This is my thread


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I disagree. I think money solves all of those. Money can buy status. People respect status. Women want status and security and can love a man for it. Money also brings a lot self esteem, and you can get a lot from the top of the pyramid using money to do college courses for example, at your leisure.

If you have an unlimited amount of money what can't you buy?

Why do women love Bernie Eccleston? Or would you say that isn't love. What is "love"? A chemical reaction in the brain?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ah, Mr Maslow.
I see money as a booster - it's like a nitro to your car - when you drive in the right direction money will help you achieve that big time. It can even help you with self-actualization - for example if you want to spend your day in a cool way you have more (often cooler) options with money, you can help more people if that's what you want, enroll best university courses etc. But you need to genuinely want to do it, and be capable of doing that - otherwise it's all worthless. Enrolling for the same course for the fifth time just because you can afford it will not make you feel better, especially if you're not capable of handling that course. It will make you feel more depressed.

I think that no girl will stand by you only for your money - money will boost your chances, but will not buy them completely. If you start from zero you won't get much for your money only. You can buy temporary sex, but if you're an ugly asshole you will feel that even the whore hates her job while doing you. You'd hate that feeling too. You'd begin to hate yourself and scream that money isn't worth anything, and you'd die lonely.

The way I see it - to be happy you have to be good-enough as a person, having hopes and dreams and being capable of making them come true, and if you're not capable of doing that you have to improve yourself until that point. Then if it comes to money - you need only enough to get you there. Anything more is a luxury you will not appreciate in the long run anyway, and will prevent you from appreciating little great things and will often shift the focus from things that make you happy.


Staff member
I disagree. I think money solves all of those. Money can buy status. People respect status. Women want status and security and can love a man for it. Money also brings a lot self esteem, and you can get a lot from the top of the pyramid using money to do college courses for example, at your leisure.

If you have an unlimited amount of money what can't you buy?

Why do women love Bernie Eccleston? Or would you say that isn't love. What is "love"? A chemical reaction in the brain?
Status isn't respect. If a woman loves you for the status and security, she doesn't love you for you. So again, not real love. You can't get the top of the pyramid from college courses. No one went to college and stopped being prejudiced. There's plenty of college educated who refuse facts. But the top of the pyramid shouldn't be looked at by everything mentioned inside it but what it represents - self-actualization. Self-actualization is basically the idea that you know who you are, you know yourself deep inside, you know your potential, and you accept yourself for it. Money can help but certainly not guarantee it.

I never heard of that guy. I googled him. He was a race car driver. What's not to love? lol


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah there were rumors circulating for quite some time. There are both positives and negatives to this. The biggest negative is, that Opera might not be the same anymore, and might head in a different direction after this.
But has it been confirmed?


New York's Ambassador
Money doesn't solve love, not really. You're mistaking love for marriage and companionship. The problem with money is that you will never, ever know if you're loved for you or your money. You might say you don't really care, but yes you would care. Money doesn't solve self-esteem problems and depression. Money doesn't solve feeling of inadequacy or a shitty personality. Money doesn't buy true respect. If you're successful and money is the result of success, then the success (as the result of your skill set) will bring you respect. But if you're a trust fund baby, you won't have respect, not really. As Flip said, money can't solve real family problems. Money doesn't solve friendship, not real friendship, because it goes back to issues with love when you have money. Money can't buy loss (of loved ones).
But I was told if my grandma was in the NBA, right now she'd be OK.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Save the wheelchair Jimmy routine. You don't have to work and go to school or raise a kid etc etc. It might be tough cus of the work and what you're learning but don't act like money is an issue. You don't worry about meals and shit like some others.

By no means am I trying to say your spoiled either. I'm not one of those trust fund baby name calling people. Why would I be mad that someones parents made more money than mine ya know. But come on
No one's putting on any routine. I just know that people on this forum are less fortunate than I am and when a little bit of it comes out, people love to jump on it.

Ask my record keeper SOFI. He's my human weighing scale, always there to remind me when my weight is at the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember it.

There are other members on here too that rattle off figures on my life at the drop of a hat. When I embrace the attention, it just makes some of you angrier. And I enjoy it.

