DOWNLOAD: Napoleon (Outlawz) presents The Loyalty Fam (new mixtape)

every body go sign up n spread the word on what ever other forums yall visit , let ur family n friends know , spread the word
some one needs to post this on the outlawz forum we still got some loyal napoleon fans up there
pacnlawzsouljha said:
every body go sign up n spread the word on what ever other forums yall visit , let ur family n friends know , spread the word
some one needs to post this on the outlawz forum we still got some loyal napoleon fans up there
I thought i was gonna be smart and the first to go post it there yesterday but guess whos all over it???? our boy Pezz

Hey pezz just update the thing so they can suscribe themselves so its more organized or whatever.
Yeah man this brother is keepin it locked man , u is a hard working brother man notthing but love for u man the website is beautiful too

im banned from the outlawz site but i know there is still a lot of mu's fans up there that dont come here often
tight shit... yo rukas, is it possible to get a "sticky" thread up at the street hop forum, cuz alotta ppl pass through there that mite wanna sign up who dont pass through this forum and that dont visit the street hop website on a regular basis.



Will suck off black men for a dime
it says the show requires it and shit, is it a thing where whoever gets the most ppl ---? or sum shit?

(i signed up)
Aiiight yall because we need to step up the amount of emails we have on this list i am ready to give anyone who signs up a an invite gmail account. for those of you that dont know gmail is the google mail where you can have 1GB of space in your inbox.

WE need to get Napo to win in order for him to get the right promotion so that the album finally comes out :)

We need help and we need it fast. we just confirmed that the artist with teh most emails in their email list will be on lock for the win because only peoople on the email list are egible to vote or some crap.

Anyways 2 other artists, Rob Kelly from Ireland and another artist from Nebraska both already have over 3000 email addys while we are stuck just about 500.

We need to act quick cuz we have to not only catch up to the artists but also have a firm lead in order for Napoleon to win.

Go to whatever forums everyone can go to and start telling more people about it. We already ahve a few forums on lock, this one, the Outlaw REcordz, Amans forum and World Wide Connected. We got to assign more people to other forums to start telling everyone about it.
I signed up, Come on every one. Please understand i know some 2pac fans here dont like napoleon because of khadafi situation. But learn one thing guys, 2pac said himself "forgive, but dont forget", forgive the man and signup. RUKAS, please make this post full blown and post in every thread.
^every1 on this site, has already signed up pretty much, its our job to get the msg out to every1 else that doesnt visit the forums, so if ya'll wanna support Mu, just start emailing all ur friends that listen to hiphop, or go and post the link on other websites... every vote helps so keep the support comin'

and Rukas has already been doing everything he can already so props for that

yeah i guess we basically got all the people from this website. We have 700 emails now. i still dont think that is close to enough so we just need everyone to email anyone they know to get the word out and get more people to sign up.

The sad thing is before Hitemup got hijacked we had soooooo much more traffic throughout the forums but now its just dead. i guess its because you cant find the forums through anymore.
good shit Rukas, with teh email update, i was just about to email Young G and tell him we should send out an email to the whole list and tell them that we need their help. Well i guess what they say is true, great minds think a like :)
Rukas sent an updats?.... I never got one... Anyways that is a good idea, email the whole list an email telling them to forward the link to every1, peace


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
ImmortalTech said:
Rukas sent an updats?.... I never got one... Anyways that is a good idea, email the whole list an email telling them to forward the link to every1, peace

I got one.
:s... shit, maybe my junkmail filter is deleting it, either that, or the email, didnt get sent out to every1 it was supposed to, cuz i did get an email confirming that i signed up, but no recent emails
ImmortalTech said:
:s... shit, maybe my junkmail filter is deleting it, either that, or the email, didnt get sent out to every1 it was supposed to, cuz i did get an email confirming that i signed up, but no recent emails

I got it with all of my emails, dont know. Ask Rukas what happened with the list.

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