C-Murder Banned From Having Pens

GernwaX said:
The reason he cant have pens is because you can hide things in them, it clearly says thats why in the article!
i know... thats why i said whats the big deal, both pen and pencils right. if he wasnt plan on using the pen in an illegal way then theres no big deal.... idk if you guys have ever seen the pens they provide you in prison , im not sure if its the same everywhere but over here there maby 3 inches long, pink in color and made of a foam type of material that bends like rubber. this is so the inmates cant sharpen them to a point and make a shank. and to the guy who said they are allowed to write letters and all that if you break rules in prison they have the right to take anything they want away from you except for your right to eat.
two187pac said:
he was convicted by a group of his peers
?? read up on the story before u say that. The witnesses in the trial all had pending charges and a history of crime...Their records were wiped clean when they testified...One of them later came out and said that C-Murder was not the one who shot, the person who did was even picked out, but the pigs told the person that they weren't looking for the dude, they were looking for C-MURDER...
All this info is from that Simmons special that aired on MUCH MUSIC in Canada...
?? read up on the story before u say that. The witnesses in the trial all had pending charges and a history of crime...Their records were wiped clean when they testified...One of them later came out and said that C-Murder was not the one who shot, the person who did was even picked out, but the pigs told the person that they weren't looking for the dude, they were looking for C-MURDER...
All this info is from that Simmons special that aired on MUCH MUSIC in Canada...

well rip it and upload it then. In the US, Corey Miller has been proven guilty. Sorry we don't get Canadian TV.
thats bullshit, from what i know there was several people who stated that c-murder did not KILL the kid ...... now i hate the dudes music but the ONLY reason he is IN JAIL is because he is a RAPPER and he is BLACK.

U cannot base a mans guilt or innocence based on trivial things such as song lyrics or a damn stage name. Innocent until proven guilty clearly that isnt the case here.
?? read up on the story before u say that. The witnesses in the trial all had pending charges and a history of crime...Their records were wiped clean when they testified...One of them later came out and said that C-Murder was not the one who shot, the person who did was even picked out, but the pigs told the person that they weren't looking for the dude, they were looking for C-MURDER...
All this info is from that Simmons special that aired on MUCH MUSIC in Canada...
ok, does this not change the fact that he was convicted by a group of his peers? i never said if he was incocennt or guilty all i said was he was found guilty by a jury , who heard from all these people that he did do it so what are they suppose to do?
Only evidence they had was 3 witnesses and they brought his rap lyrics into court, how do any of you know that those 3 witnesses weren't paid off. It doesn't matter whether he did the crime or not, they do not have sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to lock him up, period.
Jis85 said:
Only evidence they had was 3 witnesses and they brought his rap lyrics into court, how do any of you know that those 3 witnesses weren't paid off. It doesn't matter whether he did the crime or not, they do not have sufficient evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to lock him up, period.
how do we know any witness hasnt been paid off, its a system of trust, whos to say if he did or didnt do it unless we witnessed it. if he did it them i feel bad his lifes down the tubes and hes in jail, if he didnt hopefully he will get out
?? read up on the story before u say that. The witnesses in the trial all had pending charges and a history of crime...Their records were wiped clean when they testified...One of them later came out and said that C-Murder was not the one who shot, the person who did was even picked out, but the pigs told the person that they weren't looking for the dude, they were looking for C-MURDER...
All this info is from that Simmons special that aired on MUCH MUSIC in Canada...
There were also witnesses who said, the kid provoked C murder into a conflict earlier that night. Also many witnesses who saw C murder with a gun that night.... so hmmm
Yes there wasn't any direct evidence, because the same gun people saw C murder with was discarded, and hidden.
People can be convicted on circumstantial evidence too my friend, just look at Scott Peterson.
This guy is guilty, dont give me that racial discrimination bullshit, cuz i am black.
excalibur22 said:
There were also witnesses who said, the kid provoked C murder into a conflict earlier that night. Also many witnesses who saw C murder with a gun that night.... so hmmm
Yes there wasn't any direct evidence, because the same gun people saw C murder with was discarded, and hidden.
People can be convicted on circumstantial evidence too my friend, just look at Scott Peterson.
This guy is guilty, dont give me that racial discrimination bullshit, cuz i am black.
i agree with you, but i think the hole scott peterson case was a little more clear cut then this.... the guy asked like 10 fucking people to wack his wife.


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excalibur22 said:
There were also witnesses who said, the kid provoked C murder into a conflict earlier that night. Also many witnesses who saw C murder with a gun that night.... so hmmm
Yes there wasn't any direct evidence, because the same gun people saw C murder with was discarded, and hidden.
People can be convicted on circumstantial evidence too my friend, just look at Scott Peterson.
This guy is guilty, dont give me that racial discrimination bullshit, cuz i am black.
what you mean the witness that got there records wiped clean?So what if he had a gun,Hes a rapper/target he has every right to arm himself.If that lil nigga was provoking c-murder imagine who else he could have provoked.And In a club how the hell how can you make out a gun when it dark in the clubs?????there was no circumstantial evidence other then two felons saying they seen him do it compared 2 10 people who said he didnt do it.

Lets get real here the judge was corrupt and was under investigation 4 taking bribes.,New orleans is in the south and down here in the south there are some very racist ass motherfukkaz....you cant tell me other words.

wheter c-murder is guilty i dont know but based on the evidence the corrupt judge with held id have to find him innocent because there is to much reasonable doubt
what you mean the witness that got there records wiped clean?So what if he had a gun,Hes a rapper/target he has every right to arm himself.If that lil nigga was provoking c-murder imagine who else he could have provoked.And In a club how the hell how can you make out a gun when it dark in the clubs?????there was no circumstantial evidence other then two felons saying they seen him do it compared 2 10 people who said he didnt do it.

Lets get real here the judge was corrupt and was under investigation 4 taking bribes.,New orleans is in the south and down here in the south there are some very racist ass motherfukkaz....you cant tell me other words.

wheter c-murder is guilty i dont know but based on the evidence the corrupt judge with held id have to find him innocent because there is to much reasonable doubt
if hes a rapper/target and has every right to carry a gun and it was all squared away and legit then why did it suddenly turn up missing if there was nothing to hide???? me and you don't know what went down because i know i wasnt there and i am assuming you werent there, but i don't know how you know the hole liting situation inside a club you have never been to, or if it was even said that he was seen carring it that night in the club or out of the club.


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in all my life of hitting clubs up i never seen one with goodlighting never ever ever seen one.

so let me ask you this.based on the evidence that was with held do you think it a possible that he could have been innocent?

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