Eazy E Vs Biggie (Who Is Better)

Even though personally I like Eazy better, you can't say Biggie doesnt talk about real shit, Ready 2 Die was grimey, only on Life After Death did Puffy really influence him...

But yea, Eazy's solo material is classic :thumb:
biggie smalls way more talent. i thought eazy e didnt write his rhymes.
ALso to consider. Eazy e was a classic himself, no one else sounds like that on the mic. no one else is more funny, (not intentional, like some rappers look stupid when tryin to sound to funny), but no one else could say this and sound hilarious.
oh fuck i forgot how the line goes.
something like " i chased him down the street to call a truce, the stupid mother fucker pulled out a duece duece"
"i crashed my car into the gutter, i said OH BROTHER, threw it away and bought another".
hell, maybe that line doesnt go like that, but he sounds funny none the less.

btw, i like biggie more, his music is timeless
As far as lyrical talent and content in his songs, Biggie is far better. Eazy brought a attitude to the game back in the early 90's but wasn't a really impressive lyricist. Eazy talked about real street shit though, I do agree on that. Biggie was the same back in 93 and early 94 when he used to do shit with 2Pac, but when he hooked up with P. Diddy, P. Diddy wanted him to have this 'playa' image. Don't get me wrong, on some songs he was talking about real shit but on certain others he brought out this 'character' like thing, and you can tell how he changed his style from the Live Squad days to the Bad Boy days.

The realness is to Eazy, but Biggie was an amazing lyricist and amazing song writer. Both major figures in hip-hop.
Hmm...Biggie is far superior to Eazy. Better lyrics, better flow, better content, better rhymer.

Biggie definitely isn't old school.

Eazy may be considered old school.
i think its hard 2 say... but i like easy e alot better, he was just so unique.. biggie is cool and all and is unique for the most part.. but i donno theres just somethin about easy i like more.. and as fas as biggie not writing his own lyrics, can anyone elaborate on that or bring proof, id like to hear :) never knew that


Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
People have said dat Biggie used to make up his rhymes off the top of his head,without writing them on paper.Yet others have said that Biggie said himself that he couldnt a never freestyled.If Biggie never freestlyed and never wrote rhymes then som1 else mustvebeen doin it 4 him.I dunno what to believe.

'If Biggie never freestyled and never wrote rhymes then som1 else mustvebeen doin it 4 him'?????

No-one else can freestyle for you!

As for the rhymes, it wasn't that he rhymed 'off the top of his head' - this would be freestyling - it's just that he wouldn't write them down. That is, he'd figure it out in his head then go in the booth & spit. Just like Jay does nowadays.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
I meant that he might have got som1 to write 4 him.I never said he got som1 freesyle 4 him.Stop tryin to make me out to be stupid u know it all asshole.

If Biggie didnt write rhymes,and did his songs like u said,then he was freestyling.I dont c what else u could call it.
Tupac Tha Great said:
If Biggie didnt write rhymes,and did his songs like u said,then he was freestyling.I dont c what else u could call it.
Freestyling is spitting on the spot with no rehearsal, no nothing.

What Biggie & Jay did & do respectively, is to formulate the lyrics & flow in their head & the when they get to the studio spit them.

There is a difference.
sorry i might be mad, but Eazy E is one of a kind.... eazy was one funny muhfuckkaa... and he was good for his time. No1 has been able to copy his style or his voice yet, so ima say eazy e... Biggie was ill, but in a different way.

... EAZY didnt write his own rhymes?????????????????????????? AHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYYY.... sorry, i never knew that

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