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Samsung will “respond strongly” over Apple lawsuit

By Kate O'Brien on April 19, 2011 at 3:47pm in Mobile News

Apple spent $5.7 billion on components with Samsung last year, but in a strange move yesterday they filed a lawsuit claiming that Samsung copied their “technology, user interface and innovative style”. In response to this news Samsung stated they “will respond actively to this legal action taken against us through appropriate legal measures to protect our intellectual property… Apple is one of our key buyers of semiconductors and display panels. However, we have no choice but respond strongly this time”.
The good news for this legal case is that we get some solid numbers regarding Apple products. The court filings show slightly higher numbers for the iPhone, iPad and iPod than what Apple communicated during their recent earnings report. ThisIsMyNext noted that as of March 2011 Apple has sold 108 million iPhones, 60 million iPod touch and 19 million iPads.

Source: Yahoo!
Via: 9to5Mac


lmao. Idiot Apple


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Well, first of all, 10% of those iOS statistics come from users with multiple devices.

And secondly, that's iOS users, not iPhone users. Given that Android Honeycomb has been out for less than 2 months, and there has only been one device with any kind of decent marketing (the XOOM), and given that Google have yet to even pursue the market of PMP's like the iPod Touch, it's not particularly surprising and it's also fairly meaningless. The battle is for the smartphone market. Nothing else matters. By it's very nature, the smartphone market cannibalizes the PMP market because people don't want to carry multiple devices. Hence, Cisco killing off FlipCam last week.

And the tablet market is still unproven. Both my cousins who had iPads sold them after using them less and less over the weeks. Although I love my NookColor and it's super convenient when travelling for example, I haven't even picked it up in over 10 days. Again, because for almost all of it's uses, I can do the same thing on my phone or laptop. Which is kinda what people have been saying from the beginning. The only thing I do exclusively on the tablet is read e-books.


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I saw my sister and her boyfriend yesterday. My sister has been using an iPhone 3GS since it came out and her boyfriend uses an iPhone 4. Every time we see them, at some point the convo turns to Android VS iOS. I never made any headway up until last Xmas when they were visibly impressed by my cousins Galaxy S and my new G2.

The following conversation happened at the dinner table.

Sisters BF sees me open up my app tray on G2 and flick through it
"whoa - are those all apps?"

Me - "Yeah. I have about 200 installed right now"
Him - "And you don't get any slow down or lag?"
Me - "No"
Sister - "It's DEFINITELY not an iPhone then. I was thinking about getting the new iPhone 5 in June but then I heard it's been delayed till September. I don't want to wait that long and I think I want an Android now anyway"
Me - "You're on the O2 network, right? I think they're getting the new Sony Xperia Arc. Super thin, BRAVIA display technology and the camera and lens are on par with the high-end digital cameras they make"
Sis - "That sounds wicked, I might get that!"

Walls officially broken down :D


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I'm on a family plan with my sister and 2 of our friends. Family plan is way cheaper. Between the 4 of us we get 3000 minutes, unlimited everything else including data (i'm not sure if it's capped, I don't know that I've ever used enough for it to be). We each pay about 60 a month. An individual plan for that is 79.99 I believe. I wish we we're able to do custom plans, I'd have like 15 minutes a month and then unlimited everything else lol. A couple of my friends on Verizon pay upwards of 90+ for similar plans, AT&T isnt too far behind. You'll be in Seattle right? YOu should ask sofi about local companies like metro pcs


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I'm on a family plan with my sister and 2 of our friends. Family plan is way cheaper. Between the 4 of us we get 3000 minutes, unlimited everything else including data (i'm not sure if it's capped, I don't know that I've ever used enough for it to be). We each pay about 60 a month. An individual plan for that is 79.99 I believe. I wish we we're able to do custom plans, I'd have like 15 minutes a month and then unlimited everything else lol. A couple of my friends on Verizon pay upwards of 90+ for similar plans, AT&T isnt too far behind. You'll be in Seattle right? YOu should ask sofi about local companies like metro pcs
Imma be in Portland, dunno if they have Metro PCS there. I just looked at all the sites for the 4 major carriers and the plans all seem equally shitty lol. T-Mobile and Sprint seem to have better deals than AT&T and VZW tho.

But they're all more than I'm used to here, for sure.


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^Portland. A place that wishes to be Seattle. :p

Anyway, here, you have a choice between Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T. I assume it's the same for PDX.

I'm on a family plan as well, with T-Mobile. I have no idea how much my sister is paying, all I know is I give her 45-50 bucks a month, which covers the $9.99 additional line within the family plan and the data plan + the retarded taxes they have.


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^Portland. A place that wishes to be Seattle. :p
Not really. We have no sales tax and don't have to pump our own gas :D

Anyway, here, you have a choice between Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T. I assume it's the same for PDX.

I'm on a family plan as well, with T-Mobile. I have no idea how much my sister is paying, all I know is I give her 45-50 bucks a month, which covers the $9.99 additional line within the family plan and the data plan + the retarded taxes they have.
Yeah, those are the main providers in PDX too. Wife was on T-Mobile, but switched to Verizon recently. I'll have to see how much cheaper it works out if we can get a family plan.


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Not really. We have no sales tax and don't have to pump our own gas :D
I was joking. PDX is the shit. I'll be hitting it up soon. For sure in August for a wedding.

As far as taxes, Oregon has an income tax and Washington doesn't. Ask the Oregonians what they would prefer. :D Income taxes suck balls.


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This seems surprisingly usable as a desktop setup especially being the phone version of Android. I wonder what it would be like to run Honeycomb like that but with a touch screen too.



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Anybody know when the Xperia Play will come out in the states and also who is getting it? I know verizon is gonna get it but i really dont wanna go with them since they have such shitty data plans. I'm hoping Tmobile gets it just like in the UK.

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