that shit was the funniest movie i had seen, until wedding crashers came out...but definitly a funny fuckin movie...when he is bangin that fat chick anal in the dressing room and says "u ain't gonna shit right for a week" i almost lost it
Watched the whole thing for the first time last night. Almost cried i laughed so much. the lil fat kids SSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO funny. When he cuts his hand, and is like "OWWWWW it hurts it hurts, OWWWW it hurts it hurts, OWWWW it hurts it hurts, etc" i literally pissed myself.
Seen it 3 times now, absolutely fucken hilarious, Billy Bob Thornton at his best. Great crude humour, and yet has touching moments to catch you off guard. Thornton carries the movie, but a great cast none the less.