Bill O'Reilly Blasts Rap music. BAD.

jason_g_718 said:
Yes. At the time in New York, "sexual abuse" was literally "touching someone on the buttox" or some shit like that.

yes that's basically what they've all said (Pac's people)

a huge misconception bout him raping someone. Huge, espically when the fact is he wasnt charged with that.
We should be thanking O'Reilly for that kind of exposure. People will start listening to 2Pac, Nas, and Talib thinkin it's all meaningless 'gangsta rap', but when they finally hear the lyrics, they'll know that he's full of shit. Take a lesson kids, never judge a book by its cover, that's what that big meanie O'Reilly does.

PS: Jason, good thread.
GhettoStar said:
yes that's basically what they've all said (Pac's people)

a huge misconception bout him raping someone. Huge, espically when the fact is he wasnt charged with that.
I know, and it's really a fucking shame as to HOW MANY people actually are misinformed and think Pac WAS convicted of rape.

When I made my parents sit down to watch Resurrection, my mom was surprised, because she had the misperception that he was convicted of rape.
The Almighty Nasquad said:
We should be thanking O'Reilly for that kind of exposure. People will start listening to 2Pac, Nas, and Talib thinkin it's all meaningless 'gangsta rap', but when they finally hear the lyrics, they'll know that he's full of shit. Take a lesson kids, never judge a book by its cover, that's what that big meanie O'Reilly does.

PS: Jason, good thread.
"that big meanie O'Reilly"? LOL, wow, you turned into Eminem there for a minute. "you're a big meanie....big meanie".


For real though, Vince McMahon once said "any publicity is good publicity".

Matter of fact, that's why I started listening to Pac. I had heard some of his "nicer" songs like Keep Ya Head Up, Brendas Gotta Baby, Trapped and so forth and I heard all these people on TV saying what a "bad guy" he was. What did that "negative" publicity do to me? Made me curious so I picked up MATW...and I've been a Pac fan ever since. :)
jason_g_718 said:
"that big meanie O'Reilly"? LOL, wow, you turned into Eminem there for a minute. "you're a big meanie....big meanie".


For real though, Vince McMahon once said "any publicity is good publicity".

Matter of fact, that's why I started listening to Pac. I had heard some of his "nicer" songs like Keep Ya Head Up, Brendas Gotta Baby, Trapped and so forth and I heard all these people on TV saying what a "bad guy" he was. What did that "negative" publicity do to me? Made me curious so I picked up MATW...and I've been a Pac fan ever since. :)
yeah man, your so cool, your a reble:]


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know how Bill knows what MLK would do and think. If Bill has some kind of sixth sense on this then he'd know MLK wouldnt appreciate his ass either. Its funny most of the rappers he mentioned arnt role models for the Black community (Ja Rule etc.) the Billboard artists are role models for suburban kids mostly.
I wish some people on here called in and straightened out the Tupac issue, that would be funny to see Bill stuck in a corner like a freightened rabbit.
[ As some of you may recall, last November, Roc-a-Fella's Dame Dash and Cam'ron appeared on the O'Reilly Factor, for an episode called Is Gangsta Rap Hurting America's Children? The two went head first against O'Reilly and high school principal Salome Thomas-El. Depending on who you ask, the two hip-hop entrepreneurs represented themselves well and backed O'Reilly down. Tonight is the rematch. ]

Bill O'Reilly: In the Impact Segment the other night, I expressed my opinion about the upcoming Method & Red show. Apparently I offended some members of the hip-hop community. Tonight I'm joined by hip-hop pioneer KRS-One via satellite. In the studio, we have previous guests, Dame Dash and Cam'Ron of the hip-hop label Roc-A-Fella records. Welcome back fellas.

Cam: How you doin, no homo.

Dame: Bill first, if I can, let me correct you. Roc-a-Fella isn't just a label. We're a half a billion dollar multimedia--

O'Reilly: Whatever, tonight's subject-- hip-hop's influence destroying middle America.

KRS: Bill, I have to be honest with you. It is middle America that is destroying hip-hop. Our culture was pure, bursting with creativity, until corporate America decided they could make more money selling negative images of our people.

O'Reilly: That's something I hear a lot, but nobody's making these young hip-hopsters talk about popping caps and pimping bitches.

Dame: Bill, you're ignoring the grand scheme of things. A lot of these artists come from nothing.

