50 Cent Calls Himself A 'Role Model,' Says 'Watch What I Do, Not What I Say'


50 Cent Calls Himself A 'Role Model,' Says 'Watch What I Do, Not What I Say'
03.21.2005 9:19 PM EST

Rapper criticizes media for focusing on violent aspects of his past.

50 Cent is no stranger to trouble — he's done time for drug and gun possession, been shot nine times and has more beefs than a steakhouse. But despite his controversial past, 50 says that his rise as a rapper makes him a positive

"If you say, 'Who do you know who has been shot nine times?' kids across America will tell you, '50 Cent.' That's because it's something [the media] decided to point out." — 50 Cent

Why 50 considers himself a role model

"I see myself as a role model because I've been taking advantage of all the options and opportunities that have been created for me," the rapper said last week in London. "They may not consider me as a role model because I write about harsh realities — the things that actually go on in the environment that I came up in — and I ain't going to change that. But what I say to the kids is, 'Watch what I do, not what I say.' "

Echoing Chuck D's famous comment that hip-hop is the CNN of black America, 50 said his lyrical content takes snapshots of what life is like in the 'hood, and it's his duty to make it an accurate reflection, however violent it might seem. "I'm giving them a photograph, a direct indication, of what this is about, what the actual story is," he said, "and then allow their imagination to go a step further."

He went on to say that the depiction of guns in films isn't questioned to the degree that it is in music.

"There are standards that are placed on music as an art form that aren't placed on any other form of entertainment," he said. "If we walk into your local video store, imagine how many times we're going to see a gun on the cover of the packaging to advertise an action film. How many war films will we find? How many westerns? See, for me to make a record, and just add a gun to it, they want to make it negative, because of their perception of me.

"If you say, 'Who do you know who has been shot nine times?' kids across America will tell you, '50 Cent' immediately," he continued. "That's because it's something [the media] decided to point out, and they make that part of the perception of 50 Cent. I could tell you about my lifestyle, and all the opportunities I've had, but they've clung to that, and every time you see me say that and read about it is because they've asked me about it. It wasn't because I wanted to talk about it. It's not a pleasant thought. It was a painful experience. But they just think, 'Gun violence.' "

50's past hurt his career before it helped. After he signed a deal with Columbia Records in 1999, the label declined to release what was to be his debut, The Power of the Dollar, within months of his stabbing at New York's Hit Factory and his shooting in Queens, New York, in 2000. He's also been "passed over" and "overlooked" at awards shows, he said, because his work is too "aggressive," although he notes that he often performs at awards shows anyway.

"It's cool," he said. "I got all the money I was supposed to get for my records, just not the trophies."

For more on 50 Cent, check out the feature "All Eyes On 50 Cent: The Sequel."

— Jennifer Vineyard, with additional reporting by Tim Kash

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
"I see myself as a role model because I've been taking advantage of all the options and opportunities that have been created for me"
truth. Everything you hate about 50 Cent is a formula that has been there before 50 came along, he's just taking advantages of it.
lol, he raps about the "harsh realities", yeah i can see the harsh realities in Candy Shop, In Da Club and P.I.M.P, lol, the only rapper i can ever see as role model Iis Pac(excluding his music and movies, he was a stand up guy, he had morals and respect)50cent on the other hand along with nearly every rapper including some of my favourite ones would rather get a new car with rims or a chain than help stop famine, poverty or help with real issuses.

A role model doesnt do things to make a quick buck.
the media put it out that 50 got shot 9 times?....HE says it in EVERY second song!

and i really dont like the comparison of 50 cent to Chuck D...i think i lost a few thousand brain cells when i read that.


S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
kman_69 said:
the media put it out that 50 got shot 9 times?....HE says it in EVERY second song!
He could say "I can't see out my left eye" in every song... do you think the media is going to pick up on that? He's smart enough to take advantage of what works.

People will say 50 Cent is a bad role model because he glamorizes violence (amongst other things). Bill O'Reilly will say- 'that's bad for the kids' and Dame Dash will say '50 Cent came from the hood, he went from nothing to a multi-million dollar empire. Kids will see that and realize that there are hope for them, they can make themselves into something."


