russia got a desrved win ill say that. but we were so poor. wtf was that? where was the urge of the firsdt 3 matches??? wtf wtf wtf. this is the oly fucking time i ever thought, this is gonna be our year, this is it, we become champuions with this footbnall. and fuck fuck fuck this shit. they fucking sucked. typically dutch. goddammint.
and to all you motherfuckers to whom I wsihed speedy deathes, and raped families, yeah well, the insuklts still stands, triple fold.
gho and fuck yourself for thniking its funny we lost this way. yeh we played ammazingly first 3 mathes and everyone expected us to win. we sucked, the russians ruled. thjats that,.
gop and eatr fucking cock for throwing funnies. thats pure fucking goddamn jealopusy. seb, go and die with your anti-football. bobby and thuggy and whcih ever asshole tried to be funny fuck off, you're not even present, yoyur teams nebver played like we did and do, fuck off
die all