And here we go, the truth starts coming out:
“Nearly 14% of people tested in the first phase of a coronavirus antibody study in New York state tested positive, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday. About one-fifth, 21.2%, of positive results were throughout New York City. Downstate, including Long Island, Westchester and Rockland counties, accounted for 28.4% of cases. According to the results, Cuomo said, the infection rate means that 2.7 million people could be infected across the state, which has a population of about 19 million.”
Okay, it’s just a first-phase study. But if it’s even close to 14% for NY state, that’s big. If we just round off the whole country to a low 8%, that’s about 25.6 million people, which was my low estimate. I originally came up with 8-15% by figuring it came here in Dec and spread like a cold virus, and that's the numbers we would see. This would mean the mortality rate would go down to something like the flu. So we didn't have to shut down? No, we did because unlike the flu we don't have a vaccine. So more will get covid and more elderly and immune-compromised will die. Also, covid can give anyone the nastiest kind of pneumonia that barely gives symptoms until the lungs are in critical condition.
The only way to partially open society before there’s an effective vaccine is to wait for the numbers to stabilize and then to have a proper testing, tracking and tracing system set up. Period. But that won't happen because people need to make money and Trump sucks, so we'll probably see a second wave and then a third this winter that might be the worst.
“Nearly 14% of people tested in the first phase of a coronavirus antibody study in New York state tested positive, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday. About one-fifth, 21.2%, of positive results were throughout New York City. Downstate, including Long Island, Westchester and Rockland counties, accounted for 28.4% of cases. According to the results, Cuomo said, the infection rate means that 2.7 million people could be infected across the state, which has a population of about 19 million.”
Okay, it’s just a first-phase study. But if it’s even close to 14% for NY state, that’s big. If we just round off the whole country to a low 8%, that’s about 25.6 million people, which was my low estimate. I originally came up with 8-15% by figuring it came here in Dec and spread like a cold virus, and that's the numbers we would see. This would mean the mortality rate would go down to something like the flu. So we didn't have to shut down? No, we did because unlike the flu we don't have a vaccine. So more will get covid and more elderly and immune-compromised will die. Also, covid can give anyone the nastiest kind of pneumonia that barely gives symptoms until the lungs are in critical condition.
The only way to partially open society before there’s an effective vaccine is to wait for the numbers to stabilize and then to have a proper testing, tracking and tracing system set up. Period. But that won't happen because people need to make money and Trump sucks, so we'll probably see a second wave and then a third this winter that might be the worst.
Basically, if it comes out by this Fall, will it be a recommended shot like the flu vaccine is every year? Or would you need to meet certain criteria to get access to it, kind of like how the testing process is now (requires that you show symptoms)?