Footage of Fat Joe leaving VMAs immediately after GUnit diss

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Found this at the Ill Community forum; its a run down of what really happened cause MTV edited it.

Anonymous writes "As most of you know, last night, Fat Joe made a comment that started a very tense exchange between G-Unit and Terror Squad. I was lucky enough to be one of the people in the audience, right in front in the designated area for fans. So here's what happened from somebody who saw the whole thing. So Fat Joe is presenting and all of the sudden, out of no where he takes a swipe at G-Unit. As soon as that happened, the crowd started to boo him, and like a second later, the G-Unit members started yelling obscenities at fat Joe. I couldn't tell who was yelling what though. Then when Missy accepted the award, 50 jumped on stage, while Fat Joe was still there and walked right to Fat Joe. They were face to face, and 50 said something along the lines of "You got something to say, say it while I'm standing right here in front of you, nigga" (not exact words, but along those lines). Now I'm expecting Fat Joe to say something back and diss him, but all he did was take a few steps back and look back at his security that was standing by the stage. Then Fat Joe's security come on stage and get in between him and 50 and they try to kinda get 50 to move back a little, but 50 just stood there and didn't let Joe's bodyguards move him. Finally the guards escorted Joe backstage and from what I was told, he just left. I was so surprised when Fat Joe reacted like that. I seriously couldn't believe it that he was just dissing 50 Cent for having security, but he himself had about 5 security guards with him everywhere he went. From what I saw, 50 didn't have any security guards with him when he was inside, but fat Joe did. So what kind of hypocrite is Fat Joe? I'm not gonna lie, I'm a fan of Fat Joe's music, but I lost so much respect for him for being so fake and trying to call someone out on national TV for something he is guilty of even more that the person he tried to diss.

Anyway, so then 50's performance started and the crowd was so hype. Everyone stood up, even the celebrities. The only performance all the celebrities stood up for where 50's, Kanye's, and Green Days'. Someone I noticed that was really into 50's performance was Kanye West, which isn't really a surprise because Kanye always lets people know he's a huge 50 fan. But what else I noticed was that there was a bit of tension left in the air and everyone probably had the feeling that 50 was gonna have the last word in this. And of course, he did. At the end of the performance, 50 and Yayo made clear that Fat Joe was a p*ssy for those that didn't see what happened earlier (especially the people at home, because most of you know, MTV cut out all the good parts). Of course, the people in the audience that saw what happened earlier already knew that. And when 50 and Yayo started dissing Fat Joe, the crowd went crazy and I looked over and I saw Kanye and Jay Z laughing and clapping like they agreed, which kind of surprised me because Kanye and Jay Z usually try and stay neutral in beefs. Well, that's what happened, and I'm still shocked and disgusted with Fat Joe's cowardly actions.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Wow. Joe really disappointed me. I mean I didn't wanna see anyone get hurt physically, but what the fuck.
Ok This Must Be The G Unit Number One Fan Club Any Street Dude Knows 50 Ran Off At The Mouth To The Cops If Not Watch The Original 50cent Dvd And Learn More So You Wont Sound So Stupid Half Of Ya'll Dont Even Know He Took That Name From A Real Dude And 50 AINT Kevin From 'the Gator Pit' Trenton , Nj But Im In The (757) Bad News Va And I Know For Fact 50 Is A Clown Because He Diss This Area On His New Album On That Track Ski Mask Way And Now Hes Scared To Come Out Here Cause People Want Him Dead And Local Rappers From This Area Be Getting Radio Play Dissing Gunit....matter Fact 50 Came Out Here Like 2 Weeks Ago With A Task Force To Do A Show And Right Before 50 Came Out On Stage The Dj That Was Hosting The Show Played Jadas Animal Track And 50 Got Mad And Went Up To The Dj And Asked Him Why Did He Play That Jada Track And The Dj Just Told 50 That He Played The Track Because Hes Va Deep....

Shot 21

Active Member
Couldnt see Fat Joe in the vid. And Im not gonna go on some member of the audiences account of things. Maybe hes a Fat Joe hater or a G Unit dickryder. I want to see hard evidence before I even comment on this.


Well-Known Member
Those people in the audience are paid actors, friends, whatevr of MTV and people that work for them. This is some bullshit. The only real audience is up top.
yea not buyin it. 1st off security never would of let 50 cent on the stage in the fisrt place, 2ndly joe wouldnt of been a bitch. 3rd there would of been a rush of people to the set to back both sides up. 4th I think you need to get 50's dick out of yer sticky ass. :thumb:
calithugs913 said:
4th I think you need to get 50's dick out of yer sticky ass. :thumb:
Stop "cali-thuggin" over the internet, lil dickhead. I never gave my opinion on this. I was jus reportin what I saw on another board. I dont know if its true or not, I wasnt there.

"Calithug" from Ohio - LOL! How ironic.
comments are fake.if you seen the vma's when it first showed fifty was in the balcony and you see joe givin diddy dap and walking off with missy after her award speach.damn some cats is stans!!
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