50 Cent: "I've Never Taken Drugs"

50 Cent: "I've Never Taken Drugs"

50 Cent insists he's one of the cleanest rappers because he has never even tried marijuana - despite once being a drug dealer.

The In Da Club star decided as a teenager he would never touch drugs because he saw what they did to his friends and clients.

He tells Spin magazine, "I got arrested... when I was just a teenager. It was my second time being arrested as a juvenile, so the authorities thought it would be better to send me to a drug treatment program and see how drugs actually affected people.

"I stayed away from it, because I'd been hustling since I was 12... I was addicted to the lifestyle.

"I was always surrounded by people with drug addictions. I was in a household where everyone was drunk and crazy."

But 50 admits he has often had second-hand highs because his entourage is always smoking pot.

He adds, "Everybody I know always smoked pot, but I never had an urge to try."

And the rapper, who doesn't even drink alcohol, insists his recorded boasts about drug taking aren't for real: "That's me knowing there are 500,000 people out there who just want to play my records and get high."

I believe him, it's not hard to resist drugs, and I myself think it would be fun to do drug songs even though I dont do drugs.


ya i double that, but in some situations, its impossible to resist drugs. But i beleive him. If anything, he'd say something like: ya i smoke X amount a day, just to boost up his sales. imo.


Well-Known Member
Diaz said:
No, that just depends on whether or not you easily succumb to peer pressure.
If you are brought up with brothers who are into drugs, all your friends are into drugs, basically everyone you know are into drugs, then the chances are that your gonna follow along!

But if you dont follow the crowd, fair play to ya!! :thumb:
DPG iz all I C said:
50 Cent - "I Get High all the Time" :)
yeah thats what i wanted to say ... lollll

''I stay High All The Time, I smoke that good shit, I stay high all the time, man I'm on some hood shit'' -50 Cent in High all the time lolllllllll
Well, like Pac said, "Alize and weed"... wait, back up a little bit... "Don't believe everything you read". Yea, that's the one.


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Staff member
He sold drugs, he didn't do them. There's a big difference. And his music is just what it is ..music. He knows people smoke weed and drink so that's what he makes music about and it's obviously gonna sell. Isn't this obvious? As far as turning down drugs, it isn't hard. I grew up around people who were doing drugs all the fucking time and most of my family smokes weed, but i've never done it regularly.
i've heard him on a few songs where he sounded high... it's unmistakeable.

check the gunit song better ask somebody. he was FUCKED UP... bullshit.

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