Excerpts from 50 cents book- From Pieces to weight


Wishes he was on probation
grow up...the dude lived a harder life than any of you. he Sold drugs, went to jail,was shot,was stabed,his parents were both killed and finally became successful. He has lived an interesting life..and this is gona make a good read


New Member
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Sarr said:
grow up...the dude lived a harder life than any of you. he Sold drugs, went to jail,was shot,was stabed,his parents were both killed and finally became successful. He has lived an interesting life..and this is gona make a good read
hmm ... very interesting

heard Get Rich Or Die Trying ??
so much of this shit is exxagerated, especially about his mother saying "go out and fight him again and find something to hit him with"




Well-Known Member
How ever exaggerated or how much bullshit it is or isn't is pretty irrelevant when it comes to a good read.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
It's 50. He is going to spice it up to make it more sellable. That's what he does.

However you can't deny he has led a harder life than most people on this board can imagine. Have you had your mother killed? Sold drugs? Spent even a night in the cells?

Most would say No. Can anyone here say yes to all 3.

I'll pick it up. It's always nice to hear what people think of their own lives, and you can tell a lot of a person from their autobiography. Even if it is bullshit. I read Snoops yesterday, and that was pretty good.

The question I have to ask though is ... Why do people come in here just to hate? If I see a thread on a rapper I hate, I stay out. I don't feel the need to come in and post a negative comment. And I didn't read the article, I'll wait for the book. So I can't comment on any dumb comments 50 has made, if he has.
Advocate said:
so much of this shit is exxagerated, especially about his mother saying "go out and fight him again and find something to hit him with"


i can testify to that happenin' to me in my life too. most black ma's do that shit if you get fucked up.

looks like a dope book.
lmao who would wanna buy this crap
Uhm, the excerpts are funny, interesting, and the story-telling is great. So, why not buy the book? Sure, the book itself was not written by him, but who is stupid enough to believe he wrote it? His grammar, from authentic papers, is not that great, and I don't expect it to be, and that's what proves he didn't write the book, but I sure as hell believe the stories.

Why should I not believe the stories? Everything he shares can be verified with friends, family members, criminal records, people from his former neighborhood, etc. You can check his stories with anyone. Besides, lying about something that never happened is extremely shameful because its being fake.

50 wants us to believe he was an amateur comedian as a 5 year old.....lmao
But it was funny, right? He may have spiced up a joke or whatever, but so what..they're directly from him, I assume. A ghost-writer wrote the story for several reasons, but the ideas came from him. He's funny today, and he recently wrote the book. So, the jokes you read in the book aren't from when he was five..the jokes are from him today.

so much of this shit is exxagerated, especially about his mother saying "go out and fight him again and find something to hit him with"

Let me ask you this...have you ever been in the ghetto? I know for a fact a lot of parents are like that. Take, for example, my mother. We're from the f**** bottom of the gutter because we came from a warzone, literally. That's how things go in warzones, alright? This personal experience, just so you know I am not making it up.

Although 50's ghetto wasn't nearly as much of a warzone as where I am from, he still had it hard, and its not entirely unbelievable that his mother sent him back, because I know mothers like that.

I no longer live in a ghetto (damn, you can't even call where I am from a ghetto cuz of how bad things are) in case you're wondering how I am using a computer.

This must be fiction.
Because you know nothing about the ghetto does not mean its fiction.

How ever exaggerated or how much bullshit it is or isn't is pretty irrelevant when it comes to a good read.
I hate interesting, but made-up, stories. That's why I plan to get my hands on the book...cuz its not made-up.

i can testify to that happenin' to me in my life too. most black ma's do that shit if you get fucked up.
Exactly. That's how things are, but most kids on Street Hop know nothing about real life.

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