DC folks, confirm this - Zulu from 93.9 got stomped by the Game and his entourage?

Silleone said:
lol at game fighting becuz he has people with him, he should go to compton and try it with yuk.
are you gunna suck yuk off now or later...???? have you personaly seen yuk throw hands and the game throw hands? you know for a fact what would result? im sure you do keep riding dick
two187pac said:
are you gunna suck yuk off now or later...???? have you personaly seen yuk throw hands and the game throw hands? you know for a fact what would result? im sure you do keep riding dick



Will suck off black men for a dime
saltynuts said:
Game said something about GB not being from Compton or whatever, he said nobody in Compton knows the guy.

(on his board)
yeah and its funny considerin the shit pitts bring up. they asked him bout that line on 106 and he downplay whole shit sayin everybody take it all wrong nutin but love for guerilla. and that he was just tryin to say (completely not word for word but what was said:) that 'If i aint bringin it back, i must be fake, like people have been callin guerilla black. sayin hes bitein Big and all this that' etc


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Zero Cool said:
Untrue. Jimmy Henchman aka Haitian Jack was one of the co-defendents in Pac's rape case who got away virtually scot-free while Pac was sent down. Pac believed he was a federal informant and was possibly involved in the planning of the NY shooting. He however did not participate in the actual shooting.

dog, jimmy henchman & haitian jack are two different people.

i dont know if jack is 'clef's cousin, but jimmy is definately one of pras's closest homies.


On Probation: Please report any break in the guide
jimmy henchman was pacs manager his name is also known as hatian jack.It was said that he was a goverment informant he is also the cousin of wyclef from the fugees.


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jimmy henchman was pacs manager his name is also known as hatian jack.It was said that he was a goverment informant he is also the cousin of wyclef from the fugees.

no, thats wrong man.

Jimmy Henchman & Haitian Jack (Jacques Agnant) are two DIFFERENT people.
roaches said:
I hear Zulu was making fun of the Game's manager (who I heard was Haitian Jack? Word?), so they started fighting, and after somebody tried to separate the two, the Game and his entourage jumped in, tore doors down, and whooped ass.

I'm happy if it's true, fuck Zulu and his wannabe NY elitism.
Where the fuck you hear Hatian Jack is Game's manager?
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Yeah, I knew for quite a while that Game's manager was Jimmy Henchman.

In Against All Odds, 2Pac drops a line about Jimmy Henchman something like,

'Promised a payback, Jimmy Henchman, in due time
I know you bitch niggaz is listenin', The World Is Mine'

Now I know the last bit was aimed at Nas, but what did Henchman do to get name-checked?
You a newbie Pac fan?

Jimmy Henchman is the one that set Pac's ass up in 94.
Tupac Tha Great said:
Cos Henchman supposedly was one of the Men that shot Pac in NY94.i never knew he was Games manager.Could b 2 different Jimmy Henchmans.If its the same guy dat shot Pac then Game is in wit a bad crowd.
Tupac here is right. Hatian Jack is the man that set Pac up to be shot (possibly killed) in the 94 shooting at Quad City Studios.

And yeah, if Game is in with Hatian Jack...Game better be watching his back or he gon' end up like Pac. :thumb:
Militant said:
It is the same guy. I think Jimmy is managing Guerrilla Black as well.

My manager is also Pras's manager, Pras is best friends with Jimmy Henchman.

I asked my manager about him and he said yeah, its the same guy, and thats also something to do with the pac/fugees beef.
Pras isn't just best friends with Hatian Jack. Last I heard, Jack is related to BOTH Pras and Wyclef...

But damn...if this shit's true...Game's a fuckin' idiot.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Well on Jason G's website, (yeah lol I wasreading a bit of it when he posted a link), one of his 'facts' was that Hatian Jack was Wyclef's cousin.

Then again, the boy also had this up as a 'fact',

The reason that Tupac attacked Biggie for "biting his style", is because prior to going to prison, Tupac had pretty much finished all of Me Against the World, using beats that his producer had made. However, upon being imprisoned, Pac's producer gave Biggie all the beats instead, despite Pac having paid for them.

Feel free to laugh
Dude, for real, you don't know shit.

You don't even know who the fuck Hatian Jack is, so don't tell me what I do and don't have right.
Zero Cool said:
Untrue. Jimmy Henchman aka Haitian Jack was one of the co-defendents in Pac's rape case who got away virtually scot-free while Pac was sent down. Pac believed he was a federal informant and was possibly involved in the planning of the NY shooting. He however did not participate in the actual shooting.
He didn't participate in the shooting, but he's said to have set it up.

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