
Well-Known Member
Been up for a few days now.

American Hunger is MF GRIMM's upcoming album but the site also serves as a Digital Magazine.
never heard any of his tracks but i hear a lot of talk about he copys dr.doom which is tyte.i'll download some tracks and let you know what i think.tthanx for a new music source.


Well-Known Member
LAZARU$ said:
never heard any of his tracks but i hear a lot of talk about he copys dr.doom which is tyte.i'll download some tracks and let you know what i think.tthanx for a new music source.
Nah you're thinking of MF DOOM (they've been down for a while).

MF GRIMM has released Downfall of Ibliys: A Ghetto Opera (2002) (which he recorded 24 hours before he went to jail), Digital Tears: E-mail from Purgatory (2004) (Under the name Superstar Jet Jaguar) and Scars & Memories (2005) + an EP, some singles and Special Herbs and Spices Vol. 1 (which is MF GRIMM rhyming over MF DOOM beats). Scars & Memories is a good album to start with because it's a collection of older stuff and there's a bunch of interviews on there by GRIMM.

He used to rhyme under the name The Grimm Reaper (early 90's) and was heading for a good career but he was shot by an undercover cop and put in jail (I think he managed to beat a life sentence) and everything fell through. He was blind, deaf and paralyzed but he regained his sight and hearing. He's currently still in a wheelchair. is his record label and is his crew's website.

Bigg Limn

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Staff member
Man it pissed me off I finally decided to go out and buy a DOOM album since everybody speaks positively about him. Picked one out that looked like a good bargain for the price; put it in my car and its a fucking instrumental CD lol I was like wtf? I know its a bit off-topic, but I had to get it off my chest lol

On topic though, whyd GRIMM get popped by the disguised piggie?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I remember correctly but I think it was during a drug deal. GRIMM found out the guy was a cop and pulled his gun on him. I forgot the details.
He's turned his life around though.

That fucking sucks bout the CD haha. Did you get Metal Fingers Present Special Herbs Vol. #? Metal Fingers is his producer name and that's an instrumental series. It's not a loss considering his beats are dope but still sucks.
I'll PM you what albums MF DOOM has released with a little info.

Bigg Limn

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Staff member
Chronic said:
That fucking sucks bout the CD haha. Did you get Metal Fingers Present Special Herbs Vol. #? Metal Fingers is his producer name and that's an instrumental series. It's not a loss considering his beats are dope but still sucks.
I'll PM you what albums MF DOOM has released with a little info.
Yeah it was one of those Special Herbs, I forget which volume though lol...some of the beats R nice though so yah it aint a total loss. Its funny though cuz I was thinkin I was like "yeah...thats prolly his producer alias.." and there was a sticker that said "all new beats from...blah blah" lol but I jus figured they were new beats over old lyrics? iunno...I was high and felt like buying a CD fuck it lol
hell yeah spit something over those instrumentals, limn! matter of fact... hit me up with some of them, we'll both spit some shit on there... we need to get some more tracks for the album as it is anyway.


Well-Known Member
Lok said:
lmao. seriously man. It's 2005, download before you buy.
yeah, how stupid is it not to buy a cd? that would like, SERVE THE REASON OF PUTTING IT OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE. and furthermore, give a reason for the artist to put out another one. damn what a fool. everyone could just have downloaded everything and the music industry would fall into pieces and no one would put out cds anymore and we'd be off GREAT! :)

seriously, if everyone has your opinion and keep it throughout their lives, the music industry is going to be put in the same booth as being a garbage man. are you really that cheap?

Chronic said:
I'll PM you what albums MF DOOM has released with a little info.
pm a full list of grimm AND doom shit to me, including instrumental cds and everything :D i'm interested too. you told me some shit and i have a couple of doom cds but that's it. i figure i'd find the rest on ebay, i've seen a LOT of doom shit on there.

Bigg Limn

Well-Known Member
Staff member
No shit ya'll people who refuse to buy are greedy little bitches. How would you feel if you put everything in2 ur music, as it was ur only means of eating - and nobody bought ur shit but millions of people downloaded ur shit so u got nothing. All ur work was thrown away cuz of greedy kids. Have some respect for the artist and support the real artists. Ill download, but Ill also buy if I like the artist.


Well-Known Member
Limn said:
My bad, but still like I said I felt like buyin a CD and Id heard a lot of good shit about DOOM so I figured why not.
and there is nothing wrong about that. on the contrary.. lol.

haunted said:
He clearly said download before you buy. Not download and dont buy.
and we all know what a good excuse that is. people get flamed for being cheap, so as a means to seem erm.. "non-cheap" lol, people say "oh yeah i'm gonna buy it but i download first.

anyway, to take some of the attention away from Lok, i'll say that my comment was more a general one. although i singled him out, the general opinion that "i'll rather download it than buy it - hey, it's free!" is reflected in oh too many people. downloading is like taking steroids. a shortcut because you're too weak to go the whole route the old fashioned way. downloading is a privilege that we have taken, not one that we have been given. it defies thousands of years of trading rules and morals. it defies what has become trade logic. you want something, so you give the person who is offering it to you something he wants in return. most often, that something he wants is something you also want. cut short, you sacrifice one thing you like for something else that you like/need. downloading is theft, no matter how you twist and turn it.


Well-Known Member
so i was wrong about you. like i said, my comment was more a general one, even though i singled you out. your post sparked a plug. i happen to hate cheap asses. no damage done. i do think it's wrong to "download it before i buy it" though. but hey, that's just me. let's get back to mf grimm.

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