1. Yea, Im sure iPhone users everywhere are switching to android because they cant use Google voice :*(
Yes, they are actually. One prominent person who has done exactly that, is TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington, one of the biggest names in the tech world.
I Quit The iPhone
I was there in January 2007 when it was announced and I bought the first iPhone as soon as it was available. I happily bought the iPhone 3G a year later. I’ve proudly yelled “I Am A Member Of The Cult Of iPhone.” I’ve been an unabashed cheerleader for the device to all who’ll listen. And I’ve scoffed at developers who said they’d abandon the platform.
But I’m not going to upgrade to the iPhone 3GS. Instead, I’m abandoning the iPhone and AT&T. I will grudgingly pay the $175 AT&T termination fee and then I will move on to another device.
What finally put me over the edge? It wasn’t the routinely dropped calls, something you can only truly understand once you have owned an iPhone (and which drove my friend Om Malik to bail). I’ve lived with that for two years. It’s not the lack of AT&T coverage at home. I’ve lived with that for two years, too. It certainly isn’t the lack of a physical keyboard, that has never bothered me. No, what finally put me over the edge is the Google Voice debacle.
He is far from being the only one.
2. Proof? other than hearsay
Steve Jobs Flips Out, Goes On Anti-Android/Adobe Tirade | Android Phone Fans
Steve Jobs is feeling the heat. In some cases an executive might play the calm, cool and collected gameface, allowing a sense of confidence to convince the masses that yeah, this dude is in control. But not Jobs. At an employee conference/event he was asked about Google and Adobe and went on a tirade that spewed venomous insults at each.
On Google: We did not enter the search business, Jobs said. They entered the phone business. Make no mistake they want to kill the iPhone. We won’t let them, he says. Someone else asks something on a different topic, but there’s no getting Jobs off this rant. I want to go back to that other question first and say one more thing, he says. This don’t be evil mantra: “It’s bullshit.” Audience roars.
Cry me a river. Apple has only been in the phone business for a few years, it isn’t like they’re veterans of the game. He sounds like he has stuck some flag in the ground that provides Apple claim to the phone throne for all of eternity. And regardless, company’s are free to enter new markets. If you don’t think Google and Android have something to do with the recent explosion of phone capabilities/excitement than you’ve got to be on crack.
Google doesn’t want to kill the iPhone – they don’t need to do that. Plus it’s good to have Apple around because competition fuels innovation and Apple certainly has some great ideas. As far as the “Don’t Be Evil” thing? Attacking Google just makes Jobs seem like a nervous wreck that is backed into a corner by the recent iPad debacle.
3. They are protecting their IP nothing wrong with that. Apple wouldn't sue HTC without very high confidence in their legal position.
Apple are making a statement here and nothing else. The patents referred to in the case are to do with Android, so why sue HTC, a hardware manufacturer? Here's why.
1. Apple can't sue Google, because Google would destroy them legally, and Apple (at least right now) DEPEND on Google. They depend on Google Maps, and YouTube.
2. Motorola's DROID is the biggest selling Android phone to date. But Apple can't sue Motorola, because Moto have 25+ years in the telephone industry, and actually hold a SHITLOAD of patents themselves that the iPhone infringes on. Which makes Apple what? Spell it with me - H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E-S.
3. HTC, as a relatively young company, are an easy target.
4. Again little proof of this.
Neowin.net - Apple and Microsoft to team up for iPhone Bing deal?
Apple and Microsoft Teaming Up?
Will Microsoft and Apple Team Up to Fight Google? - PCWorld Business Center
and finally, a quote from one of my friends who loves his iPhone:
If Apple decides to make Bing it's default search engine, I'll be switching to an Android phone
Thats not the point, the point is Google would be fucking stupid to pull support for the iPhone, And Apple would be stupid to not include Google search. The point you cant seem to grasp is them working together because its in both their best interests business wise and for the consumer.
Right now, as it stands, Apple need Google a lot more than Google need Apple.
The point YOU can't seem to grasp is that while your last sentence is true, the scene has been set for a bloody war between the two and pretty much the entire future of computing is at stake. My prediction is that it will end up much like the PC Vs Mac - Apple will have a niche market (5-10%) and Google takes the lions share. In fact, I'd put everything I own in this happening by 2015.
Google wants to be the new Microsoft and hopefully a much better one. Apple have a completely different strategy and always have.
Ironically, with their closed business practices and trigger-happy legal team, Apple are a lot closer to being "the new Microsoft":
Is Apple the New Microsoft? - PCWorld
Don't look now, but the role of the industry's biggest bully is increasingly played by Apple, not Microsoft.
Is Apple the new Microsoft? | The Open Road - CNET News
Apple: The New Microsoft
Opinion: It's official, Apple is the new Microsoft
Androids not taking market share from iPhone, its taking it from Windows mobile and palm etc.
Again I ask why does Apple have to lose for Google to win?
Once again, untrue. In a recent poll, consumers were asked which smartphone platform they were likely to be in the next 12 months. Android came out on top and most of the people polled said that Apple would be their second choice. The evidence is right here - our very own Sandeep14 was almost convinced that he wanted an iPhone, but after doing research of his own, learned the truth - that Android is a superior platform for many reasons, and bought a G1. Again - not the only person that came to this decision.
Microsoft and Palm have lost market share, this is true. But since Android came into the picture prominently, Apple, even though they haven't yet lost market share, the adoption rate has slowed down, meaning that if Android were NOT in the picture, many of the market share that Android currently enjoys would have gone to Apple. Within 12 months, they will be losing market share, and fast.
Oh and this is not your thread you clown Sandeep started it and I wanted to contribute to a discussion with the four people that post in "your" thread.
Oh, do I resemble a clown? That's hilarious. You resemble a leaking rectal cavity who apparently can't count because a lot more than 4 people have contributed to this thread.
My bad though, because this isn't my thread. Sandeep, I'll let you do the honours and make your comment on the above statements, seeing as this is your thread.