big's mother


puff. PUFF. pass.
just have to get this off my chest:

is it just me, or is she really, really fucking annoying?

i dunno what exactly it is...but she just really gets on my nerves. i mean, you got afeni...who went through the same shit as her. yet afeni got over it, and, though she's in the midst of some controversy, is at least moving in a foward direction.

meanwhile, all big's mom seems to do is talk down about hip hop (ms. wallace intro - born again), complain about the friggen investigation, and try to make her son out to be some sort of messiah or something.

i mean, no disrespect to big. but come on. dude rapped about drugs, guns, murder, girls, sodamy, rape, and violence. and none of them in a positive manner.

which is, of course, totally acceptable as a hardcore rapper. but please. don't try to make it look like he was slipping positive messages into his shit. don't try to make it seem like he was the jesus reincarnate.

and god dammit, quit the fucking "i'm about to cry every second of every day because my son was killed almost nine years ago."

once again, i'm not dissing big. big didn't try to make it look like that. it just seems, to me, that his mother is now.

does anyone agree with me on this, or what?


puff. PUFF. pass.
no, i know, i'm sure it'd be rough.

but it's not like she's the only person that ever lost a son.

i mean, take a look at iraq. you know how many thousands of mother's lost sons over there?

it's not that she doesn't have a right to be upset. it's just how she's reacting due to her prolonged depression.

she clearly stated that biggie died because of hip hop. it was hip hop's fault.

which, most likely, isn't true. people don't kill over music.

however, the point that i stated earlier, which bothered me even more, is how she trys to portray him as this role model.

i don't care if he's dead. drug dealers die. rapists die. murderers die. and yet, we don't make them out to be saints, do we?

yeah, it may have came off a little harsh. but still. drowning yourself in self-pity for eight years isn't going to help you, or help big's legacy.


Active Member
i agree. shes needs to move on. ive lost alot of people in my life, and i suffered. but you gotta pull yourself up and move on. life doesnt end because that person died. if she really feels like crying everyday, she should see a phsychologist because thats depression. i understand she has her rights and its her son, but you HAVE to move on unless you want life to be stressful


Well-Known Member
rtyfghvbn said:
no, i know, i'm sure it'd be rough.

but it's not like she's the only person that ever lost a son.

i mean, take a look at iraq. you know how many thousands of mother's lost sons over there?
Good argument :thumb:
The fact that other people die makes the loss of a son easy.


puff. PUFF. pass.
Chronic said:
Good argument :thumb:
The fact that other people die makes the loss of a son easy.
i'm not saying that's gonna make it easier.

i'm using those other people as examples. they move on. they take it and grow with it. it's not that they forget it...but they don't get stuck in their misery.

believe me, i've seen my fair share of interviews with big's mom. in every one, she's miserable.

i'm not saying there's something wrong with post-traumatic stress, but i mean, it's been eight years - maybe she should get it treated.

my main point is, she needs to stop standing up for someone's actions when their actions don't need standing up for in the first place. she has no right to blame the entire police force for one crooked cop. and she has no right to take her anger out on hip hop and other rappers.

i mean, come on. there's a fine line between mourning and anger, and i'm afraid she's on the wrong side of that line.
Good points. I love Biggie as a rapper, R.I.P., but he was no role model. Most of his songs were about negative things, usually glorifying them. What were his positive works, Juicy and Sky's the Limit? Did he ever make songs about women that uplifted them? Not off the top of my head. But he could rhyme, he was one hell of a lyricist, but that's all that his mom should ever try to make him out to be. And she should be mad at the dude who blasted Biggie, not everybody in the whole world. In several interviews, she's always like, "Tupac said this, Tupac said that, all he wanted was money, etc." almost blaming him for how fucked up stuff was, yet she totally ignored how Big was connected to a lot of street figures in NY. Do you see Afeni blaming Suge, Death Row, or whoever else? No. She doesn't even really blame Orlando Anderson, all she ever said was that she knew that he was part of it. She knew that Pac had enemies and that he lived a certain lifestyle, and she accepted that. Biggie's mom should do the same.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Now THIS is hate.

I think Amaru's molestation of 2Pac's artistic integrity is far more offensive than Ms. Wallace wanting justice for her son and not being happy with the way Diddy is exploiting his legacy.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I just don't see how Diddy is exploiting Big's legacy, at least nowadays. But yeah, Diddy is a fag, I'm friends with Aubrey from Making the Band 3, and it seems like she has to kiss his ass all the time. Her AIM away messages, her interviews (like the one in the issue of Blender with Kanye on the cover) are usually praising Diddy when we all know he's a conniving snake.


