This is my thread

Here is a random study I found.

Not all gun owners are the same.

There are low IQ gun owners that love to see jet powered big rigs melt pavement.

There are gun owners that think Trump is an outstanding Christian! lolololololololol

There are cowboys and gals that use guns as an ornament in their zoom meetings.

There are gun owners that know god will not help them in survival.

It's a tool we've used for generations and THOSE policy makers that want more power are surrounded by guns.

>99% of gun owners can go about their entire life not killing any person.

They dupe these people in to buying unnecessary things by instilling fear in them.
Kind of like Big Pharma and consumerist culture in general. :cool:

Bottom line is, I don't expect the motherfucking police to rush in for a rescue.
I expect these first responders to go home to their families when the shit hits the fan.
No hard feelings!

Another take

John Whitehead

The United States is the number one consumer, exporter and perpetrator of violence and violent weapons in the world.

Violence has become America’s calling card.

We are a military culture engaged in continuous warfare.

We have been a nation at war for most of our existence.

We are a nation that makes a living from killing through defense contracts, weapons manufacturing and endless wars.

We are being fed a steady diet of violence through our entertainment, news, sports and politics.

All of the military equipment featured in blockbuster movies is provided—at taxpayer expense—in exchange for carefully placed promotional spots aimed at boosting civic pride in the military, recruiting for the military, and churning out profit-driven propaganda for the military industrial complex. Even reality TV shows have gotten in on the gig.

It’s estimated that U.S. military intelligence agencies (including the NSA) have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows.

This is how you acclimate a population to war.

This is how you cultivate loyalty to a war machine.

This is how, to borrow from the subtitle to the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove, you teach a nation to “stop worrying and love the bomb.”

This is how you sustain the nation’s appetite for war.

You want to stop the gun violence?

Stop the worship of violence that permeates our culture.

Stop treating guns and war as entertainment fodder in movies, music, video games, toys, amusement parks, reality TV, sports and more.

Stop distributing weapons of war (weapons that have no business being anywhere but on a battlefield) to the local police and transforming police into extensions of the military.

Stop exposing young people to the military industrial complex’s pervasive propaganda.

Stop falling for the military industrial complex’s psychological war games.

Salvador Ramos may have pulled the trigger that resulted in the mayhem in Uvalde, Tex., but something else is driving the madness.
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
"AR" is such a hop topic word and not based on reality, handguns account for most gun murders here!

America is not Scotland!! :p It wouldn't matter much to ban them. Criminals and wackos that shoot grandmas and kids aren't stopping with the ban.

The bitch that killed Eli Hart - shot him 9 times with a shotgun and she drove around with the mess in her car trunk!!!!! I think the problem goes beyond guns.
America is not Scotland. That's your argument. Culturally there is not a lot of difference between the USA and Scotland. There's definitely greater difference between Scotland and France or Scotland and Germany.

Yeah. As much as I think Scottish people are thick as fuck, they're smarter than the average American... So there is that

I'm not going to go through every single one of those tired overused arguments you've typed above. They are easily argued against and absolute nonsense. But you've proven that you're an idiot who isn't open to debate or evidence that goes against your beliefs. And I don't care enough
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I lived in a country with "experts" that always compared its national interests to things happening in America.

I think its Apples and Oranges. Just a pet peeve of mine.

I think school shooting in Scotland stopped happening because it wans't happening that much to begin with?

Statistically, Mass shootings in American schools saw a rise starting in the 90s.

I'm not going to go through every single one of those tired overused arguments you've typed above. They are easily argued against and absolute nonsense.
Maybe, just trying to figure out what makes America so special in this regard. It's a tough puzzle.
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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I lived in a country with "experts" that always compared its national interests to things happening in America.

I think its Apples and Oranges. Just a pet peeve of mine.

I think school shooting in Scotland stopped happening because it wans't happening that much to begin with?

Statistically, Mass shootings in American schools saw a rise starting in the 90s.

Maybe, just trying to figure out what makes America so special in this regard. It's a tough puzzle.
I've been to America, various parts 100s of times. I know lots of Americans personally

How many times have you been to Scotland? How many Scottish people do you know?

In fact, how often have you even left America. That is typical of too many Americans. You know fuck all about the world, because you never leave your country
Cop aren't liable to protect you. Only when you're in their custody do you get protection.