KRS: Hip-hop is the tree, the root, the branch, and the leaf. You can climb it, carve your name on it, or swing like a monkey. But a tree can't do your taxes or drain a swimming pool.

Dame: ......

O'Reilly: Okay, let's hear from a hip-hoppin pimpin artist. Cam'ron, what goes through your mind when you're writing these negative lyrics?

Cam: Sometimes you may have it in you, no homo, and you wanna express what you feelin at that time.

O'Reilly: But don't you feel a sense of responsibility?

Cam: I'm responsible for my kid's food and clothes, nigga. You know how much baby J's run now?

O'Reilly: No, I'm not sure.

Cam: You wanna know how I feel? no homo.

O'Reilly: ....uh..

Cam: This nigga MJ retired, so his shoes should cost less, you feel me? No homo. But it's all good cause I'm rich.

O'Reilly: *looks at Cam for 3 seconds, and turns to Dash* Dame, do you think these lyrics have an effect on the youth?

Dame: No more than your Terminator movies, and he's Governor.

KRS: Hip-hop should run for governor. With time, hip-hop will be president of the United States. Then we can take back control of the artform, and educate the youth. Right now, I have cereal in one pocket and milk in the other.

O'Reilly: Dame, there's a clear difference between fictional movies and hip-hop.

KRS: Hip-hop is my bowl and spoon. *pulls out a fist full of cereal from his pocket*

O'Reilly: People know movies are fake, and hip-hop? Well, whether it's fake or not, the artists try their hardest to make people believe it's real.

Cam: Make believe? Yo, *bleep* is real in the streets fam. You watch your mouth or I'll kill you myself.

O'Reilly: *looks at Dame with his eyes wide open* See!

Dame: Cam's just jokin, look--

O'Reilly: Just joking? He threatened my life!

Dame: No he didn't. Anyway, it's obvious that--

O'Reilly: What? Can we roll back a clip of the live feed? Jeff, can you queue it up on that monitor?

( clip plays of Cam'Ron saying "You watch your mouth or I'll kill you myself.")

O'Reilly: What do you call that?

Cam: Do you believe everything you see on TV? How old are you man? Don't be ridic -no homo- ulous.

KRS: That's exactly what I'm talking about, Bill. You wanted to make a point about violence, and the first clip you show is hip-hop making a threat. Violence is everywhere.

O'Reilly: I didn't play a clip of hip-hop, I played a clip of Cam'Ron, who's sitting right here.

KRS: I saw hip-hop on that clip.

O'Reilly: KRS, with all due respect, first you say hip-hop is a culture, then bowl or spoon, and now a person. Which is it?

KRS: Bill, are you familiar with gia?

O'Reilly: The idea that everything on earth is connected by a mystical life force?

KRS: Yes. In ancient times, do you know what Gia was originally called?

O'Reilly: What?

KRS: hip-hop.

O'Reilly: That's absurd.

Dame: Why is it absurd Bill? Because hip-hop is black culture? Remember, we were the first humans on the planet.

O'Reilly: And look what you did with your head start.

Cam: Damn, he tryin to get on you, no homo.

Dame: Look what we did? I turned nothing into a 500 million dollar empire, employing hundreds of people from my community. Do you know in the last year, we--

O'Reilly: Okay, time for a commercial break. We'll be right back.

--- 3 minutes later ---

O'Reilly: We're back, with Dame Dash, Cam'Ron and live via satellite...KRS-One. KRS?

( Satellite camera shows an empty chair )

O'Reilly: Okay, KRS had to step out for a moment. Dame, how can you deny the link of hip-hop and violence when your own artists stay in and out of jail? Gangster rapper Beanie Sigel is on trial for--

Dame: See, that's your problem. You think everyone who raps about the realities of the street is in a gang. Beanie Sigel is not a gangsta rapper. He just happened to grow up in conditions that--

O'Reilly: Not a gangster? Oh really? *quotes lyrics from Sigel's "Gangsta, Gangsta" *

Dame: I was saying, Beans grew up in a situation where--

O'Reilly: And what's this? Bang. Bang. Sigel Street Gaaang. *O'Reilly stretches out the word 'gang' in a condescending tone, while staring at Dame* State Property Chain GAAANG. GAAANG?

