Danny Boy, Before and After...

In my opinion DB bein on American Idol was just the lowest he could go... one day he's recording songs with the biggest hip hop artist in the game and the next he's on some pathetic talent show...



You can find more info on the dude on his offical website:


(I'm still not entirely conviced that it was him on American Idol)
yeah but did deathrow give him a solo release ? he started there with nothing and ended up with nothing, and deathrow even got him dq'd from amercan idol by refusing to take his name off there site, and american idol peeps saw that as unauthorized promotion
I don't see it as his fault, he just is trying to break it anyway he can.
it is sad he has to resort to that but hay it is not half as bad as Darius "Hootie" Rucker doing the Burger King Cowboy shit!
How do y'all know he got DQ'd because of him ties with DeathRow? I keep seeing some peeps say that on message boards without giving any proof or anything to back it up. I dont even think it was made official from DB or PlatinumPearl. Its like everybody's just speculating. Somebody tell me whats up with that?

I just think, while DB can of course sing, he wasn't what American Idol was looking for. I mean, I'll know how American Idol is with their standards.


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
Militant said:
nahhhh db was on american idol... thats low. anyone got a video?
i have the video somewhere... it was too good to pass up on.
they quietly dq'd him as part of the losing group of contestants, after he received nothing but praise in his preformances before that. idol probably didn't want to run the risk of people knowing that they didn't do their background checks good enough to realize that this guy has singles and had appeared on several platinum records.
Crunkadelic said:
How do y'all know he got DQ'd because of him ties with DeathRow? I keep seeing some peeps say that on message boards without giving any proof or anything to back it up. I dont even think it was made official from DB or PlatinumPearl. Its like everybody's just speculating. Somebody tell me whats up with that?

I just think, while DB can of course sing, he wasn't what American Idol was looking for. I mean, I'll know how American Idol is with their standards.
no because a reliable source told me
PaulyPac said:
no because a reliable source told me
No offense to you, but thats another problem. Nowadays everybody on the internet alledgedly has some sort of a "reliable source"...even when accusations are confirmed false. I aint callin you a liar, but if I dont see it, I just cant believe it.

Shot 21

Active Member
It is sad. He was recently on Kamikaze, Twistas album in the song Snoopin. He was on there quite a bit, but only got credited for background vocals. Its a shame.
Crunkadelic said:
No offense to you, but thats another problem. Nowadays everybody on the internet alledgedly has some sort of a "reliable source"...even when accusations are confirmed false. I aint callin you a liar, but if I dont see it, I just cant believe it.
dude this aint no internet nerd who told me, the dude who runs the db soul site, im not gonna say it if its bullshit that aint my thing


Meyer & Dante Best Friends4eva
Crunkadelic said:
How do y'all know he got DQ'd because of him ties with DeathRow? I keep seeing some peeps say that on message boards without giving any proof or anything to back it up. I dont even think it was made official from DB or PlatinumPearl. Its like everybody's just speculating. Somebody tell me whats up with that?

I just think, while DB can of course sing, he wasn't what American Idol was looking for. I mean, I'll know how American Idol is with their standards.
because it's clearly stated in the idol rules that singers who have been signed cannot enter the contest. think about it for a second - the winner gets signed to a record deal. well if they're already signed that makes a bit of a problem, huh?

btw, if you had watched the show, all three judges had repeatedly said db was one to watch because he was gifted.
Dante said:
because it's clearly stated in the idol rules that singers who have been signed cannot enter the contest. think about it for a second - the winner gets signed to a record deal. well if they're already signed that makes a bit of a problem, huh?
Check the rules again:

"In order to be eligible, the contestants are not permitted to have any current recording or talent management agreements (but may have had one at some point in the past)"

From what I understand, Danny Boy was legally off and out of contract with DeathRow at the time.
PaulyPac said:
yeah but deathrow still have him on their website, and refuse to take him off
That don't mean nothing but they have past recordings on him and they can release them anytime they want. DB knew this so he went on the show. The American Idol producers knew he wasn't currently signed to DeathRow contract-wise at the time. All they had to do was check and see.

And to the last Dante said - I ain't been watching the current seaon of Idol, but I've the others before and Ive seen cut alot of good singers. Sure they probably said he was gifted but they say that shit to everybody who even makes it Hollywood. I think they just went with those who were the best of the best in their eyes.

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