Ever been to an Eminem concert? Read this


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I went to an Eminem concert back in 2000.

It was fucking excellent to be honest. He was full of energy he picked good tracks and he was entertaining.

I also went again to a smaller show. Not a concert, only 200 people. Again he was dope, but it was very short.

I went 2-3 years ago and I gotta say it was shit. It was around the time 50 came out with GRODT. He was hot and he hyped the crowd. But Eminem and D12 were poor and picked all the wrong songs.

Probably be worse this time. He'll pick a lot of tracks from Encore.

And yes. Full of white people, not that I see why that matters. So are Talib Kweli concerts!!
Raul said:
Wow, this sounds like blasphemy to my ears :eek:
I think Slim Shady LP was by far his best album released to date. closely followed by Marshall Mathers LP. The Eminem Show was still some good music while Encore was trash.
I think he will definitely do My Name Is, Guilty Conscience and Role Model though.
Well, if you prefer rappers talking about raping a goat with WD40 or some shit, than the SSLP is for you. Myself, I prefer lyrical substance, which is why I'm so high on people like Pac, Eminem, Nas and a few others. While I don't really like Nas as a rapper, I respect him and I admire his lyricism. I just don't like Nas' voice and I've never really liked NY beats. This is why I prefer the MMLP and TES. The MMLP has A TON of real actual messages of substance, the thing is, you have to read between the lines to get them. Whereas with TES, the deep substantial messages are more in the fore front and the "prankster/tongue in cheek" Em wasn't repped as much.

Though, I will say, I usually don't have a problem with Em getting messages across using the "tongue in cheek" method, because he's so great at it.

I doubt he'll do "My Name Is" because I've seen several interviews were he said he started hating that song after he heard it three times. He said by the time he toured to promote SSLP, he hated doing "My Name Is" because "by that time, it was just so fuckin' corny to me". Plus, My Name Is is the song that started me off HATING Eminem.

Yes...so ironic. When Em first dropped I DESPISED him. I felt back then the way Benzino does now. I felt he was ostracizing rap music, I felt like he was making a mockery of it. However, since then, I think he's changed a bit, gotten more mature, and that is the Eminem I like.

I don't give a fuck if Em drops a record and it sells 10 copies. If I like it, I won't deny it.
DrugBa11ad said:
Oh shit man, I'm getting tickets for that concert in Comerica Park this friday. I'm curious how it will be too, never been to one of his concert's before.
Sorry homie, but I think you're out of luck.

I just went on Ticketmaster yesterday to check the availability for a friend of mine and it says the tix are sold out now.

Either way, Comerica Park is in the center of Detroit...Em's hometown, the place that made him. I'm sure he'll kill it.


Well-Known Member
freshprince said:
Well, if you prefer rappers talking about raping a goat with WD40 or some shit, than the SSLP is for you. Myself, I prefer lyrical substance, which is why I'm so high on people like Pac, Eminem, Nas and a few others. While I don't really like Nas as a rapper, I respect him and I admire his lyricism. I just don't like Nas' voice and I've never really liked NY beats. This is why I prefer the MMLP and TES. The MMLP has A TON of real actual messages of substance, the thing is, you have to read between the lines to get them. Whereas with TES, the deep substantial messages are more in the fore front and the "prankster/tongue in cheek" Em wasn't repped as much.

Though, I will say, I usually don't have a problem with Em getting messages across using the "tongue in cheek" method, because he's so great at it.

I doubt he'll do "My Name Is" because I've seen several interviews were he said he started hating that song after he heard it three times. He said by the time he toured to promote SSLP, he hated doing "My Name Is" because "by that time, it was just so fuckin' corny to me". Plus, My Name Is is the song that started me off HATING Eminem.

Yes...so ironic. When Em first dropped I DESPISED him. I felt back then the way Benzino does now. I felt he was ostracizing rap music, I felt like he was making a mockery of it. However, since then, I think he's changed a bit, gotten more mature, and that is the Eminem I like.

I don't give a fuck if Em drops a record and it sells 10 copies. If I like it, I won't deny it.

Definititly jason g, welcome back. :D

I have never been to an eminem concert but he usualy brings a lot of other acts with him so if he isnt superb maybe someone else puts on a better show.

BTW SSLP was great. And as for lyrical substance listen to "rock botom" , "if i had" and some others. Eminem was great with his wordplay and lyrics on SSLP. It was definitly one of his best if not teh best.
Dogmatic187 said:
I saw him 3 years ago, i was right in the mosh pit and I thought he fuckin killed it.

He came down on the ferris wheel, and there were all these explosions and shit.

girls were making out and groping each other right in front of me, it was great.

and the concert was too. :)
Heh, sounds like "Sing For The Moment"'s video, for some reason.
,what to expect:
alot of wigger's and other truely lost soul's with bleached hair
eminem lip synching.
no one over 13, (meaning jason is defintely gonna be outa place being at least 15 years older than anyone else)
jaimie.uk fan said:
Yeah m.k. is my home town , went to the saturday show - the only one 50 performed , emm was good , but the highlight was the bottle fights !! - the low point the cypruss hill set ending early cause of technical difficulties and the programe ripoff , bought it for a tenner from some dude walking round when some guy said he got it for a fiver :mad: . It was a good show though.
I went on the sat too!!! Was really good, apart from the technical difficulties when Cypress hill were on!!! I paid a tenner for mine too!! :)

Lol, yeah the bottles was mad, we were near the front so didn't get hit by too many!!
Frank Grimes said:
,what to expect:
alot of wigger's and other truely lost soul's with bleached hair
eminem lip synching.
no one over 13, (meaning jason is defintely gonna be outa place being at least 15 years older than anyone else)
goddamn :p
Frank Grimes said:
,what to expect:
alot of wigger's and other truely lost soul's with bleached hair
eminem lip synching.
no one over 13, (meaning jason is defintely gonna be outa place being at least 15 years older than anyone else)
Wow..you know, I must say, this is truley one of the meanest, rudest forums I've ever posted on in my entire life.

What is wrong with you people? YOu're all so quick to call each other names and diss each other. Y'all either need to get drunk, laid or stoned, because too many of you motherfuckers have chips on your shoulders and attitudes like crazy.

It's like y'all are all 15 years old and stuck in that "teenage angst" state of mind.

Why don't you actually conversate and add something to the thread rather than dissing people or calling people names? It makes no fucking sense.
Shit man... your right... they are sold out. Well fuck, my day's ruined. I was looking forward to that shit too... I just couldn't get the money till friday and either could the dude i was gonna go with. Oh well... guess I can just save up for next year.

And yeah, I agree with you on the post above. Well, at any rate, let me know how the shit turns out when you go. Have fun bro.

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