Anybody thinking that pigs are coming for a rescue needs a wake up call.

How many times have you been to Scotland? How many Scottish people do you know?
None and zero. I'm biracial and multicultural if that helps.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Cop aren't liable to protect you. Only when you're in their custody do you get protection.

Anybody thinking that pigs are coming for a rescue needs a wake up call.
Our Police aren't armed generally...

I don't know why you assume to know how I feel all the time. But due to my run ins in my youth, I'm not a fan of the police. I don't feel scared either though. Maybe that's something you should work on. Being scared of everything


Knock, Knock...
Staff member

Again, this may happen in other countries with other religions too but maybe the history of the US, which is very different from most other countries, has lead to a divide that just grows bigger and bigger.
It's ironic because the US purposely split state and church and yet you have so many extreme forms of religion. In the UK our head of state and church are the same and yet the majority of people aren't religious. Even those that consider themselves Christian, are extremely moderate and what they really mean is that aren't ready to give up that God crutch. They don't go to church

Like everything in the USA, it's driven by money. Money in religion, money in guns. So both are here to stay


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I heard the PD of that Texas town is going to be investigated as to how they handled the situation and I hope these cops are jailed. Fired is not enough, send them to jail for basically being accomplices to murder.
It's a low one but I hope! It should go to the Supreme Court to hold them accountable!!
But, I'm not too fond of governments making a big business out of law enforcement. Second, laws of community should be created by the community and not by a group of corrupt unrepresentatives in far off place.

It was really simple for cops to check doors of every school, EVERYDAY, but they failed. These kinds of failures are happening in many places of society.

Police say security video shows the back door of Robb Elementary was propped open by a teacher.

Banning something that already exist in large numbers (that people want) is not the solution. period.


Uvalde school district was part of AI program that rooted out potential mass killers and monitored social media for threats and potential shooters

Moar security! Moar funding!

Retired federal agent may have known about plans for the Buffalo shooting ahead of the massacre, report says

But of course - the powers like it when we know.
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>$40 billion for Nazis.

Gun ban for Americans.

You know what some of us are thinking.



For whatever its worth-

I don't want to come across as a victim blamer, but nothing gets solved if we ignore the focal point and jump straight to "healing time" or "ban scary stuff" --- Ramos was a troubled child. An 18 year old kid. It's possible that his emotional intelligence was less than that of some children in that school. I don't know the circumstances, but like many, due to his mental problems and because of an arbitrary number of 18, it was deemed appropriate to kick this child out of the household.

There's a huge identity crisis in this world - for sure. Some people shouldn't have children or cars or freedom. There's a constant pressure in society to attain those status symbols. That's our religion now, and it's time we start teaching children that those things are promoted for the benefit of bankers. By the time an adult child become accustomed to the system, they repeat the vicious cycle again by throwing out phrases like "it's for the children's joy". The collapse of the false reality, meticulously created image of the empire, is compound.

Older Americans like to bring out fading memories of how America was so much better 50 years ago. But what they fail to grasp is that it's not 50 years ago. People are the same, but reality is different.
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I bet KC police get "anti-terrorism training" by a foreign agency. :rolleyes: When I saw a police hancho at the Chauvin trial coverage claiming that they don't teach cops to kneel - I voiced out "BULLSHIT!!"

Minneapolis 3rd precinct literally retreated during the riot and let white hippies burn the place down.

Loads of cops filed "PTSD" disability in the following weeks.

Remember that cop that shot an innocent woman because "somebody tapped the police car" and he got scared? That one was a fast tracked "diversity hire", we all know this.

Of course, the common idea tossed around is more and more police but I know some of these coppers get double 6-fig pension and they asking for more funding. Fuck em.

Stop the indoctrination and maybe less "average Americans", unable to tell a difference between a taser and a gun will decide to join the force.

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Canada, which has ridiculously strict gun laws relative to some US states and nowhere near the crime rate of its southern neighbor just banned handguns. Trudeau playing tag team match with Brandon.


Well-Known Member
I will say this. I honestly believe that to come to the point of having an America with the same gun laws as the rest of the western world, is as insurmountable as the process required to make Russia a democracy. It's not that the idea on paper is wrong, but there's no easy way to execute it without civil war probably.

