ATI_RAGE_ said:
Did you see the movie? Makes it sound like the owner of the buildings had a part to play in it. Then they accuse Israel of having previous knowledge and also Egypt. Then the author wonders how they knew who the hijackers were.
Lets see you have 4 or 5 arabs on each of the planes, on the same day, and they are all hijacked and used to attack people. Let's look at a passenger list and see who is on the plane, I think some people here have never booked a seat on a plane before.
thats not the whole movie
you dont make any i said your on a lower level of thinking and need to educate yourself on the un ethical practices of the elite run goverment
and the president of egypt said he "warned the americans" these are not accusation's
oh and isnt the owner just lucky huh??he payed $100 million down and ends up with almost $8 billion double the insurance policy
listen idiot the passenger list has nothing to do with the facts that
they had them all pictured and had massive amounts of information just days later...thats the point!
not that they just had the names
your a brick wall so go back to sleep
and stop posting shit and saying i said it or implying that i had said it
you have no facts just assumption's with a bunch of ego laughing
10 years from now youll be kicking yourself for how stupid you were
have you not read the northwood ducuments or is that wasting your time??