Common's "Be"

What do you have heard it, think of it? I'm thinking it's a tight album for's extremely consistent, no skipping at all for me..although there is nothing on there that really makes me be like "whoa"'s on par with Resurrection for me, but that's only after one full listen.

Stand out tracks: "It's your World", "Corners", "Real People" (This beat is hot as hell), "Chi City", "Testify", "Faithful" and "BE" damn near the whole album I could list.

I just don't feel "The Food", and I'm thinking "Go" will have to grow on me. But it's definately a must-buy, my top of 2005 so far.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

BTW, is there any copies floating around without the incessant scratching or whatever, cause that could have nearly ruined the experience of hearing it the first time for me.


New Member
Do you have to register at boxden to get it, cause I've looked all over that place and can't see it anywhere. An upload would most definitely be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
how are you going to ask people if theyve heard this album yet when your like the only person on the board who has it, how about uploading it for the rest of us
Regicide said:
Its not out... all advanced relases out so far are fake
Really??? Well if you register to Boxden you can get it. The one's i see over there aren't labeled "advanced". Check it out though, i'm listening to it right now.
damn, didn't know this was out til i got to this thread. im d/l'ing it right now, i just hope its everything everyone says it is

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