Ideally, we should have gone back to the start of the USA and implemented the gun control culture before it grew unruly and out of control. But then, every settler would have been scalped and there would be no US maybe. Now it's so embedded in American life that it's gonna require a surgery to get it out, and that means cutting open and lots of blood. I don't know what the solution is, but comparing gun policy with gun killings statistics leaves no question about what the reason is. The coincidence is too great. But the logical solution which is that the government make some federal laws, just isn't feasible right now. Even though it's the only solution. I can just picture rednecks on hilltops next to their ranches just unloading on police cars that come to confiscate their guns, yelling out the names of the founding fathers and believing God is on their side. It's not gonna be pretty.

Russia is the same. So many russians support Putin. They're Russia's version of gun-loving, gun-toting americans that will never part with their right to protect themselves or their land. Likewise, if someone somehow managed to become the Russian president on a democratic platform, there's gonna be so many revolts. It's the only way, but the price in human life isn't negligible. This is difficult stuff. But let's be for real about what's actual. More guns in circulation means easier access means for any random person that suddenly gets it in their head that they wanna go ahead and do something, guns are everywhere. It's no problem. I mean, you can't shoot guns if there are no guns to shoot. And the more guns there are to shoot, the more guns will be shot. Let's just be for real about that.
"This country was built on gangs. I think this country is still run on gangs. Republicans, Democrats, the police department, the FBI, the CIA... those are gangs. I had a correctional officer tell me, "We the biggest gang in New York state."

Now it's so embedded in American life that it's gonna require a surgery to get it out, and that means cutting open and lots of blood.
Your can take a cancer out of the body but you can't take violence out of human psyche. It's something we relied on for thousands of years, way before gun powder came along.

Source: UNODC


People think our current way of life is the best and most advanced but one could also claim that we're in a freak show stage of human experiment.

"Paleolithic warlessness" persisted until well after the appearance of Homo sapiens some 315,000 years ago, ending only at the occurrence of economic and social shifts associated with sedentism, when new conditions incentivized organized raiding of settlements.

Of the many cave paintings of the Upper Paleolithic, none depicts people attacking other people explicitly, but there are depictions of human beings pierced with arrows both of the Aurignacian-Périgordian (roughly 30,000 years old) and the early Magdalenian (c. 17,000 years old), possibly representing "spontaneous confrontations over game resources" in which hostile trespassers were killed; however, other interpretations, including capital punishment, human sacrifice, assassination or systemic warfare cannot be ruled out.

I can just picture rednecks on hilltops next to their ranches just unloading on police cars that come to confiscate their guns, yelling out the names of the founding fathers and believing God is on their side. It's not gonna be pretty.
That's just a picture my friend. Progressives or liberals have been buying guns too. Hillbillies stays in the hills and screw cousins - they are not really a concern in my book. You can talk the talk but it means nothing when buildings are on fire, shit popping off all around and you can't get a hold of emergency services. You have to lie to your children that they are protected.

The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29, 1890,] near Wounded Knee Creek (Lakota: Cankpe Opi Wakpala). On the day before, a detachment of the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment commanded by Major Samuel M. Whitside intercepted Spotted Elk's (Big Foot) band of Miniconjou Lakota and 38 Hunkpapa Lakota near Porcupine Butte and escorted them 5 miles (8.0 km) westward to Wounded Knee Creek where they made camp. The rest of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, led by Colonel James Forsyth, surrounded the encampment, supported by four Hotchkiss guns.

On the morning of December 29, 1890, the troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle, saying he had paid a lot for it. A scuffle over Black Coyote's rifle escalated and a shot was fired, which resulted in the 7th Cavalry opening firing indiscriminately from all sides, killing men, women, and children, as well as some of their fellow troopers. Those few Lakota warriors who still had weapons began shooting back at the troopers, who quickly suppressed the Lakota fire. The surviving Lakota fled, but U.S. cavalrymen pursued and killed many who were unarmed.

In the end, U.S. forces killed at least 150 men, women, and children of the Lakota Sioux and wounded 51 (four men, and 47 women and children, some of whom died later); some estimates placed the number of dead at 300. Twenty-five troopers also died, and thirty-nine were wounded (six of the wounded would also die). Many Army deaths were believed to have been caused by friendly fire, as the shooting took place at close range in chaotic conditions.
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