Destiny's Child: When Will These Sisters Learn?

number one thing to remember is that DC are grown ass women. mainstream or not they're gonna make whatever they want to. they're image or whatever is what they want it to be. who are you people to say what they shouldn't and should be saying in their music? really, tell me who you are. mainstream so they should sing about this or that, that's bullshit. they and many others are gonna do what the fuck they want to. wrong or right. DC isn't hear to tell people what to do. they're not hear to raise your kids. DC and any other celebrity does not have to walk on egg shells cause some motherfucka can't think for themselves. that is the listeners own personal problem, not DC.
Bhuddahhoodlum said:
who are you people to say what they shouldn't and should be saying in their music? really, tell me who you are.
The people who are speaking out against harmful influences, that's who. DC has a fanbase of impressionable girls, who might take some of what is said by them as gospel. Besides, who the hell are you to question anyone who has an issue with what they say?
Bhuddahhoodlum said:
number one thing to remember is that DC are grown ass women. mainstream or not they're gonna make whatever they want to. they're image or whatever is what they want it to be. who are you people to say what they shouldn't and should be saying in their music? really, tell me who you are. mainstream so they should sing about this or that, that's bullshit. they and many others are gonna do what the fuck they want to. wrong or right. DC isn't hear to tell people what to do. they're not hear to raise your kids. DC and any other celebrity does not have to walk on egg shells cause some motherfucka can't think for themselves. that is the listeners own personal problem, not DC.

damn, u really like Don Cornellius
Bhuddahhoodlum, one of the big problems is they are lying.

They are either 'independent women' who look after themselves & will not be walked over by anyone, or they are cavegirls, lusting after criminals who they rely on to take care of them.

Also, if one of DC got involved with a 'soldier' - which they don't btw (Jay was, but isn't no more) - & shit got ugly, be it court cases, abuse & such, the DC women have the wealth & fame to get out of the situation pretty easily. The average girl doesn't.

Now if they made an attempt at giving a balanced view of the situation - that is, the positives & the drawbacks - I wouldn't have a problem with it.

And if they lived it, it would make it a lot easier to swallow. I mean, if Whitney sings a song about sticking by her man - black eyes & all - the average person should be able to take something away from that sight, other than the lyrics. Then again, Whitney ain't talking to kids but still, you see the point of this.

Mary Jane

Sigh of ReLeaf
i didnt read the whole post, but i always felt like there was a strong fakeness to Destiny's child. They always tried to use "hip" terms in their music to seem more "ghetto" and shit when they arent. But as far as the maturity thing, i totally agree but why only go after destiny's child? almost everyone in Hip Hop & R&B talk about the exact same shit despite their age. I think Destiny's child just stands out more cuz of their fakeness, they grew up nice nieghborhoods and all that shit, so yea by now u would think that by now they realize they dont have to sing about that shit anymore to get known, and they'd cut the shit. like someone else said, destiny's child went from "bills, bills, bills" & "independant women" to "soldier" and that is strange how they've gotten older and gotten even faker but i guess thats becuase they overall just suck and fuck 'em.
When will people realize that the only thing these gurls entertain.. no1 gives a shit about what they are singin ppl only want it to sound cool..They arent fake in ne way because they were never real...WHOA dumb point is in the 1st 2,3 sentences...Only rap fans seem to care about content...
Hurts, that was directed towards Mary Jane.

artisticgurl, (most) rap artists have a different target audience from DC. DC is targeting little girls & teens & rap artists are targeting (mainly male) teens.

Also, DC are blatantly lying & making severely contradictory statements without any reasoning. If a rap artists talks about violence - irrespective of it's truth - it is taken by most that they lived it, there may be a grain of reasoning/remorse & even at that, this violence will probably not appear on a clean version of the song.

And there are few rappers who claimed to be angels or tried to portray themselves as postive role models & even the few who did portray themselves as role models, usually did so in a business light rather than a moral light.


Well-Known Member
artisticgurl, (most) rap artists have a different target audience from DC. DC is targeting little girls & teens & rap artists are targeting (mainly male) teens.
So its fair to say rappers influence the teenage boys to be soldiers Destiny's Child is telling girls to go and date. Therefore part of the same problem.
And lets not pretend rappers dont contradict themselves not that I find that to be a big problem, everybody contradicts themselves sooner or later.
It doesn't matter whether you claim to be a role model or not. The simple fact is that most celebrities (Actors, athletes, musicians, etc.) become role models whether they want to be or not. Their fans look up to them and want to be like them. They do have the right to say what they want, but if they know that 12, 13, 14 year old girls are listening to them they should take a little bit more responsibility for what they say. I feel the same way about rappers as well
Their fans look up to them and want to be like them. They do have the right to say what they want, but if they know that 12, 13, 14 year old girls are listening to them they should take a little bit more responsibility for what they say
Who becomes a rapper or singer to become a rolemodel? Everyone does it for the money. DC did not ask to become rolemodels. Instead, those girls should let go of DC and their parents should turn of DC music. I don't know why you guys have something against DC. They're in the "biz" for the money, and its their choice.

Blame the parents if you will, but leave alone Destiny's Child.
H.E. Pennypacker said:
DC did not ask to become rolemodels
When you make overtly feminist songs & then tell people that women should stand up for themselves & that you are happy to be projecting a good image for your fans to look up to - you accept your role.
& that you are happy to be projecting a good image for your fans to look up to
WHen did they say that? That they project or mean to project any image to fans?

When you make overtly feminist songs & then tell people that women should stand up for themselves
If you take music too serious, don't listen to it at all. I dont think DC wants you or anyone else to get emotional over their songs. If these girls want feminist ideas, join a feminist group.
Look, whether you want it or not, it comes with the territory. I know they didn't ask for it, but it doesn't matter. The fact is, if you are in the spotlight, regardfless of what you do, people are going to look up to you and emulate you. Take Britney Spears for example. Do you think she planned on becoming a role model? No, and yet after she came out, there was a sudden explosion of little teenage girls who wanted to dress like sluts, so they can be like Britney. It's not fair, really, but it's a fact they have to accept.


Well-Known Member
When you make overtly feminist songs & then tell people that women should stand up for themselves & that you are happy to be projecting a good image for your fans to look up to - you accept your role.
When did they say that? And how do rappers escape that same role? Pac said he didnt want to be a role model but its clear he is whether he wanted that or not. Rappers and singers have a responsibility.

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