Cam'ron: Purple Haze

Just wanted to know how good this album is supposed to be.

Is "Purple Haze" a good representation of Cam'ron's talent, or is this like his version of Loyal To The Game (i.e. not a good record).

If PH IS NOT a good album, what of Cam should I pick up?
Yo Graz, don't even bother with that album. It'll be a waste of your time. The only song worth listening is the Kanye West produced "Down and Out". The beat is fire, and Cam'ron's verse is...well...amusing to me...hahahah
Pacaveli-T said:
heard it really sucks although he isnt great its alright just sample some first then get an idea from there
How do you "sample" if you can't DL?

Thug Style
Okie doke, lets do the hokey pokey-Cam'ron

so seriously u want one of his albums?
:rolleyes: I'd hardly base an opinion off half of a bar.
Pacaveli-T said:
go to pick the letter C then look for his name and then look all his songs on purple haze are and click on the tracks that appeal to you and once done download on soulseek website.
Dude, i know about azlyrics, but how in the hell is reading lyrics going to tell me how good the album is? How is it going to tell me what the beats are like, how his flow is, etc??? :confused:

And people PLEASE PAY ATTENTION. I said right in this thread I cannot dl stuff on my computer.
ThUg $TyLe said:
Thats probably the best line on the album, lol lyrically he is wack, but the beats are good
And seeing as how I pay attention to lyrical content first...

Shit, my own fucking catchrphase/personal motto for my own rapping career is "Lyrics First".
That album is hot as hell, I bought it and didn't like it at first, but shit, that shit is fire man...Lyrically he may not be a Jadakiss but I mean, his style is nice and the production is soo hot, I think it's a great album IMO...
k well screw u 4 being unappreciative and i'm not a dude
so suffer buy them all and waste ur money regardless i said i heard its not good thats a shoe in to tell you no.
ThUg $TyLe said:
Yeah so i dont think you would like the album, if "lyrics first" is your motto.
LOL. Well, there are some exceptions of course. I mean, even those of us who are the pickiest in regards to lyricism don't have to have great lyrics all the time. For example, I listen to Kid Rock a lot. He's one of my favorite artists. I like 99% of his material. However, MOST of the time, I don't necessarily listen to his stuff for the lyrics, rather for the actual music and the vibe and feel of his stuff. And oh yeah...he's from Detroit and reps us BIG TIME. Actually, though, Kid Rock is someone I see as a decent lyricist. He's no Eminem that regard, but he's pretty good.

Even if the lyrics are mediocre or less than mediocre, if the artist has a good flow, good vibe and good music, then he can make up for lack of lyricism. One person that is a good example of that is Young Buck. I absolutely love that guy, but lyrically, he is average. However, it's his flows, his voice, his attitude, realness and sound that overshadows the average lyrics.

And yes, many rappers, hell, many artists have their own taglines/mottos/catchphrases. My number one is "Lyrics First". Admittedly I am not a superior lyricist RIGHT NOW, but I get better and better with every song. I think, depending on my mood and clarity of my thoughts, I can range from an average lyricist to slightly better than average, HOWEVER, I also think that I'm a better lyricist than the majority of mainstream rappers today. No, that's not cockiness, rather confidence.
alleyezonme0707 said:
That album is hot as hell, I bought it and didn't like it at first, but shit, that shit is fire man...Lyrically he may not be a Jadakiss but I mean, his style is nice and the production is soo hot, I think it's a great album IMO...
LOL @ "he's no Jadakiss". Man, I don't get what it is with Jada. I have Kiss Of Death, have listened to it many times and lyrically I think Jada, in regards to the CURRENT STATE of the game is an average lyricist to below average. Excluding a few songs on KOD (i.e. Welcome 2 D-Block, Time's Up) I thought that album was fucking horrible and Jada was someone that I actually had thought I was going to like, I had faith in him, but I just don't get it. I laugh when people say "Jada will tear 50 up", because I think both are pretty much equal.

Before anyone starts hating on my comments, if you're going to tell me how stupid I am or how I'm a moron for saying the above about Jada, provide me at least 3 examples of Jada's "great lyricism".
k well screw u 4 being unappreciative

Unappreciative? How is asking you to pay more attention to posts being "unappreciative"? I didn't go at you, I didn't call you any names or anything. I even used the word "please" when asking you to pay more attention.

and i'm not a dude
"Dude" is a general word that can be applied to both men and women...dude.

so suffer buy them all and waste ur money regardless i said i heard its not good thats a shoe in to tell you no.
Suffer and buy them all? If I don't have a clue as to the quality of a CD, I'm not going to buy it. There is no question about it. I just don't buy it.

And how is you telling me the album is bad a "shoe in" to tell me no? Your opinion is the only one that counts? I asked for opinions from anyone who wanted to give them. Because ONE PERSON says it's bad doesn't mean it is. That means it's your opinion, and that's cool, I respect that. But I may log on tomorrow and see 10 posts from people telling me it's an awesome album.

I asked for opinions dude to see what the majority opinion would be. You provided yours and I thank you for it. 'Nuff said.

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