50 Cent challenges Fat Joe to a fight

It won't prove anything in terms of rapping skill or who is the better artist, but I can't say it won't be entertaining. I'd watch it for sure, although I could not care who won.
TheDarkAvenger said:
Just what i always wanted...to see two sweaty men slug it out...i think they should have a 'Hell in a cell' Match and bring an end to this whole shitty beef... :D
id rather see and ironman match, imagine fat joe havin a heart attack in 10 mins :D :thumb:
fat joe is fat, but he exercises dont get it twisted. opn cribs he has a gym and says that he works out at least once a day, he doesnt deny that hes fat obviously but i thinks in shape. i dont think the fight would be that much a landslide for either

remy martin on the other hand could whoop anyone in g-unit lol, harsh be pulling olivia's hair and shit

Here's the info 50 cent said to Howard that day

When 50 Cent came into the studio, Howard noticed that he wasn’t surrounded by the G-Unit the way he usually was. Howard wondered if it was because they refused to turn over their guns to Ronnie. Fitty assured Howard that that had nothing to do with it, they were actually still in their hotel rooms sleeping. Howard asked 50 about why he couldn’t come on the show when he was scheduled last month. Fifty explained that after one of his concerts at Madison Square Garden, one of his SUVs got pulled over, and one of its occupants was found to be carrying a gun illegally. Therefore, 50 had to get his friend out of jail, which was why he couldn’t come in. Howard commented that what the police don’t seem to understand is that someone like 50 and his entourage have to arm themselves given that Fitty has been shot 9 times.


Howard brought up that 50 seems to be in wars with a number of people. For starters, Fitty is currently feuding with The Game, a rapper who was upset that 50 and Dr. Dre were the ones who wrote all of his hits. Fifty also took issue with something Fat Joe said at the Video Music Awards late last month. During his speech, Fat Joe jokingly thanked Fitty for making him feel safe because of all the extra security guards and police officers who were in the building because of him. In response, 50 called Fat Joe a pussy and challenged him to a fight. Howard asked him if he’d be willing to broadcast the bout on pay-per-view, and Fitty said he would.

Despite his troubles with other rappers, Fifty did say that a report claiming he was mad at the newly named Diddy for trying to rip off his name (get it? Fitty/Diddy) was false.


Howard read recently that Fifty has been having sex with so many girls lately, and that most of them are blonde. Fitty admitted that he does dabble every now and again, but that many of the stories written about him are sensationalized. He added that he was the wildest when he first became famous. Fitty recalled that one night he was able to get four women at the same time. Howard wondered if 50 met these women at church or on j-date, but Fifty said he is introduced to most of them at his shows.


Fifty just released a book, “From Pieces to Weight,” which chronicles his life as a crack dealer as well as when he was shot nine times. Fifty revealed that when he was dealing it was common for people in the trade to make more than $100,000 a year. He admitted, though, that selling crack turned him off of the lifestyle, and that he doesn’t drink or do drugs. Book is on the best seller’s list.

In addition, 50 has a movie set to open Nov. 9. Fitty said his acting will exceed everyone’s expectation of him. Howard noted that he likes how 50 is still angry even though he has had so much success. Howard guessed 50’s net worth to be about $30 million, but Fifty claimed it is more than $100 million. Since he owns his own publishing rights and doesn’t get hassled by people, Howard understood the figure. Howard asked 50 if his accountant is white. He responded that he is, adding that his team of attorneys is known as “The Jew Unit.”
lol @ Jew Unit


me, myself & us
MakaveliPrime01 said:
I second that. I guess i'd rather it not happen though, because if 50 won, we'd never here the end of it. The world would suffer for 5 years.
lol he'd make an album about it.

i'd pay to see this. i think it would be a tight fight since Fat Joe is really huge and 50 is a good fighter.

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