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I agree.
50 is looking after himself. He gets called names for wearing a bulletproof vest and rolling with (real) security. He doesn't hire a load of nob ends from his hood with no loyalty or the correct training. He has correct security, and a decent amount. If 2pac had of done, he'd be alive now too.

He also has worked all the angles in his favour to build a succesful business empire in a relatively short time.

You can hate 50's music, that's your opinion, but the way everyone on here constantly hates him and criticises him at every chance makes you a hater. Which is as bad as being a dickrider. Not to mention you all sound like little bitches.


New Member
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2pacnbiggie said:

50 Cent Calls Himself A 'Role Model,' Says 'Watch What I Do, Not What I Say'
03.21.2005 9:19 PM EST

Rapper criticizes media for focusing on violent aspects of his past.

50 Cent is no stranger to trouble — he's done time for drug and gun possession, been shot nine times and has more beefs than a steakhouse. But despite his controversial past, 50 says that his rise as a rapper makes him a positive
why does every article about 50 always have to state this , is it really a necessity , like we dont know already, shit was beaten into our brains !!! :mad:
Silleone said:
lol, he raps about the "harsh realities", yeah i can see the harsh realities in Candy Shop, In Da Club and P.I.M.P, lol, the only rapper i can ever see as role model Iis Pac(excluding his music and movies, he was a stand up guy, he had morals and respect)50cent on the other hand along with nearly every rapper including some of my favourite ones would rather get a new car with rims or a chain than help stop famine, poverty or help with real issuses.

A role model doesnt do things to make a quick buck.


On Probation: Please report any break in the guide
no stupid.What he is saying watch the moves he makes to get richer and not to do the thingd you hear in his lyrics because itr entertainment.He was speaking the absolute truth.
i still dont get the "moves" thing, he raps bout bullshit on a dre or eminem beat, teenie boppers love him and they buy his cd, a shoe company then sees that the kids dig his whole "gangsta" image and see that they can make some money of him and offer him a shoe deal, he signs the contract and gets a few mil, raps about it on his songs, walks round wearing the shoes the company told him to wear, kids buy it.

so what exactly should someone be inspired by, its not like every guy that can rap and gets shot recives a phone call from eminem so i dont get how someone can be inspired and follow.50cent wouldnt even be on tv without eminem so technically what did he do, without em he would be making mixtapes and maybe have a video on mtv that sold a couple hundred thousands at the most.
damon dash and jay z, i can understand someone seeing them as role models seeing as they had to do everything themselves from the ground up but 50cent on the other hand just signs contracts gets paid, if he were to get dropped from shady aftermath his career would be pracrically over seeing as its the promotion is what makes him sell.
Silleone said:
i still dont get the "moves" thing, he raps bout bullshit on a dre or eminem beat, teenie boppers love him and they buy his cd, a shoe company then sees that the kids dig his whole "gangsta" image and see that they can make some money of him and offer him a shoe deal, he signs the contract and gets a few mil, raps about it on his songs, walks round wearing the shoes the company told him to wear, kids buy it.

so what exactly should someone be inspired by, its not like every guy that can rap and gets shot recives a phone call from eminem so i dont get how someone can be inspired and follow.50cent wouldnt even be on tv without eminem so technically what did he do, without em he would be making mixtapes and maybe have a video on mtv that sold a couple hundred thousands at the most.
damon dash and jay z, i can understand someone seeing them as role models seeing as they had to do everything themselves from the ground up but 50cent on the other hand just signs contracts gets paid, if he were to get dropped from shady aftermath his career would be pracrically over seeing as its the promotion is what makes him sell.
See, you still don't get it. The "moves" he's talking about is like, everybody, no matter who you are or where you came from, even if it's from the bottom like 50, has opportunities in their life to 'make it' if they make the right decisions.

He's saying: "look at me, I got shot up, dropped from my label, and a bunch of shit. But I got back up, worked my ass of on the mixtape circuit, aligned myself with the right people, and ended up on top. It wasn't luck."

And if you don't think 50 would be platinum without Eminem, I don't know what to tell you. To me, it's a story a lot similar to Ludacris' story, except Luda hasn't surrounded himself with the best people.
Role Model is wrong choice of words

you cant only look at one aspect of a person in role model regard... after seeing the trailers for the 50 Cent video game where he cuts off the guys head its like.... yeaah... role model..


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