I gave this speech a 100, so I might as well do it 101 times.
The silliest people in this thread are the ones that actually live in the South & say dumb shit like "You're lucky, I actually have to live here".
You won't find the "good" music watching Rap City & listening to your local power house Radio stations DUMMIES. If I found it & I don't even live in your county, then you have no excuse.
And the south, just like any other part of the States, has all kinds of rap. Club, "gangsta" and yes, even "crazy lyricism and deep meaning". You just need to turn off BET.
And im not talking about some shit that dropped in 94. The south is coming with hot shit RIGHT NOW! If you never actually gave it a chance, then you have no right to say it's wack, which is what 95% of you kids are doing.
K Rino just came out with a new album, yet most of you don't even know who he is. But hey, at least you know who D4L & Them Frenchize Boys are...good for you.
6 Two from Dr. Dre's "2001" album just dropped his first solo, a couple of months ago. It's very solid. I would post some songs, but I don't have it ripped on my PC right now.
Prime has been my favorite for a while now. hopefully he'll drop a new one this year.
Where Would You Be?
State Of Mind
Head In My Hands
Mississppi in general has been releasing a lot of good albums in the past 6 years. This album was released at the end of 2005. Pure fire.
Mississippi G Walk
Family Creed
And this is a classic EP, period. Released "WAY BACK" in 2001.
City Of T Town
Tha County
Anyone who says the South is crap without actually listening to anything besides what's on Billboard 200 needs to be banned.
<>Word Is Bond<>
Giggity Gi