Dame: Excellent research, Bill. But getting a pimple-faced intern to google lyrics doesn't make you qualified to speak on the harsh realities of urban-

O'Reilly: It makes me qualified to call you a hypocrite, Damon.

Dame: Bill... *flustered, but refusing to lose his cool* We're not on a first name basis, Bill.

O'Reilly: .....

Dame: If I can for a minute, let me get back to my original point.

O'Reilly: Yes, let's see your point.

Cam: No homo.

O'Reilly: Why does he keep saying that?

Dame: It's nothin. Look Bill...we have a lot of new companies we're building and--

O'Reilly: Isn't it true you guys fund a lot of these ventures with drug money?

Dame: Where did you hear that?

O'Reilly: I have my sources.

Dame: Well corporate America was funded with slave blood and nobody was arrested. Where there's a fortune there's a crime.

O'Reilly: Sounds like the name of one of your albums.

Cam: You know who you look like? *snaps fingers* What's that nigga name? George Bush dad?

O'Reilly: George Bush Senior?

Cam: YEAH NIGGA! You look just like him son.

Dame: Damn, he does.

Cam: I bet you pull a lot of them conservative hoes.

O'Reilly: We're getting off subject here.

Dame: Bill... you hit Ann Coulter, didn't you? Biiiiill?

O'Reilly: What? I would never hit a woman!

Cam: Oh yeah, he definitely hit that. Look how red his face got!

Dame: Now it matches his neck.

KRS: *hops back in the chair, now wearing mask made out of newspaper, and a garbage bag cape* I had a vision! Hip-hop spoke to me!

O'Reilly: Holy mother of God.

Cam: *speechless grin*

KRS: Hip-Hop says that there is no light without dark. If the human soul had a color, it would have to be a rainbow. Jesus was the first emcee. I swear to God I had milk in my left pocket this morning and now it's not there. Did you take my milk?

Dame: Bill, I don't see you talking about boycotting Pepsi when they have Ozzy Osborne on commercials. But a hip-hop artist? Boycott. I don't see you boycotting Fox when they have people throwing away their dignity for money. But a show with 2 rappers? Boycott! You're really boycotting rappers making money.

Cam: You need to boycott that sports drink with Fat Joe in the commercial.

Dame: Wait a second--

Cam: How the *bleep* you gonna have a Fat Joe be your spokesman for a SPORTS drink? He need redbull just to sit up. Then that *bleep* supposed to make you throw up bees? That ain't hip-hop.

KRS: Did you say HIP-HOP? I remember in 1974, before we had videos and radio play, hip-hop would push children on the swings and build sand castles. Then we would put graffiti on them, and you know what hip-hop would say?

Dame: Bill, did you--

KRS: Koolaaaaid!

Cam: You wildin son. And your nostrils makin me wanna *bleep* no homo.

KRS: Who wants koolaid? *reaches into his garbage bag cape*

Dame: Bill, did you boycott Men in Black because of Will Smith?

O'Reilly: No, of course not.

Dame: Did you boycott Nickelodean when they hired Coolio?

O'Reilly: Coolio's a rapper?

Cam: Word?

Dame: Did you boycott the Superbowl when Nelly performed?

KRS: Did someone say Nelly? This is the real issue threatening hip-hop! I had a dream that Nelly was a lion-headed dragon and hip-hop was my sword.

Dame: Why don't you just boycott everything and sit your old ass at home? Hip-hop is taking over.

O'Reilly: Nigger please.

Dame: .......

Cam: ........

KRS: ........

Dame: *in complete shock*

Cam: *mouth gaped open like a kindergardener hearing someone curse in class*

Dame: I don't believe this.

Cam: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!

Dame: First of all...

Cam: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!

Dame: Cam, I got this. First of all...

O'Reilly: What? You guys say it on records all the time.

Cam: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!

Dame: Cam, quiet. First of all... I don't even rap. So you never heard me say that on no song. Second--

O'Reilly: C'mon.

Dame: Secondly, for you to even use that word just proves my point. You're a damn racist Bill.

O'Reilly: Racist? I was just joking. Cam's been calling me that all night and you weren't so offended.

Dame: Cam'Ron isn't protesting against black people getting paid. How can you call for a boycott on Fox, of all networks, for airing something immoral? Fox Bill!

KRS: *gets on his knees* Oh mother hip-hop.. as we suck on thy teat, of thine ample bosom, please guide us through all of life's trials. You know, adult diapers are more comfortable than underwear.

