Being a "Moderate" Muslim, I wouldn't just label the desecration and the flushing of the Qur'an down the toilets a criticizim, It's an obvious attack on the religion done to the faces of Muslim prisoners as well. Whatever the pope's intentions were good or bad, he shouldn't have said what he said, Period. He realizes this and now admits and sees that what he said could offend Muslims. But falls short of an apology. Booo hoooo
He wants to make a speech condemning violence he shouldn't have made one that begets violence. This is much bigger than what it seems to you. He's the leader of a population of 1 billion people, saying something as unneccissary as this to that kind of audiance when it could easily be misunderstood by many as a "be careful of those Muslims who are taught nothing but evil." This is a hate seed being planted in the minds of millions.