop him from making anymore videos...etc.

Haven't seen it, but they just showed a small caption on the bottom of the screen on MTV saying that he just shot a video 4 his next single "Let me put you on the Game".



Well-Known Member
No its not a new thing, its called once your album gets out of the picture you drop another single brining it back in, why put the mall out at once? That would be dumb if you want to make money, longevity.
Let me put you on the game is tight though.
yea i guess it's just so they have something out there.....people won't 4get about them. Like for example.......when was the last time the name Joe Buddens popped in your head? :D


Active Member
Kryogenikz said:
yea i guess it's just so they have something out there.....people won't 4get about them. Like for example.......when was the last time the name Joe Buddens popped in your head? :D

Actually his new cd The Growth has a few good songs on it...

Average Joe with Fat Joe and Joe
Feel It In The Air with Phil Colins
Roc Cafe with Jay z and some other rocafella guys
im pretty sure that game filmed Put you on the game ages ago in queens aswell and he had many people walking around queens in gunot t-shirts so yeh this is kinda old news

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