O'Reilly: Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and take a break right here. We'll be back.

--- 3 minutes later ---

(The show resumes in mid-argument)

Cam: *bleep bleep bleep*

O'Reilly: How could you even allow something like that to come out of your mouth?


O'Reilly: How can you people deny--

Dame: What do you mean "you people"? First "nigger," now this.


Cam: AAAHA You maad! You maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

Dame: So hostile...he must listen to hip-hop.

O'Reilly: Please.

KRS: Please what? Hip-hop is the fruit of the loom! The alpha and omega. The quaaaaaan. *spins around, covering his body in the garbage bag cape*

O'Reilly: Uh...anyway, how can you people, Dame and Cam, deny that your records pollute society?

Cam: What about Fox?

O'Reilly: I have no control over what Fox does.

Cam: You on Fox though. Your show is on the same--

O'Reilly: That's just business.

Cam: So wait, hold up--

Dame: Bill--

Cam: No Dame, I got this. *excited* Hold up!

O'Reilly: It's irrelevant. My show isn't--

Dame: Biiiiill--

Cam: You sayin when Fox airs all that negative programmin' with dudes marryin midgets and transvestites, no homo, it's just business. But when some young black entreprenuers from the hood blow, no homo, we pollutin' society? Is that whatchu sayin Bill?

O'Reilly: No, what I'm saying is my opinion on--

Cam: Hold up Bill. This is what I think of your opinion.

O'Reilly: Now you wait just a minute there--

( Cam'ron climbs on top of Bill O'Reilly's desk and crawls towards him. O'Reilly, both confused and apprehensive, leans back and tries to calm Cam'Ron down, but it's too late. Cam turns around, puts his ass in Bill O'Reilly's face and passes gas. )

O'Reilly: ......

( Cam and Dame laugh uncontrollably like school girls )

O'Reilly: Oh for the love of God.

KRS: That reminds me of my battle with MC Shan.

O'Reilly: Can we take a commercial break?

Dame: No homo on the ass in the face, by the way.

Cam: Oh yeah, negative homo!

Dame: No means No. Homo.

O'Reilly: Jesus Christ

Cam: Caged homo!

Dame: Mime homo trapped in a box.

Cam: *taps his throat with his index finger* No-o-o-o-ho-o-o-o-o-o-m-o-o-o-o.

( The credits roll as Cam and Dame try to out "no homo" each other. Hours after the show is over and the lights & cameras are gone, KRS-One is still preaching about hip-hop's foundation and future. )

-- Back in his dressing room, O'Reilly hands Memphis Bleek a $20 bill. --

O'Reilly: Thanks for giving me the dirt on Roc-A-Fella and digging up those song lyrics.

Bleek: Hey man, we agreed on $50... and you said you'd humiliate them.

O'Reilly: I think I did a good job.

Bleek: Where's my other $30?

O'Reilly: I don't have anymore cash on me.

Bleek: *pulls out his gun*

O'Reilly: Wait... here, give me back that 20 and I'll have my assistant write you a check for a 100. His office is right through that door.

( Bleek hands O'Reilly the 20 and walks through the door )

Bleek: Hello?

( He hears the door lock behind him, just before realizing he's in an alley. )
Isn't Bill O'reilly the guy that got charged with that sexual harrasmant lawsuit? I heard that he was talking to the girl on the phone while he had a vibrater in his ass.


New Member
The sad thing is we dont have the best in hip-hop (tupac) to represent us. Camron and Dame Dash speaking for hip-hop i think doesnt really help matters. Because Bill 0'reilly thinks that is what hip-hop has to offer: artists like ludacris and camron. Well shit, maybe i would think the same if thats that my idea of hip-hop was.
Dame: Why don't you just boycott everything and sit your old ass at home? Hip-hop is taking over.

O'Reilly: Nigger please.

Dame: .......

Cam: ........

KRS: ........

