[DOWNLOAD] - Immortal Technique

CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Nah, I'm a big fan of Immortal Technique but he is over-rated by some.

I enjoy his music & the science he drops but it's pretty clear that he's just a good emcee & nothing more. His rhymes range from decent to good & his flow is alright, but it's his content that sets him apart.

But dudes try & make out like he's up there with the best emcees, & he's not.
You hit it on the head there.

At times IT has no flow, he may as well be a talking poet. I enjoy listening to the albums because he can be clever at times, and it is a nice break from the bling bling stuff, but he has little to know rhyming ability.
I'm downloading Land of The Gun now. I've only heard Dominant Species and Bin Laden from Immortal Technique before, he's pretty decent - great lyricist though.


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Rosco said:
You hit it on the head there.

At times IT has no flow, he may as well be a talking poet. I enjoy listening to the albums because he can be clever at times, and it is a nice break from the bling bling stuff, but he has little to know rhyming ability.
no rhyming ability? c'mon, i agree that flow isnt his forte but dude can write decent enough rhymes.

plus hes mad funny at times :D
Duke said:
no rhyming ability? c'mon, i agree that flow isnt his forte but dude can write decent enough rhymes.

plus hes mad funny at times :D
Yeah he can write, it's his delivery that is the problem. Don't get me wrong, I actually do like him. People on here build him up as something that he is not.
I decided not to post I know this board and I know it's members it was gonna cause some bullshit...If you have seen the post try to forget it... :thumb:


On probation, please report any break in the guidl
to be totaly honest the only thing that u can consider a flaw in I.T is his breath control, but thats only for the fussy bastards, other than that he is tha illest.
over rated? i think its great just cuz he is one of the few real fuckin emcees out there. i gotta give this nigga madd props for what he is doin with his music cuz it is definatly on the positive tip. if anything this dude is the underdog.

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