Anyway, I was listening to "Nasty" by Nas just now, and I didn't know he had an album coming out this summer. That song was pretty dope, though, and it reminded me of his Stillmatic/ It Was Written days. I yearn for music in the style of that era.

It goes back to what I was saying a few weeks ago about this sharp drop in albums dropping the past year or so. It's all a bunch of names I have never heard of before. I don't listen to the radio, so that might be part of the problem too. But I saw album discussion threads on RGF and it turns out Luda has an album due out soon, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of Lupe, he has one due out soon too.

There needs to be a new Clipse album. I remember the last offering from Jada and Styles, both, sucked and were nothing like Gangster and a Gentleman and Kiss of Death. Maybe a new LOX album too. What about AZ and Cormega? I think T.I. has one due out soon too. He usually does one every year or year and a half.

If it all comes out now, though, then that means another two-plus years of waiting for the next big wave of albums.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Yeah there were rumors circulating for quite some time. There are both positives and negatives to this. The biggest negative is, that Opera might not be the same anymore, and might head in a different direction after this.
But has it been confirmed?
Facebook is ruining everything. And when it dies, it'll take down every thing it sucked inside of it.


VIP Member
Staff member
I disagree. I think money solves all of those. Money can buy status. People respect status. Women want status and security and can love a man for it. Money also brings a lot self esteem, and you can get a lot from the top of the pyramid using money to do college courses for example, at your leisure.

If you have an unlimited amount of money what can't you buy?

Why do women love Bernie Eccleston? Or would you say that isn't love. What is "love"? A chemical reaction in the brain?
Because he is a beautiful man, obviously...



New York's Ambassador
No one's putting on any routine. I just know that people on this forum are less fortunate than I am and when a little bit of it comes out, people love to jump on it.

Ask my record keeper SOFI. He's my human weighing scale, always there to remind me when my weight is at the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember it.

There are other members on here too that rattle off figures on my life at the drop of a hat. When I embrace the attention, it just makes some of you angrier. And I enjoy it.
So much self-righteousness. Ugh. Look Coonie I do OK, no complaints. I have a house and I feed my daughter and I don't have to make sex with wealthy old men. But the truth is, you could make 40 billion dollars tomorrow and I'd still like you and feel sorry for you, because you're a Cubs fan.

Also, SOFI is everyone's record keeper. He likes to gather information. He likes to know things. I don't think there's any sinister intent there. He just has that classic sign of intelligence known as curiosity.


Staff member
There are other members on here too that rattle off figures on my life at the drop of a hat. When I embrace the attention, it just makes some of you angrier. And I enjoy it.
if we for a second believed that the money you enjoy from your parents makes you happy at all, then in some twisted pathetic way, we might feel a bit of envy. but even if that were the case, i wouldn't, and i hope others wouldn't either, because that is lame. all I hope for coming from you is a little bit of humility and compassion. because when well-off people aren't humble and compassionate, they come across as the biggest dicks on the planet. you might not care now, but you will one day. and I know comments like this coming from the less fortunate seem envious but I can live with that.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
The fact we're still talking about this just proves my point.

I can pretend to be a dick about it and not care about what I say because

1. It's the internet
2. I don't know any of you
3. I don't care about any of you

This is to no one in particular, but if you expected of yourself what you expect of others (especially on the internet), you would be out doing great things and wouldn't have time for this board. The fact that we are all here arguing about the same shit year-in and year-out is an ode to the fact nothing has changed and we're all unhappy about it.

Prove me wrong.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
if we for a second believed that the money you enjoy from your parents makes you happy at all, then in some twisted pathetic way, we might feel a bit of envy. but even if that were the case, i wouldn't, and i hope others wouldn't either, because that is lame. all I hope for coming from you is a little bit of humility and compassion. because when well-off people aren't humble and compassionate, they come across as the biggest dicks on the planet. you might not care now, but you will one day. and I know comments like this coming from the less fortunate seem envious but I can live with that.
How am I well off when it's "my parents' money?" Doesn't that fact that I distance my social standing from my parents' tell you that I understand the money isn't "mine."


