50 Cent: The Clean Up Man


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Nas is on a different level to 50. But 50 isn't as bad lyrically as you like to believe. He has some nice verses. Plus Power of The Dollar is a great album.


me, myself & us
2pacnbiggie said:
AllHipHop.com: How do you intend to market them? That’s a challenge…

50 Cent: I put them in the gym. As far as that, there’s certain things that you know. Like I’ve watched artists and I pay attention to the game, period. I watched D’Angelo put out a bad album, and it sold because he was in condition. The song itself was called “Untitled” for Christ’s sake. It’s those dramatic changes so it’s obvious. If you can physically – forget about music. Forget about whatever you know about music, right? And just turn to yourself for a second. Generally speaking about women, right, if a woman can look at you and say she likes you before you open your mouth. As soon as you say the right thing to her it’s a go. I feel like if generally people look at you and like what you’re saying before you open you’re mouth, when you say the right thing they go, “I like him.”
nows i know why his music sucks.. that's really sad.

2pacnbiggie said:
AllHipHop.com: What was your response to Summer Jam and “300 Bars”?

50 Cent: I don’t respond to it. I’m not going to respond to it. Let me explain something to you, this is a guy that I went out of my way to work on this project because of my relationship with Dr. Dre. We’re splitting the 50% of the profits on Game’s album with Dr. Dre. You know, and I did what I had to do to make the project successful and then what you find afterwards is you start to see in his character that he thinks in like a new XXLhe’s saying it. He’s saying, “I’m the man.” What he’s going to find out is the only record that’s harder to make than your first one is your second one.
he's maybe not replying by a song but he mentions it in the concerts tho.. he mentioned game at new york in the anger management tour 3 a lil bit. he said something too like : "if u like me go and buy my record and make me rich. if u like game go and buy his record and make me rich also." or something like that.. and if he really didnt care he wouldnt have game in his new piggybank video.
Pittsey said:
Nas is on a different level to 50. But 50 isn't as bad lyrically as you like to believe. He has some nice verses. Plus Power of The Dollar is a great album.
true say, he does have some nice verses, and i still think 50 > game. cos 50 makes better songs(not singles) and also brings charisma into the mix, game is boring.
sniper said:
true say, he does have some nice verses, and i still think 50 > game. cos 50 makes better songs(not singles) and also brings charisma into the mix, game is boring.
But 50 has been rapping for a while, Game has barely been doing this for a few years. Not even Pac was as charismatic in his 2Pacalypse days, compare his voice back then to how energetic and fiery it was while on Death Row, he was practically yelling every word.

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