CLassic hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
It doesnt matter who is representing Hip Hop nobody is going to change this racist arrogant asshole. People need to stop watching his bullshit ass show, I bet more Hip Hop fans watch that shit than anyone else.
Bill O"Reilly.. ahaha they put this guy on the air for ratings. Hes a dumbass. He protects George Bush & hates rappers. lmao. He's a old ignorant fart. He doesnt let people express there opinion, hes supposably always right & he always bashes everyone. If anyone takes rap music so personally, that theyll go rape a bitch or kill somebody cuz they listened to Pac or Ludacris then that person has mental problems. If not, rap does not do shit to anyone.. so he needs to stfu. Jus cuz not everyone likes country music. He mad cuz rap music, curse words and african americans are makin money off somethin he "FEELS" isnt somethin of his intellectual. Everyone on CNN and FoxNews are stupid patriotic white men who'll blabber politics like they know all. Haha 2 thumbs up for govt controlled media.. =D
You have to admit, Bill O'Reilly has a point about gangsta rap being a negative influence. Note the italics damnit, he's speaking out against one kind of rap, not the entire genre. Some of you like to believe that rap cannot negatively influence people. They may not drive people to become homicidal maniacs, but they debase one's morals. If you deny that rap has no negative influence whatsoever, then allow me to ask all of you these questions: How many of you think it's cool to call yourself a pimp, and where did you get that idea, if so? Also, do you know what a pimp actually is, and do you really want to be one? What the hell is so good about being a pimp, and calling yourself one anyway? Is being a pimp all about wearing fancy clothes and making tax-free money? If you don't know what a pimp is, a pimp is some lowlife scum who takes young women and herds them into prostitution, essentially stealing their lives away. A prostitute is basically property of that pimp, and is treated as such. Some are either forced, others do it due to poverty, low self-esteem, and so forth, and a few do it willingly for the sake of doing so. In light of that, do you still think it's cool to be a pimp? Where do rappers get off telling its audience that "pimping" is cool? Also, what's up with calling women "bitches" and "hoes" for no good reason? Do any of you casually call a woman a "bitch", believing that it's a form of endearment? Where did you get that idea from? And ladies, what's so endearing about being called the equalivent of a female dog? Don't let a guy talk to you like that, ever.

A "gangsta". Is there anyone here that can explain what's so honorable or even good about calling yourself a "gangsta", much less be one? Is posing as what's literally an urban terrorist/inner-city equalivent of a warlord some kind of long-standing trend or something? How can they be heroes and role models? Is it because they are so strong and macho that they're not afraid to kill another, and especially each other, over the most trivial matters, including over the color of their clothes and geographical differences? What kind of nonsense is that??? There's also "thugs", inappropiately referred to on that new Destiny's Child single, as a "soldier". How the blue hell can some violent, drug using criminal with precious metals embedded in most of his teeth, or should I say, some hapless minstrel puppet that serves only to reinforce negative stereotypes be equated to a typical member of the armed forces, and on top of that, an ideal boyfriend? It's a kick in the groin for the members of the armed forces to be equated to that kind of toxin. And, this "bad boy" image that quite some female fans foolishly buy into is nothing more than a pile of lies and filth. All it does is encourage women to date losers who happen to be rich, violent, and reside in bad neighborhoods, as opposed to good, academically successful young men, whom are denounced as "square", "pussy", and so forth. What, a smart college student is not "man" enough for you? Is that why you prefer some bum with gold teeth just because he has a criminal record and makes lots of money selling drugs? What if he starts abusing you? Is dating that lowlife still worth it? And, if you get pregnant, will he even bother to acknowledge his child?

And, there's people who think that Bill O'Reilly is racist. Is it just because he speaks out against gangsta rap? What about Bill Cosby, black New York Daily News Columnist Stanley Crouch?, and Los Angeles radio host, and talk show host Larry Elder? Is there something wrong with telling it like it is, especially when what's being criticized is profitiable? The same people who are criticizing them for their remarks about gangsta rap, and the direction rap has taken since then, are in serious denial. Do any of you still think that gangsta rap music can do no wrong? There has to be a reason why a silent majority of black men and women are against gangsta rap, can you explain why they feel that way? Saying that they're middle-class sellouts will not be an acceptable answer. And, here's a little reference: Gangsta rap is a kind of rap music, but, gangsta rap and rap music are not one and the same! When people criticize gangsta rap, they are criticizing gangsta rap, and not all rap music! If you refuse to acknowledge that, you might as well say that the borough of Manhattan and the entire state of New York are the same exact thing.

Oh, and I have four hidden links in the names of Stanley Crouch and Larry Elder, linking to their articles about rap. Also, I'm a daily viewer of the O'Reilly Factor, and that guy is not racist, regardless of people's perception of him.

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