New Member
I don't like the way Afeni pimps Pacs music, that I don't like.

I don't think Mrs.Wallace has gotten "closure" over the death of her son and that's what she wants closure.

I saw an interview with her on a documentary and she never made out Biggie to be some sort of rolemodel.
I don't really blame her for being angry. She has every right. Her sons murder is still un-solved, and she knows people in the hip-hop biz knows who did it. Like someone else said, she's just looking for some closure and justice.
rtyfghvbn said:
just have to get this off my chest:

and god dammit, quit the fucking "i'm about to cry every second of every day because my son was killed almost nine years ago."
You have no idea how stupid and insensitive this comment is
i see ur point, but we don't know the relationship between biggie and his mom as well as they do. She just wants to find justice of who killed her son like any other mom will do. Her heart was biggie. Seeing her grandchildren without knowing their father is probably painful as well. A parent usually sees the good side in there child not the bad. I think biggie's mom wants closure in her life and won't rest until she finds the killer.
Moozaliny05 said:
i see ur point, but we don't know the relationship between biggie and his mom as well as they do. She just wants to find justice of who killed her son like any other mom will do. Her heart was biggie. Seeing her grandchildren without knowing their father is probably painful as well. A parent usually sees the good side in there child not the bad. I think biggie's mom wants closure in her life and won't rest until she finds the killer.
Moozaliny05 said:
Seeing her grandchildren without knowing their father is probably painful as well.
True, but at least she has them. Pac never had kids (at least that we know of). Think back to this MTV interview with Afeni from 1998 where she says something about how if Pac had been alive, he would've "stopped been so excited about everything," settled down, gotten married, and had kids, and she said that "children would have done wonders for Tupac's soul." At least Biggie got the chance to be a father, even if for a short while. We might be all happy about being blessed with a favorite rapper who made hundreds of songs, but when you're the rapper on the hospital bed, you become a regular person again and think about your real legacy... the seeds you leave behind, and unfortunately Pac left none.
Some good arguments i can see where you are coming from but think about this then..

Rumoiur has it Suge Knight had sumtin to do with the shooting of BIG if thats the case then Big's Mum guna be mad at everything that was related to Suge such as Pac and so on...

I wud be like her, she knows her sons killer is roaming free, Pac's killer who was probably Orlando is dead Afeni has some sort of closure in ehr life, while Big'z mum doesnt.
she needs to do the same as her son and go on a diet tha fat fook im happy tha fat fuck got a hit put out on him, and if it was suge nice one man,

rtyfghvbn said:
just have to get this off my chest:

is it just me, or is she really, really fucking annoying?

i dunno what exactly it is...but she just really gets on my nerves. i mean, you got afeni...who went through the same shit as her. yet afeni got over it, and, though she's in the midst of some controversy, is at least moving in a foward direction.

meanwhile, all big's mom seems to do is talk down about hip hop (ms. wallace intro - born again), complain about the friggen investigation, and try to make her son out to be some sort of messiah or something.

i mean, no disrespect to big. but come on. dude rapped about drugs, guns, murder, girls, sodamy, rape, and violence. and none of them in a positive manner.

which is, of course, totally acceptable as a hardcore rapper. but please. don't try to make it look like he was slipping positive messages into his shit. don't try to make it seem like he was the jesus reincarnate.

and god dammit, quit the fucking "i'm about to cry every second of every day because my son was killed almost nine years ago."

once again, i'm not dissing big. big didn't try to make it look like that. it just seems, to me, that his mother is now.

does anyone agree with me on this, or what?


Active Member
KaMaVeLi said:
I wud be like her, she knows her sons killer is roaming free, Pac's killer who was probably Orlando is dead Afeni has some sort of closure in ehr life, while Big'z mum doesnt.

voletta still needs to get over it too. my friends killer is still roaming free but his mom knows theres nothing she can do. and he died at 16and he was the only child. she worked hard to support them too and loved him like hell. and she found a way to get over it. im pretty sure if i was to die my mom would get over it after a while too. it doesnt mean you dont love the person, its just that you have to move on because if not youre going to be stressing yourself out and im sure thats not what BIG wouldve wanted for voletta

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