closing threads


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
ApacalypseNow said:
I agree Pittsey closes many threads for unnessesary Reasons. Whenever i see an interesting thread that i'd like to post an opinion on, he closes it. It seems he does it for his own personal reasons, disregarding what other people on the board think. I think there should be more mods than him. Nothin personal against the guy, i just think he's taking it too far. I wonder if he'll close this one.

You lot are dumb.
I put every post I closed in FX a few replies up. Every single closing was justified. I've closed a handful more since then which I'm not gonna explain because I can't be bothered. I don't do it for personal reasons, but I do disregard what other people on the board think. I don't give a shit what they think, if it breaks guidelines it gets closed. It's really simple, and for those of you who can't grasp it, get a brain.


Well-Known Member
Pittsey said:
You lot are dumb.
I put every post I closed in FX a few replies up. Every single closing was justified. I've closed a handful more since then which I'm not gonna explain because I can't be bothered. I don't do it for personal reasons, but I do disregard what other people on the board think. I don't give a shit what they think, if it breaks guidelines it gets closed. It's really simple, and for those of you who can't grasp it, get a brain.
Didnt you just close a thread a couple of days ago about pac being a gangbanger? if so why was that justified? an i know swanrise gave her opinion on it, but if people want to discuss it whats the problem?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
stefanwzyga said:
Didnt you just close a thread a couple of days ago about pac being a gangbanger? if so why was that justified? an i know swanrise gave her opinion on it, but if people want to discuss it whats the problem?
No more answers to dumb questions. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing. If Rukas decides to remove me as Mod, it's cool. But I'm done with replying.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
stefanwzyga said:
Ye another silly answer :confused: : why not just answer the question? ye you just keep posting clever threads about doritos cheese dip. :rolleyes:

Point out where I wrote that?
If i'd of edited wouldn't it say underneath the post!!!

And my thread might have not been to your liking but at least it was in the right forum. I didn't force you to read it. And it's thread, not threads.

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