Beat is simple though. Your flow is a bit choppy on this, on point most of the time; but also slips up a lot. And your pronounciation at times gets hard to understand. Your delivery sounds weak, too...not hearing or getting any feeling from it, need to work on that. Quality is clear, levels are pretty good, nothing overpowers nothing else. Yeah, you gotta work on your flow some more. Don't try to force it and don't focus to much on lyrics because, until your flow is crisp, what your saying won't really matter. I'm not saying don't concentrate on lyrics at all, I'm just saying make sure they don't effect your flow in a negative way. Don't create too long of bars, because that'll fuck with your flow as well. Some of the lyrics was pretty cool, like a liberating type of track, I like that. You're using multies which is good, but again, work on perfecting that flow before getting too complex with the lyrics. Keep elevating.