Do Black Rappers Have An Advantage?

I don't think that the use of that word can be defined as an adavantage, but it certainly allows black rappers to write quicker.

I've seen white guys freestyle and have to think twice about saying a line because they've gotta watch out for the dreaded "N" word. For freestyling, yes, I would kinda agree that black rappers have an advantage, mainly for the reasons stated in DeeezNuuuts83's post. As for songwriting, many white rappers have much more lyrical skill than many black rappers, so the use of replacement words for "ni***" aren't really necessary.

If a white guy were to be making "gangsta rap (speaking about the Crip and Blood lifestyle and such)" then he would be at a disadvantage.

So all in all, I personally don't believe black rappers have an edge in songwriting, but often times do in a freestyle battle.
DeeezNuuuts83 said:
It's easier for black rappers to come up, but once in the limelight, it's easier for non-black rappers to gain popularity (but not necessarily sell millions) because everybody makes a big deal out of it. MTV was all over Eminem when Dre signed him. BET was all over Jin when he went into the 106 and Park Freestyle Friday hall of fame, when he announced he had signed with Ruff Ryders (although this specific case is an example of popularity but no sales, since I don't even think he's released anything to date). But in addition, we must factor in talent, marketablility, image, etc.

Although the rap audience is primarily white (upwards of 70%), I think that black rappers definitely have an advantage in certain arenas, such as freestyle battles, which are usually attended by mostly black people. In such a scenario, a black rapper can pick apart a non-black rapper's race, which happens a lot if you've ever seen it, whether it's on BET's 106 and Park or just a high school battle in front of all the students. But in those scenarios, the non-black rapper can virtually NEVER pick apart the black rapper's race, since he will then be labeled a racist and probably hated on by the entire crowd. For example, in an old freestyle battle that Eminem was in before he was famous, his opponent was making remarks about him being white, and part of his response was "Don't turn this facial issue into a racial issue" rather than talking about black people. On 106 and Park, Jin would get comments about him being Asian (ESPECIALLY the second week, when the guy was saying stuff like "Ay yo, I'm mad, Free, you actin' like I ain't the one/ Why you got me battlin' Bruce Lee's grandson?/ I'm a star, he's just a rookie/ Leave rap alone and keep making fortune cookies/ I'm that guy, yo/ His mom was in Menace II Society saying "Hurry up and buy"/ I kick raps and spit fi-yah/ He just kick and be like, "hi-yahhh"/ Yo dog, I know why your eyes is chinky/ 'Cause you keep staring at my pinky"), but Jin would just make responses about the Chinese references rather than start bashing on black people. So that's an advantage in the battle arena. It sucks, but it's just the reality of the situation.
Excellent post :thumb:
Mase said:
Black rappers have an advantage, not for the reasons your friend stated though.
Is he saying that the use of 1 word determines whether someone has success or not? That is a pretty stupid friend you have there, I don't see an advantage in using that word at all.
You know, although it's unfair, it's probably better this way. Even if the black rapper is shitting all over the other guy's race, look at what happens, it almost forces the other guy to come back with something non-racist to make the other guy look like a dumbass while dropping some well-thought-out lines. Back to the thing with Jin where the guy was talking about him being Chinese, do you guys remember what his response was? It was something like this, and it made the whole crowd shit in their pants, since it seemed like the battle was done:

"What, you wanna say I'm Chinese? Sonny, here's a reminder
Check your Timbs, they probably say 'Made in China'
Don't make me have to come at you and straight kill ya
His name is 'Sterling' 'cause all he rocks is silver"

So instead of it being a black vs. Chinese thing, Jin turned the guy's own diss against him, and went after the guy's name. Look at how dope the battle was. And even the first battle he did on the show, he said something like "Yeah, I'm Chinese, now you understand it/ I'm the reason that your little sister's eyes are slanted" HOW CLEVER IS THAT??? Hehe. Peace!!!