Staff member
The fact we're still talking about this just proves my point.

I can pretend to be a dick about it and not care about what I say because

1. It's the internet
2. I don't know any of you
3. I don't care about any of you

This is to no one in particular, but if you expected of yourself what you expect of others (especially on the internet), you would be out doing great things and wouldn't have time for this board. The fact that we are all here arguing about the same shit year-in and year-out is an ode to the fact nothing has changed and we're all unhappy about it.

Prove me wrong.
I expect people on this board to share their views and what they really mean because I know it's hard to share controversial views in real life among our co-workers and friends. I don't expect people to be activists and serve the homeless soup on weekend nights. I don't know what you expect of others. I don't expect of you guys to have fabulous jobs, fantastic families, and lives full of adventure. It's not because I don't think you're unable, but because I don't measure people by that. I get off on debate, sarcasm, and from time to time, some real life shit.

A while back, I asked a similar question that you're asking. If you (no one in particular) have frequented this board for a long time, that means there's something that you miss in your life. The board has to serve a more meaningful purpose than "I'm bored at work". That was my assertion. But no one bit or sided with me, really. In return, I was asked what I was missing. Well, most people I come across don't like to engage in controversial conversations. Everyone seems to be stuck on the mundane. Everyone wants to talk about their life and pop culture and sports. No one cares about what you think or what your views are on life, they just want to know what you did over the weekend, if you drive a car, live in the city, and who your favorite sports team is. I have a hard time meeting people who are passionate about...anything. I'm not passionate about anything really and maybe that's how things work. I went on this date you could say with a girl I know from my early college days and she casually mentioned that she's not this intellectual, opinionated girl that I think she is. Funny thing is, we were talking about some stupid shit and didn't even hold a serious conversation at all. But she still noticed that I enjoy things like that and I was kinda saddened to realize that she's just like most girls, obsessed about the mundane.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Talking about controversial matters with people usually requires you to not be a dick. I think that's usually where the problem starts. You yearn for "understanding and compassion" and at the same time you think you know and understand people, yet you show the same lack of compassion you expect from others when you feel they're wrong or being ignorant.


New York's Ambassador
The fact we're still talking about this just proves my point.

I can pretend to be a dick about it and not care about what I say because

1. It's the internet
2. I don't know any of you
3. I don't care about any of you

This is to no one in particular, but if you expected of yourself what you expect of others (especially on the internet), you would be out doing great things and wouldn't have time for this board. The fact that we are all here arguing about the same shit year-in and year-out is an ode to the fact nothing has changed and we're all unhappy about it.
You lost me. Why don't you care about any of us? That's weird. I care about most people on the board. SOFI, Preach, Pitts, ARon, Flip, Casey, Shadows, even fucking Sandeep. I care about them because, uh, why wouldn't I? I'm not on the board because I'm unhappy about anything. I'm on the board because I genuinely enjoy it. I think these guys are smart. They provide a different perspective from what I get in my daily life. That's valuable, I think. That's enough. I also care about you, big guy, and you're gonna have to just shut the fuck up and come on in here for your group hug. Stop trying to fight it.



Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I don't hate anyone either. The thing is, once I get off the site, I don't think about what is said or the people on here. If I seem apathetic on the board, it's because I'm like that in real life. What, there can't be people that don't think drug addicts should be pampered while other disabilities go unnoticed? Or I don't share the same views on dieting, music, religion, etc.?

The different perspectives is what I come here for too, but I hate being labeled elitist because of my views. If someone called me careless, heartless, or like I described myself as, apathetic, fine. I can accept opinions of others. But when it gets personal, about cars, money, lifestyle, etc., that's where I draw the line. Everyone puts theirs out there, but it's weird when it's dragged from one thread to another and used against you.

Again, because the real world isn't so anonymous, I don't share everything with everyone I meet physically. On here, it's just a username and you're done. It's not like people on here know all about me either. But it irks me when one tidbit gets out, it defines you. I guess that's contradictory to what I said about not caring about what's said on here. Then deal with me getting personal too, then.

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