Yeah, I agree with your points. But you don't see Apple as being different today than what they were back in..96? When Jobs was fired? More money, a more diverse lineup of products? More success in general?
The inter-connectedness of Google's products is too much for Apple to compete with. They can't compete with Search (an important factor because of course Google can basically predict the future, where people's interests and frustations are based upon analysis of search results). They can't compete with YouTube, where again the analysis of search and statistics basically DEFINE the entire planet in every aspect. They can't compete with Maps, whose location statistics are invaluable in terms of what locations are popular, which is a big part of their upcoming "Google Deals" application, offering deals and coupons to visitors of businesses and helping to provide relevant search content. They can't compete with Gmail. And, as I've said from the start - they can't compete with Android in terms of it's business model and they will be relegated to a minority market share like they have been with OSX.
And about MacOS, that's a huge part of the company, but what about reports of the iPad generating enough revenue to be its own company? Sure, a good bit of hipsters buy an iPad for the fuck of it, but I know plenty of people that use it professionally, as a physician, engineer, etc. Sure, there are other tablets but again, back to the popularity thing, the iPad was first and got a strong hold of the tablet market, much like the iPhone did. These upcoming Android tablets, especially those with the Tegra 2, look to really make a dent, especially since the iPad 2 specs haven't been released yet, but I think it'll take some time.
Android tablets are the future for the same reason Android phones are. The open nature. Example - have you used the WiiRemote app? It let's you use a WiiMote as the control interface for any Android app. The other day, I was playing emulators on my G2 using the Wii Classic Controller (basically looks like a SNES controller). Imagine doing something like on the XOOM - it would be epic. I mean, sure you can probably do this on iOS but you have to jailbreak it, then open up the filesystem via SSH to put ROMs in specific folders and all this other shit which most people aren't gonna do. Android is open enough whereby anyone can write a driver to make hardware work and then it's right there. There's a million ways that can be used. With the USB inputs, you just need a simple USB host driver and Android can then support any USB device on the planet with the right drivers. Unlike Apple who force you to use THEIR small range of accessories and what not.
Yes, Android tablets will take some time to overcome the iPad. For sure. It'll take at least a year. But it WILL happen. The first Android tablet isn't out yet. I don't count the Galaxy Tab or others like the Notion Ink because they don't have Honeycomb and aren't sanctioned by Google. So it makes me think back to September 08, a month before the G1 came out. The tech world was buzzing about a new operating system, but we all knew it was going to take a couple of years to become a threat to anyone. And look where we're at now. I predict the same for Android tablets, but in a shorter space of time. It's the same deal. A number game. A range of great hardware from the likes of Moto, HTC, Samsung, LG, Sony etc.
No doubt, I think Apple is gonna be eclipsed again, I guess it's their fault for letting the phone market go with just one phone and the tablet market go with just one tablet (3G vs. WiFi, I don't think, really counts).
Oh well, more power to em. It would be quite a fall for Apple this time around, if it were to happen. At least last time, not many people owned Macs in relation to Windows.
Oh well, more power to em. It would be quite a fall for Apple this time around, if it were to happen. At least last time, not many people owned Macs in relation to Windows.
Jobs was much more useful when Apple had to grow and find its own direction. Now they have their position settled in the mainstream but Jobs has that amazing ability to sell piece-of-shit products as the-most-awesome-thing-ever. A lot of Apple products would fail without him.
In short, with Steve Jobs even the most stupid idea gets sold, people want it despite the fact that nobody needs it and the market follows with their better versions of that because Apple can't do things really well but people still buy Apple because "it's the original and it's Apple".
Without Jobs I think that Apple couldn't launch new products with the same success and people wouldn't get blinded to buy them to the same extent. The competition wouldn't really be so desperate to follow and they would move their own ways.
Bare in mind that Apple products aren't what you buy driven by a reasonable and educated decision. People buy them because Apple makes them want it and Jobs is what creates that "magic".
In short, with Steve Jobs even the most stupid idea gets sold, people want it despite the fact that nobody needs it and the market follows with their better versions of that because Apple can't do things really well but people still buy Apple because "it's the original and it's Apple".
Without Jobs I think that Apple couldn't launch new products with the same success and people wouldn't get blinded to buy them to the same extent. The competition wouldn't really be so desperate to follow and they would move their own ways.
Bare in mind that Apple products aren't what you buy driven by a reasonable and educated decision. People buy them because Apple makes them want it and Jobs is what creates that "magic".
I've seen and heard so many Apple fans repeating his phrases verbatim. Like some sort of mantra. It's pretty disturbing.