Game & 50 Hold Press Conference To End Dispute

i doubt some1 took 1 in the leg for problicity, what did he draw the fucking short straw? some of the shit 50 said to would definitly hurt games repuation and i doubt he'd be willing to go along with that, it really didnt help sell to many more units. only sold like 200k more in the first week then GROTD, and 50 has been the hottest thing in hip hop for how long since then?
Definitely sounds like a publicity stunt to me... especially since that Game video has 50 in it, people will want to see any chemistry they had.
Finally these 2 cats are realizing it wasn't worth at all and that having a real talk is more interesting than starting to hate on each other for something stupid that could've costed some lives as if it was a drama movie.



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if anything it was a press confrence 4 the game to apologise to 50.Did yall see that shit?.The game apologised to 50.:eek: lol i cant believ what i just saw....
I saw some of footage on TV just a while ago. They still don't seem all that cool. If anything it was a publicity stunt to make people think they really squashed their beef. 50's speech was already written (I wouldnt be suprised if he didn't write it himself); Game's speech was from the top of his head. When they hugged each other, you can see it on Game's face, something hasnt been entirely str8ened out. But hey, if they'll leave it alone, thats cool then.


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"we're here today to show people we can rise above even the most difficult circumstances and together we can put negativity behind us," he said as Game stood off to the side behind him with virtually no expression on his face."
Real difficult. 50: I dont like Game anymore he's got two faces!?!"
Record Exec: Now now boys kiss n make up you both gotta make me money.

Although its good we dont have to hear bout this bullshit anymore.

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