Well-Known Member
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You are definitely making some good posts with some good points. You are definitely saying what I think as well, so I obviously agree with you. :thumb:


Well-Known Member
DeeezNuuuts83 said:
You know, although it's unfair, it's probably better this way. Even if the black rapper is shitting all over the other guy's race, look at what happens, it almost forces the other guy to come back with something non-racist to make the other guy look like a dumbass while dropping some well-thought-out lines. Back to the thing with Jin where the guy was talking about him being Chinese, do you guys remember what his response was? It was something like this, and it made the whole crowd shit in their pants, since it seemed like the battle was done:

"What, you wanna say I'm Chinese? Sonny, here's a reminder
Check your Timbs, they probably say 'Made in China'
Don't make me have to come at you and straight kill ya
His name is 'Sterling' 'cause all he rocks is silver"

So instead of it being a black vs. Chinese thing, Jin turned the guy's own diss against him, and went after the guy's name. Look at how dope the battle was. And even the first battle he did on the show, he said something like "Yeah, I'm Chinese, now you understand it/ I'm the reason that your little sister's eyes are slanted" HOW CLEVER IS THAT??? Hehe. Peace!!!
To this post and your other post about the battles. Laugh at you saying most of the crowd is black. But anyways, rappers will make fun of anything about the rapper not just race. They will make fun of shoes, style, voice, shirts, pretty much anything, so to say they have an advantage over a white guy cus his skin is white is almost dumb. The black guy got shoes on, and pants, and a hat, and blah blah blah, it all comes down to CREATIVITY. If a white rapper wants to use the excuse that he doesn't feel comfortable saying the word nigger then so be it, be creative, cus evidentley he is not creative enough that is why he would be complaining.
Also, go ask around, even this board, who some tight battle rappers are, you will probably hear, Eminem, Eyedea, Jin, Immortal Technique'(all not black) more than a black battle rapper like Juice for example. Where is the advantage there?
So i totally disagree with anyone saying being black in a battle or freestyle gives them an advantage. The only advantage goes to the guy smoking the best herb cus CREATIVITY is what makes a good artist, not skin color.
Aristotle said:
Laugh at you saying most of the crowd is black.
From what I've seen, it's MOSTLY. On TV, in real life when I used to watch people battle during lunch when I was in high school a while back. But obviously it might vary from place to place, so maybe I overgeneralized a bit.

Aristotle said:
But anyways, rappers will make fun of anything about the rapper not just race. They will make fun of shoes, style, voice, shirts, pretty much anything, so to say they have an advantage over a white guy cus his skin is white is almost dumb. The black guy got shoes on, and pants, and a hat, and blah blah blah, it all comes down to CREATIVITY.
That's true, I never said they didn't make fun of other characteristics. I'm just saying that black rappers have the option of making remarks about their non-black opponent's race without much negative repercussions, whereas non-black rappers don't have that option. It's one less thing to bring up, and it's happened MANY times when black rappers face off against non-black rappers. I've seen it on TV and in person, I remember the Mexican and white guys would get dissed for being Mexican or white. But you almost NEVER heard shots toward being black.

Aristotle said:
If a white rapper wants to use the excuse that he doesn't feel comfortable saying the word nigger then so be it, be creative, cus evidentley he is not creative enough that is why he would be complaining.
I don't think it's about being able to say "nigger" or anything like that, I'm just saying the opponent wouldn't dare to make a negative comment about black people.

Aristotle said:
Also, go ask around, even this board, who some tight battle rappers are, you will probably hear, Eminem, Eyedea, Jin, Immortal Technique'(all not black) more than a black battle rapper like Juice for example. Where is the advantage there?
But wouldn't you agree with the fact that non-black rappers, especially the ones you named, are such good battle rappers because they were almost forced to be even more creative during their battling days? Not to say that black rappers aren't creative, because there are plenty of creative ones; I'm just saying that in a lot of cases of non-black rappers doing freestyle battles, they are a lot more likely to take the more creative route and catch you off guard with lines you wouldn't expect.

Aristotle said:
So i totally disagree with anyone saying being black in a battle or freestyle gives them an advantage. The only advantage goes to the guy smoking the best herb cus CREATIVITY is what makes a good artist, not skin color.
Fair enough. But most of the stuff I was saying was about freestyle battles in front of a crowd, not about being an artist. And I never said that being black made you more likely to win, it's just that being black gives you one advantage since it IS an option to clown on the other guy's race--but not everybody does that, because like you said, there are a lot of creative battle rappers who don't go that route, I'm just saying it's a path that they can take, and sometimes it is taken. But when I was talking about what makes a good artist in my first post in this thread, I mentioned that there were other factors to take into consideration, such as talent, image, etc.

