tupacmansion said:
For all we know this woman may want to live, I mean if it is true that she smiles when she sees ger parents, then why shud she be killed.
well, i believe that it's her subconscient that remebers them...i dont really know how to say it, but loving them makes her happy and thats probably one of the only things that she remembers... it's amazing that she doesn't know how to walk, read, write and talk but that she can remember her parents.... it's cute
on the other had, did you see the way her parents talk to her??? they are treating her like a baby...
they are like "guagagugugagagaguguguggigiaugaugaaa" then she says "ghuuuh??" then her mother is like "oooh she understood what i said!"
i am not laughing at them it's just that it's sad to see a mother desesperate like this....
as for those who say that it wouldn't be right to "kill" her...
well is it better to torture her like this...it's pretty logical that no one wants to live like this.
I agree with everything that coolwaterz said...he is right...which is rare
and i agree with luv4pac, they should have treatened her and helped her when it was the right time....but it's too bad that the american heatlh care system sucks major cock....they should have transfered her to canada
and i personally think that every man/woman should write some document that says if they should let them die when they are living like veggies...pardon the term used here