A BIG insult to B.I.G

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New Member
Hey guys, i dont know if you checked the new motorola mobile commercia for the Motorokr. The add features maddona,mya & some other famous ppl, & they all get in a telephone booth with not much space to breathe...at the end of the commercial you see a large(fat) black male walking towards the telephone as if he would be entering it as well & he says something(not sure of what he said) & then Maddona yells "Biggie noo!!"
if any1 has seen this commercial plz clarify what does biggie(supposedly) say, or if any1 can post it up. i was just searching for the commercial on a few websites but no luck.

Edit: go to this site & just click view commercial
hahahaha yea i seen that today.i found it hilarious. biggie's like "and another one" hahahaha . disrespectful yes but fuckin hilarious
Yeah man, that shit is disrespectful, but it's not in bad taste IMO. Had they REALLY started ripping on him for his weight, then it'd be another story. This was mainly for laughs and a quick appeal to Hip Hop fans.

:thumb: RIP Biggie Smalls :thumb

Freedom Froggy

Well-Known Member
it wasnt disrespectful.. maybe an insult for him being big... but not disrespectful

they used him because they are using his music.. thats hwy they had all the artist
I wouldn't say it was insulting. I found it amusing. His name is B I G. It would be like having a commercial where chris farley is joshed on for being fat. They both knew they were tanks and thats part of their whole persona, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if they were alive.


Well-Known Member
If you found this insulting then you found it insulting when you heard the line " I'm strong enough to carry Biggie Smalles on my back." I mean yeah he was overweight and you shouldn't knock the dead but it was for laughs not for personal reasons or to upset anyone. Maybe that is how I see it.
they put some known and great music industry artists i think both living and dead and too include "BIG" and him saying his CATCH PHRASE UH AND ANOTHER ONE IS HILARIOUS AND GREAT MARKETING,

i'm from bk, love BIG'S music didn't find anything wrong with it just that it makes me happy ppl will still acknowledge him as if he were still ALIVE


Active Member
thats some funny shit. i didnt find it disrespectful though. disrespectful wouldve been if they made a whole commercial dedicated to him being fat.


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FrOgStRaDaMuS said:
it wasnt disrespectful.. maybe an insult for him being big... but not disrespectful

they used him because they are using his music.. thats hwy they had all the artist
w0rd. if anything it is out of respect. he was fat, he knew that and he didnt care. they put biggie in it because they apparently think he was a great artist. how's that disrespect?
Duke said:
w0rd. if anything it is out of respect. he was fat, he knew that and he didnt care. they put biggie in it because they apparently think he was a great artist. how's that disrespect?
Cus he's dead. RIP.
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