I'm not claiming to be a hip-hop conneisseur, this is just my opinion from what I've seen in person and what I've come to learn, hopefully my reply can help further clarify my post since I do agree with some of what you said, it's just that I didn't say it in the beginning.

Sorry for the long post. Peace!


Well-Known Member
About the black poeple in the crowd thing, battles(real battles not dis records) are like the other Elements of Hip-Hop, it has been widespread and accepted by all, why you think so many different races end up doing it, battles are like a big ass melting pot, any race is up in their.
So a black guy can dis on a race and another race can't dis on blacks, yes. But it really shows nothing. Many battle rappers don't do it. You can almost say dissin a white dude cus he raps is played out, it has gotten to the point where if someone starts doing it the fans treat it like the shit they hear on the radio all day. Simple and short cus i dont want to type forever so...
The only advantage i'd see a black guy having, or better yet, the only disadvantage to being a white rapper is the credability they would try to receive from the "streets", or from black fans. Truthfully in the business sense, the white rapper has the advantage, Eminem is the best example, he is something that will sell and kids will like and blah blah, but a black rapper tyring to make it is just another "nigga" from the streets.


Knock, Knock...
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Mark Deez said:
i don't think anyone has an advantage over anyone. to me, its all about the talent and the personality of that certain individual.

I'm not trying to offend you or anything but here's my take on it.

You are a good rapper. I've heard a few of your tracks and freestyles.

However take a scenario. A record label needs a new rapper. You turn up, a black rapper covered in tats with a long rap sheet and a history of gang banging.
You are both equally talented.

The record label sees a more marketable rapper in the other rapper. One that can write about guns and killing and people believe it. They see a chubby white kid in you, one that isn't going to compete with Eminem. To get signed to a major label you need to have the Image. No offense. But you don't fit that Image. Maybe on an underground level you'd be treated equal. Backpackers are like that. But teenage kids who are the biggest cd buyers, are not.


Well-Known Member
Pittsey said:
I'm not trying to offend you or anything but here's my take on it.

You are a good rapper. I've heard a few of your tracks and freestyles.

However take a scenario. A record label needs a new rapper. You turn up, a black rapper covered in tats with a long rap sheet and a history of gang banging.
You are both equally talented.

The record label sees a more marketable rapper in the other rapper. One that can write about guns and killing and people believe it. They see a chubby white kid in you, one that isn't going to compete with Eminem. To get signed to a major label you need to have the Image. No offense. But you don't fit that Image. Maybe on an underground level you'd be treated equal. Backpackers are like that. But teenage kids who are the biggest cd buyers, are not.
Word. Success in music is generally based more on things like luck and appeal rather than actual skills.
Aristotle said:
Truthfully in the business sense, the white rapper has the advantage, Eminem is the best example, he is something that will sell and kids will like and blah blah, but a black rapper tyring to make it is just another "nigga" from the streets.
I agree. I said something like this in my original post. :p


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Pittsey said:
I'm not trying to offend you or anything but here's my take on it.

You are a good rapper. I've heard a few of your tracks and freestyles.

However take a scenario. A record label needs a new rapper. You turn up, a black rapper covered in tats with a long rap sheet and a history of gang banging.
You are both equally talented.

The record label sees a more marketable rapper in the other rapper. One that can write about guns and killing and people believe it. They see a chubby white kid in you, one that isn't going to compete with Eminem. To get signed to a major label you need to have the Image. No offense. But you don't fit that Image. Maybe on an underground level you'd be treated equal. Backpackers are like that. But teenage kids who are the biggest cd buyers, are not.
It's all about marketing. Display your product right, and hit the motherload.

Bigg Limn

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This is actually true...but it's not that big of an advantage like Chronic said. It's easier to just drop the n-bomb as a filler or a rhyme word cuz it rhymes with a shitload of other words [figga, trigga, digga, sticka, etc etc] - and hes right it can be used as many different things - so it helps your rhyming throughout a song when you have an extra word to use. White rappers cant use this word so we gotta use other words to rhyme with the ones I listed or another word to use to describe what we're trying to other than the n-bomb. Which is why I said fuck it and just started sayin "cracka" in my raps.


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